Monday, January 31, 2022

The poet and Tony

Along with being a visual artist and exemplary cook, grand daughter Marie is a poet.  She penned insightful verse which she shared with us yesterday.  I can write folksy prose all day long based on observations of the world but cannot compose poetry.  It takes a special kind of communicator to put their feelings and knowledge into verse.  I hope her teachers encourage this talent. 

Traveling back from Shannons home, I was listening to CSNY on their Pandora station, which is still free by the way with a few commercial announcements.  With all the hubbub about Spotify, this service Is easy to access and at least without cost for time being;  Their song Ohio came on over the speakers. This piece commemorates the assassination of four student protesters at Kent State University by members of the National Guard on May 4, 1970.  It calls out tin soldiers and Nixon coming.  Trying to view this time with a current perspective is sobering.  Remember this was 52 years ago.  I would suspect that today's teens and twenty somethings are not even aware of it.  This event was quite shocking to my 20 year old eyes.

To raise funds for Walden Pond, a group of county artists recorded a collection of Eagles songs in 1993 called Common Thread.  In my mind, this is a brilliant group of tunes sung by accomplished artists.  Alan Jackson singing Tequila Sunrise and Clint Black doing Desperado absolutely ring true.  The record was not country nor rock enough to satisfy defined demographics and It went away quickly.  Consider this one for your listening.  There was also Rhythm, Country and Blues an assortment of duets featuring prominent Black and Country artists singing duets together released in 1994.  This was an ambitious project that could not find a home. I'll bet you know little about this one because no stations played it, a set of brilliant couplings that flopped, an attempt to build bridges. 

More music:

Found myself tearing up watching the final performance of Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga at Radio City Music Hall on 60 Minutes.  Put this guy on stage and he lights up, even in his diminished 95 year old state.  She is the perfect foil for his tenderness,  and he still had pipes!

all for now

stay warm and safe

Friday, January 28, 2022

A kid with a Violin case


Delivering Elijah to the Middle School I saw a little boy, probably a 6th grader carrying a violin case marching toward the building.  I recall our time with Jr. High orchestra at Churchill in Royal Oak.  Jon was beginning his career as a violist and had a wonderful director named Carl Piccolo.  Mr. Piccolo was a short balding man that played violin in an orchestra during WWII for the US Army.  Some of those youthful performances were painful lo listen to but the kind director forged forward and gave his charges their initial training.  Jon went on to be the principal violist for the Metropolitan Youth Symphony as a senior in HS going on the play on to perform Stravinsky's Firebird Suite and Holst's The Planets among others.  Today these 30-40 year old parents will cheer wildly their young musicians just like we did. Also like Dorothy and Ed listened to my squeaking clarinet in the 6th grade band concerts. Time and the generations march on.

Had a great breakfast with friend Jerry.  Our lives have taken different paths and we were both learning to be fathers and husbands with all the pitfalls and joys.  It is truly a gift that we can have time together after 60 years.  We spent a lot of time discussing the pandemic's cause and effect relationship to education, at home learning, limited real social interaction and more.  We agreed that drivers are getting less patient and pulling stunts on the road that are patently illegal and dangerous. 

Andrew had small incident yesterday morning as he was racing out the door.  His Keurig made a mess and he got coffee sludge on his scrubs.  He shouted out that every minute of his time is budgeted, and that additional laundry was not in the time budget. Think of that concept for a moment.  Everything has to fit into the time budget and there is no time for mistakes. That may be the mantra for today's world.

The Royal Oak schools have a records day today and the kids are off.  I guess they will be listening to Please Please Me from their collections of 45's.  I suspect that their students don't know what a 45 is.  I told Eli of my first car yesterday which was a 1971 Volkswagen Beetle (baby blue).  He did not know what a Beetle was.  I further suspect that many of his classmates don't know what a Beatle is either.

That's it
all for now
stay warm and safe

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Cold and Quiet

Its 4:37 in the morning.  Slept good but went to bed before 9pm. Not really hungry yet. This is the beginning of another kid week, miss them and look forward to seeing my crew.  Judy has pretty much recovered from her bug and things will be close to normal. However, it is a spritely 7 degrees out there.  Dressing for this weather can be problematic.  Layers including two tee shirts and a hooded sweatshirt along with down jacket is the best I have got to offer.  

With memories of Pompano Beach from 2020, I recall getting up real early, reading a Grisham novel having my oatmeal and breaking out for a pre sunrise walk in about 65 degrees.  Seeing the sun rising in the east off the coast of our country was continuously inspiring.  If my timing was right, I could catch the sun as she was rising out of the water and take a photo.  There were lots of other walkers to see as well. Lots of Good Mornings were exchanged. Those treks were my morning bliss.

To attain some level of fitness, I have been doing the stairs in the building.  I climb 8 floors with a short break at 7.  Heart rate rises with the exertion but drops quickly.  Don't really like the treadmill anymore. Its boring walking in one place going nowhere. 

Been sitting with crew of assorted residents in the afternoon in the lobby sitting room.  Conversations tend to ramble with a lot of repeating of statements in that hearing is so poor the participants only get snippets of sentences.  Sometimes it can test my patience.  Friend Bill is organizing a hot dog lunch.  He has a dog eared spiral notebook with his ledger of participants showing paid notations.  Costco will have the dogs all prepared and wrapped for him to pickup.  This is the second event he has organized, the first being a New Years Eve day party which was quite a success.  Feeding people is the key.  I made a pizza recently, couldn't eat it all and brought it down.  It was gobbled up in about two minutes. 

The other key is the social interaction.  If you can find happiness in this setting, it is in face to face contact and sharing.  These are the dark days of winter.  We need more parties and chatting and pizza and cookies to share. 

Its 5:14 now and I am done.

all for now

stay safe and warm 


Wednesday, January 26, 2022


We watched a streamed episode of Stephen last night after Jeopardy.  The guests were Kristen Stewart and Jonathan Van Ness, two LGBTQ celebrities.  Both are married to someone of the same gender.  Stewart seemed far too quirky for me and the interviewer never seemed to know which way things were going. Van Ness emerged from the side stage entrance in a flowing orange off the shoulder dress with high heeled sparkling booties. He was very comfortable in his garb.  His claim to fame is his participation in the latest incarnation of Queer Eye.  When the first version of this scenario came out in 2003 it featured Ted Allen the cook now on Chopped and Carson Kressley who is featured in fashion segments on different "lifestyle" shows and three others.  I liked this show because it taught men about how to look, cook, organize their space and maybe be more appealing to their significant others.  It introduced viewers to a differing perspective with valid point of view and seemed to really help out the recipient of their advice.  

I have to admit that Van Ness and his antics bug me.  I know this shows my lack of empathy.  His sashaying across the stage in the flowing dress looks put on.  It may be his true identity and that's his business.  I get transgendered persons that feel they ar trapped in a body they don't belong in.  I get people being attracted to the same gender.  I don't get a person that wants to be referred as "they".  That reference makes me uncomfortable.  To me they means a group of people, not an individual.  

Judy and I had a spirited discussion after this program.  I had to finally admit that my discomfort with the topic of gender fluidity stems from my lack of understanding. Part of it is finding a place I am comfortable in.  While I consider myself a reasonably moral person, this reality, in part ruins my sense of well being.  That problem is mine, and no one else's. 

I finished viewing the fourth season of A Handmaids Tale yesterday.  This second viewing of these episodes fully showed the cathartic rage that June the main character let loose culminated in the group assassination of her captor and torturer Fred Waterford. 

Started for the second time, Game of Thrones which will require some time commitment and tax my memory to remember all the story lines and plot twists as I travel thru the episodes.

Temps will be 5 degrees at sunrise this morning in Berkley.  Wear your long johns

all for now

stay warm and safe

Tuesday, January 25, 2022


Went to have coffee with my cronies this morning and can report that all the conversation was a lively as ever with the major complaint being that the washers and dryers on the first and second floor are not functional.  Those residents will be joining us on the 4th floor to do their wash.  We have two units.  I expect that traffic will increase.  Sometimes it feels like the management here is patting our collective hands. At a bare minimum, we need washing equipment that operates properly. So much for the luxury appointments.  Brought some cookies for the gang that were immediately scarfed up so I could bring back an empty container.

Judy took a 2 mile walk in the 13 degree temps today.  It is sunny at least at this point.  Got herself a new hat that is doing a better job keeping her ears from freezing.  My lovely and stalwart spouse moves forward.

Took a trip to Trader Joes for some provisions this morning as well.  They are out of farro till the end of the month, with manager citing import shortages.  They have no sweet chili sauce either.  It's all the fault of the world wide supply chain shortages.  

So I'm standing in the checkout line and the female cashier asks me about the Up North, Michigan hat I am wearing.  She tells me she is from Leeland Michigan which is close to Sutton's bay.  We swap stories about places we like up there and a small connection is made.  We talked about raclette cheese and the cheesemakers in Leelanau, favorite bars and restaurants.  We say our goodbyes and I feel I've met someone new.  New connections like this cannot be replaced by electronic chats.  This kind of spontaneity is uplifting, kind of gets you through the day. 

The distribution of free N95 masks has begun with Meijer stores being the first locations.  Biden is providing 3M 8210 masks to this area.  In my working days we sold many cases of this item to the auto industry.  North probably has another portion of the distribution perhaps in another part of the country.

We ordered our free Covid Rapid tests via email as well.  They will be delivered by the stripped down US Postal Service run by Trump appointee Louis DeJoy.  With this guy at the helm, maybe we will see some by summer. 

all for now

stay warm and safe

Sunday, January 23, 2022


 It's Sunday and it's snowing.  January in Michigan so it should come as no surprise. I shrunk one of Judy's sweater finds in the washer this morning.  It must be made from wool.  Now it will fit a small child.  Acquired some bags of loose tea in differing flavors.  Bought a "tea ball" to brew the stuff.  Little fragments of the leaves escaped the contraption.  Now I have floaters.  Flavor is good but it may be more trouble than its worth.  I might dispose of the whole enterprise.

Shannon is watching B and the B and I am contemplating the day.  Saw Dickman with his dog outside in the weather. As I have explained before, Shannon stays in a pleasant, caring group home.  One of her housemates is a little guy named Austin.  He has some genetic condition that places him near death in his twenties.  He has few family members that do little to care for him.  The home manager does her best along with the rest of the staff.  There is little close connection for him even as the end of his days approach. My heart breaks for this guy.  We recognized that Shannon needed advocates when she started her life and continues to do so.  Austin has professional help.  There is a difference.  A loving touch will dry tears and comfort pain.  The life he has been given makes me ask many questions about some sort of plan for him.  Break my body instead.  I deserve it.

Too much preaching

Cleaning today, carpets and washing the kitchen floor.  Going to roast some chicken thighs in the oven for future meals, a good source of protein.  Glucose has been somewhat stabilized in the 120's for a few days.  I must be eating right.  Now we are on a Looney Tunes marathon.  HBO Max has these back to the forties,  a time when political correctness was not even thought of.  Got my cleaning done along with the laundry.  Gawd I hate dusting.  I cannot really see the dirt but I go over it anyway.  

Saw Christine Baranski streaming on Stephen last night.  What a stunning and articulate woman, dressed in beautiful appropriate fashion.  She could give lessons. She is part of a new historical drama on HBO, The Gilded Age which we will give a try.  Told of her time with Stephen Sondheim.  Steve had another talentless musical guest.  I could suggest acts for him to bring on that would be more entertaining and at least proficient musicians. 

All for now

stay warm and safe (not too much slipping and sliding)

Saturday, January 22, 2022

At ease

Today I feel at ease not stressed out about the details of life or filled with anticipation of the things the need accomplishing. Maybe its because I am wearing my new favorite article of clothing, a used North Face zip up sweater/sweatshirt with side pockets. I had one of these from Lands End while I was working and rarely took  it off.  After about 3 years, I finally killed it and it had to be tossed.  I got my latest find from St. Vincents Thrift shop for about 3 bucks.  This garment just feels like I have owned and worn it forever.

I am new to discovering resale shops.  This place has half off on Fridays if you purchase a bag for 10 bucks.  There are discounts for veterans and for seniors on some days. The finds were amazing and after a quick wash, looked like they were just unwrapped.  

Woke up early as usual and felt myself sinking into the couch relaxed.  I have been able to lessen back pain by focussing on that part of me and thinking thru it.  Mind you, its not excruciating, but annoying.  Burnt thru half of my phone battery scrolling and got rolling.

My wife is a fan of the show Ordinary Joe.  I am not.  For me there are too many stories going on at once and I get lost as they transition between the narratives.  Streamed it last night and I was as confused as ever with her constant explanations needed.  

Its a Shannon day and I will be picking her up at about 3.  It will be cold but no ice or snow. 

Still wearing my new sweater, don't know when I will take it off.

Received some interesting responses to my FB blog post about Cannabis.  Much was said about the valuable medicinal uses of the plant.  All the points are valid.  Nice to see the comments on this subject.

Read an inspiring story this morning in Humans of New York.  This man, Tony Hillery was a successful business man running a company that provided car service to New Yorkers.  The business went bust in the wake of the pandemic.  After floundering around the house, he marched in to an elementary school and asked the principal what could he do to erase childhood poverty.  She put him to workin the lunchroom as a monitor.  He noticed the trash strewn lot across the street from the school, cleaned up the area and without gardening experience,  started planting food.  The kids joined in, most of which are living in shelters.  He forged friendships with the students who called him Mr. Tony and discovered what was important in life.  Now there is a book, Harlem Grown about the project.  One man can make a difference;

all for now
stay warm and safe



Friday, January 21, 2022


Was fed up with the constant concern over my hair and decided to get it all cut off.  This is very freeing.  No more parting, brushing and placing, just towel off and go.  Where a hat and not worry about removing it and the outcome.  I think I will stick with this for a while. For freedom, women can opt to let it grow out and tie it back.  It took Judy about a year to get to the desired result.  Old men with long hair just look unkempt in my opinion, especially if they have a stubbily face.

Learned my diabetes drug tripled in cost with the new year.  Called the customer service number Aetna provided and was delivered a canned pitch by a representative obviously reading from a prepared script for her answers.  There was no point in raising my ire with this woman probably sitting in a call center in Mumbai.  She was doing her best with the info provided.  I am sure she is not getting rich on the phone.  Switching to the other guy with a better deal.  It's kind of like cable TV negotiations.

My kind Judy has been helping a few women in the building with TV connections.  For some of these residents, managing their media is like piloting a space ship.  They get overwhelmed.  I admire her patience and perseverance. 

Been trying to improve my glucose numbers with natural means.  Meal timing seems to be one of the most important things for me.  Have resorted to having a very small meal in the evening with the main meal being around 2pm.  Have been on the lookout an enjoyable item and found it in Icelandic Style yogurt.  I don't know, maybe they make it with condensed volcanic steam.  I has some taste as opposed to the plain greek style and its tartness.  They have this stuff at Trader Joes.  Throw some raspberries on the top and its a winner with good consistency and texture. 

Its cold out there this morning 8 degrees at present time.  Harry will not be pleased to take care of his business when he gets up today. Hoping to go hiking later today when the temps rise into the twenties.  Need some of that sunny fresh air.

In a lost key update, they were turned in at the office by some resident and returned to us yesterday after sitting there for about a week.  This closes the circle on the mystery.

Its really silly how you can get caught up with the characters in show.  For the first seasons of New Amsterdam there was a venerable and wise Indian doctor Vijay Kapoor, played by Anupam Kher.  I loved this guy with his warmth and sincerity. He framed sad circumstances in a positive and hopeful light.  In the last episode, he dies. With the memory of this portrayal, I am choked up. How stupid is that? It's a guy on a show not my favorite uncle.  

that's it.

all for now

stay safe and warm

Thursday, January 20, 2022

The morning and Cannabis

 So it is now bout 6:40 in the morning.  We have an actual day off today, a quiet day with few responsibilities.  It should be cold but sunny. Working to get my Storyworth book published with some glitch in the editing;  Asking more questions of Taylor my helper there.  Made an omelette with bacon, eggs and cheese, creating an enormous mess to be cleaned up and debris stuck to my cast iron pan.  Thats the morning so far.

Been thinking about legalized recreational marijuana lately.   When I was in my impressionable twenties, I smoked a little (really a little).  It burned my throat and I endured it to get high and feel silly and uninhibited.  Thats it, no spiritual experience, just high and silly.  Now remember that framed by the upsurge in production, growing mills, stores, strains of the plant and a growing business model.  Are we promoting high and silly?  We now have a multi million dollar industry devoted to high and silly. I am not counting
the help for Parkinson's, nausea during chemo or other medicinal uses.  Pot is a real help in those circumstances.  I am talking about high and silly.  

Yes I know drinking excessive amounts of alcoholic beverages will make you drunk.  But the consumption of these drinks can be pleasant to the taste and at times worth savoring.  I like the tastes of some beers and wines and consume them for that reason.  Beer cuts thru the greasy pizza at dinner.  Wine is good with cheese, crackers and conversation.  But you don't necessarily need to get loaded.  

So now in 2022 we have an industry that under the thin veil of freedom of choice promotes high and silly.  It does not taste good like a dark beer or merlot. It burns the throat,  but can be masked as an edible.  Is our world so dark a place that we need to escape reality and drift off into to some false etherial state of bliss? This is not bliss because it is artificially induced and does not last. 

Living and coping with reality can be difficult, especially now.  This pandemic is wearing us down.  Go outside lower your mask today and give somebody a smile that doesn't expect it.  That. is your gift to give.

all for now

stay safe

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Passing Thoughts

Yesterday while going to pickup the kids for school, I passed Star Bakery as I crossed over into Oak Park. Even though it was about 6:30 am, the lights were on with the staff loading the shelves with todays wares, breads, cookies and pastries.  I don't know why but the movie As Good as it Gets the Jack Nicholson-Helen Hunt film.  My favorite romantic scene from the movie was at the end when he kisses her under a street lamp in the early morning and tells her there is a bakery around the corner with the warm rolls just coming out of the oven.  They walk arm and arm toward the place.  The lights go on at the store and they go in.  That's it, The movie closes.  You can almost smell the bakery from your seat. a perfect nuanced moment. 

We had an exciting weekend with the little boys.  Went to the zoo for a brief visit on Sunday afternoon.  Judy and the crew ran all the halls of our 8 floor building to burn off the energy built up from too much tv viewing.  Andrew and his kids showed up with bagels in tow on Sunday morning so we had a house full. 

So today was an Apollo day.  On some occasions, I visit Benitos Pizza for a slice or two on my way to Katey's. They never disappoint.  Usually I enter their tiny parking lot when it is empty and depart before any one else show up.  Today was following by a large work van driven by a tradesman looking for lunch.  A real friendly guy, a pipe fitter working on renovations at the Red Run Golf club.  It always nice to share a smile and some conversation with a stranger.  We discussed the parking lot and how we would both get out easily and went on our separate ways.  

Also went to Western Market to get cookies for Eli and Marie.  I always nose around there for temptations and had the self control to pass them by.  I am in the check out line. Something fell out of the register next to me.  It was a plastic plate of some kind.  it landed on my foot.  The frantic cashier asked if she had injured me.  I said I was seriously injured and would be filing a claim,  a stupid guy trying to make a joke.  She didn't get it, no laughs, said she would get the manager.  I paid and left. In the world we live in, there are no jokes allowed.

We started watching 1883 the prequel to Yellowstone last evening.  Sam Elliott is in the staring role with a surprising solid performance by singer Tim McGraw.  This is almost too gritty, with lots of blood, dirt and modern cursing.  It is probably close to the reality of the period with no punches pulled.  I might be miserable enough in this closed environment we live in.  

Could not find Kelloggs Corn Pops in two big stores for Eli's breakfasts and snacks. I think the company has ceased production or it is stuck in the supply chain mess.  Will have to make another choice.   I know a big tragedy. In other grocery news, Kroger pays for no cashiers.  Mid day at their super store in Royal Oak, there are two lines of shoppers extending to the back of the store.  I am through with this place.  There are lots of other choices.

Well, stay warm tomorrow, supposed to be in the single digits.

be safe

all for now


Saturday, January 15, 2022

Everett Edward Kocsis

Today is Everett's third birthday.  He is nearly fearless, which may not always be the best thing.  He loves to run and play and explore new things.  He has wild hair and is becoming better with his words.  He loves to work in the kitchen (a man after my own heart).  He and his brother are coming over for the next few days which is always an exciting and happy occasion.  His eating likes and dislikes make life interesting, the latest being carrots and bacon.  We are well stocked.  His smile is infectious and thrills me every time I see it.  Happy Birthday Everett!

We are well stocked with cakes and cookies.  I am making a large batch of Mac and cheese which all seem to enjoy.  I have my running shoes on.  We will visit some of my old pals here on their visit which everyone enjoys.

Well, that's it.
No complaints
stay warm and safe
all for now

Friday, January 14, 2022

Fabulous Friday

Getting ready to depart for the kids this morning.  This is going to be another action packed weekend for us.  Apollo at 11 Shannon at about 1pm. Kids home from school at 4,Poppy's pizza for dinner and Shannon spending the night.  She will be back home after lunch. Birthday party for Jon and Everett on Saturday.  Paxton and he will be with us for the weekend while mom and dad move to their new place. Not complaining its just going to be an active weekend.

Now back from kids getting ready for more errands.  Harry is chomping at the bit because he is anxious for his morning meal and it is about time.  He is gazing at me expectantly.  Observing the little kids at Oak Ridge this morning running to meet their teachers.  With all the coverings, you, can barely see their faces. This is their new normal.  These wee ones seem to be adjusting nicely to their latest environment. 

So far so good today.  Judy made the school pickups. Kids and Shannon are chowing down on the pizza I made and the chocolate chip cookies from Barbs Pasties in Clawson.  Got Jon a couple of pasties for his birthday treat as they are his favorites.  This is an interesting little family business making meat pies like those the copper miners wives made them to keep them warm and feed them at the same time.  Michigan's northernmost peninsula Keweenaw was home to copper mines in the 19th and early 20th centuries.  To stay afloat, they also make pizzas and various dessert items.  Worth a look and tasty,   

Trying to pull myself out of the winter doldrums. Have been enduring too much isolation. Currently restaurants are not a good idea with this latest variant running rampant.  Remember when we did not even use the word variant? Tired of watching the seemingly endless litany of case numbers and pleas for citizens and their offspring to be vaccinated.  That moron non doctor from KY, Mr. Paul. has been personally attacking Dr. Fauci, I cannot imagine the strength it has taken to not fell the guy to go f*ck himself. We will not secure voting rights for all eligible voters due to Manchin and Sinema and their dissenting votes.  Sad for the lack of unity of purpose within the Democratic Party.

Enough complaints
all for now
stay warm and safe


Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Jonathan Edward Kocsis

This is a photo of my wonderful son Jon with his son Everett.  Today is his 39th birthday.  Words cannot express how proud of the man he has become and the amazing father he is to Paxton and his brother. Some of the real joy I seen in him is through these guys.  

I remember his birth when the doctor handed him to me and they had to slide a stool under me.  The baby Jon was big (8lbs 16ozs) and I was weak in the knees anyway.  Jon was and is a great joy in my life.  I look forward to seeing your family on the weekend for Everett's 3rd birthday.

Grand Rapids has been a good adventure for your family thus far.  I hope their new home is as well.

Woke up at 2:30 today and that was it.  Couldn't put myself back to sleep on the couch.  So I started writing early, mostly thinking about all my kids.  I know how Andrew and Katey see the world, their opinions on themselves and the current mess we are in with the pandemic and divisive politics.  Shannon is just the happy girl. She is happiest when she is socializing.  She was with us yesterday and went to the Koffee Klatch (which always was spelled like a Klavern for the Klan) then to the sitting exercise class.  But Jonny,  keeps his cards close and I don't know how his current version sees the world.  He is farther away so sitting down with coffee and a chat is not always easy.  Our last one was probably around the campfire at the house we rented this summer near Traverse City.  I really miss him. 

Mighty cold here in Berkley this morning currently at 7 degrees.  Judy and joining Katey on their meal plan program today.  Will be going to TJ's to procure some supplies.  Planning a spaghetti dinner with friend Janine this afternoon.  She and my spouse are having technology discussions and puppy discussions.  Our key loss dilemma is about to be partially solved today with a new set.  Still have to work out the storage locker with its lock with no key.

This is Pippa, the girl that is working on how to get comfortable peeing and pooping outdoors.  But on the upside, she is loving  to everyone and is not bothered by strangers.  

Well that's it for today

stay warm

stay safe

all for now


Monday, January 10, 2022

Missing keys

Saturday was going pretty good.  A couple of errands and we were at home.  Marie and Judy were finishing up the dresser she bought and I took Katey some chicken soup.  We made an ok trip to the Salvation Army to look for stuff for Marie.  Everything seemed well at hand.  As two inhabitants of this apartment, we get two sets of keys.  Now one is missing.  We looked in every possible location to no avail.  I was completely stressed out on Sunday.  Barely slept the night before.  The have to be somewhere! Finally resigned to the lost keys, I went to the office today to inquire about their replacement.  The cost was not ridiculous, with the cost of the electric fob being the lions share.  Trauma has past.  
This is a shot of Marie and Judys masterpiece.  The dresser was 6.95 from St. Vincent's.  With the cost of paint and stencils, a useful bargain.

Watched A Tender Bar on Prime. Not a bad film with Ben Affleck in the staring role.  Christopher Lloyd is a close to Taxi's Jim Ignatowski in his role as the grumpy father and I liked the kid playing the young protagonist.  The adult version was ok.  See this one on the streaming service.  You might be pissed if you had to pay theater prices.

Katey and Judy are on a campaign to achieve better health thru small meals of non processed foods meticulously measured out.  I took her to Trader Joes for a shopping trip yesterday for supplies.  She is lucky her dad is an experienced TJ's shopper because i know where everything is.  Despite the massive crowd, we were out in under and hour.  Both of them are enthused on this program.  Katey needs a team joining her in this kind of effort and readily admits it.  It is wonderful to see her so positive.  We roasted some chicken thighs and bagged them up for protein sources in main meals. 

Shannon is with us today in that New Gateways is shutdown for the week because of Covid numbers in their population. We will probably take her down to the sitting area in the afternoon with the old folks gang that she loves and love her

Got to pick up the laundry
all for now
stay warm
stay safe


Saturday, January 8, 2022

Its Saturday Morning

It's Saturday and all are asleep including Marie that spent the night.  Above is one of her finds from the thrift shop yesterday.  I could write the story of the original owner of this object d'art.  She is a lady of some years that has pulled back white hair and perfect makeup with dabs of rouge on her cheeks neatly blended in with a hint of rose on her lips. She wears glasses that are bifocal and without rims, high on her nose, looking through them,
not over the top of the lenses.  Her dress is not plain but appropriate for her station in life.  She has kids all moved away and grand kids now grown.  This piece has a place for prominence on a drum table at the side of her comfortable chair with a pole lamp aside the table for reading.

Or in another scenario,  it sits candle lit on the mantle casting forboding shadows across the room in the haunted house you have booked for a nights stay. Either one, kind of interesting, this is truly a great treasure with some story to tell.  

I have abandoned the black and white.  It was a stage for me.  My son Andrew remarked that Dad had them fooled with age up to a couple of years ago. I found it a curious comment.  My looks have crumbled and it only took two years.  

With our single digit current temperatures, I felt compelled to include a photo of a Florida sunrise from February 2020.  This seems like a lifetime ago.  In the early am I would don my shorts and tee shirt and go for a 5 mile walk before the sun came up. It was about 70 degrees and breezy.  Strangers would say hello and I would shuffle thru the sand.  I experienced real serenity on this walks. 

Today going to Katey's to drop off some soup.  Judy and Marie will be finishing their painting project.  I will add a photo to the next blog.  

all for now

stay warm

stay safe


Friday, January 7, 2022

Slippin into the future

Got the kids off to school for the last two days with no events.  We were on time and everyone was mostly pleasant.  It has been brutally cold in the morning. Marie did not have safety patrol due to the extreme cold so she and I spoke for a while waiting for the bell to ring.  We talked about music and her upcoming concert which will be viewed remotely by parents, grandparents and other interested parties.  I explained that we had something called a flutophone to learn about notes on.  It resembled a medieval recorder and sounded much like it except it was made of plastic.  We also talked about Smart Boards.  I did not know what that was.  This is the more efficient version of the black board from my youth and thru high school.  Lines and writing are made with a stylus and erased with a clenched fist from the user.  No more erasers to pound out in the school yard.  No more smelly sponges to wash the writing surfaces when the day is done. 

This is an inane comment but how does a guy that looks like Barney Fife's younger brother attract beautiful women and keep them interested.  I am speaking of the SNL guy Pete Davidson.  Humor must be the key.  He must keep them laughing I guess.  Again, I know nothing about women.

Listening today again to the music of Carlos Vives, the Columbian popstar on Pandora.  Its interesting listening to music when you have a very limited knowledge of the language of the songs.  You and focus on the entirety of the piece the instrumentation, rhythmic feel and the passion of the lyrics even when you cannot understand the words.  They become another voice in the music like a horn in jazz or a cello in chamber music.  With these tunes, I find myself dancing in my seat.  It is truly a joy.

I had to include a photo of Simon taken this morning.  Its kind of a "You lookin at Me?" picture. He does not know his expressions are so poignant.

I have thought about the title of this version of the blog being Into the Future,  it comes from the Steve Miller song Fly Like an Eagle to quote "time keeps on slippin, slippin, slippin, into the future".  

Made a pot of chicken soup for the kids today.  Eli was not impressed. He is a texture kid and this did not work for him.  Marie was impressed but didn't like the mushrooms, but Judy did.  

Another extremely cold day with temps around 11 degrees in the morning but had brilliant skies.  Read from a couple of sources that the biggest indicator for a longer life is not exercise or diet, but continued social interactions or connections.  This is not really surprising.  We have vibrant 90 year olds here that are always doing little jobs and chatting away with the other inmates.  

Judy and Marie are becoming the scourge of the charity resale shops.  The are at St. Vincent DePaul's right now looking for bargains. She said I could find some great deals on jeans, will look on the next trip.

all for now
stay warm
stay safe


Tuesday, January 4, 2022

The Return to Normal

Well, its Tuesday and I am getting ready to pickup Eli and Marie for school.  Thankfully Andrew quickly recovered from his bout with Covid and is returning to the Endoscopy Clinic this morning.  The kids will be with us for the week and I have most of the dinners in my head and most of the supplies in hand.  This normalcy is good for me.  It gives me something to prepare for each day.  It does require some effort but I won't complain. One thing I realize about myself is that I need a job, even if it is pay free, something to plan on and be responsible for, in fact a purpose.

Jon and Kelly and the boys are still looking for dwelling either to rent or to buy. Their time window is growing shorter.  Housing is a mess with crazy pricing and bidding wars over homes.  They want to stay in Grand Rapids because of the environment there and Jon's job. Hoping for the best for them.

Had coffee with the cronies this morning.  The conversation was a lot of story telling and some lady in the building gifted us with an Italian Panettone cake with we all consumed.  We need a time referee in this group so all the stories that are told and retold can have time limits so all the other tellers can jump in.  We need kind of a chess clock to punch when you start and when your tale is complete.  Because my life is less profound, I speak little and mostly listen.  We are what we are.  My profundity for 2022 at least in part is to accept people as they are and couldn't change if they wanted to.

I want to return to group breakfasts out but with the spread of this virus, am afraid to be in a congregate setting.  Eating out is something I do miss intensely.  

Making pizza for the kids and Andrew this afternoon.  They all enjoy it.

all for now

stay safe


Monday, January 3, 2022

A new beginning

This is the new 2022 blog with a new name and background.  The last few days have been quiet and I am starting out on my quest to get rid of most processed foods in my eating plan.  Judy is still sleeping as is Harry.  It is extremely cold here today with temps in the low teens.  But the sun is about to show brightly.  It's a new day in a new year.

Betty White's passing really jolted me and continues to do so.  I really assumed that she would never die.  Both professionally and privately, hers was a life well lived.  We learned of her passing at our New Years Eve day party at the penitentiary.  Dear friend Bill Wilson orchestrated the event and the participants really enjoyed themselves.  Thanks to Bill, Joyce, Judy (not mine she was helping Shannon) and Kathleen for all their hard work. My girl loved every minute.  She had snacks and water in the bottle and soaked up all the attention. She even picked out the winning ticket on the raffle.   

I spent the NYE celebration with my buddy Apollo at Katey's apartment.  Ate my last McDonalds and tried to find something on TV worth watching.  Struggled thru the first half of Matrix Resurrections hating its attempt to piece the story together and being nonplussed by the long haired, bearded Neo,  finally shutting it off.  It was a disappointment.  I finally settled on completing the dismal series The Defeated which was about post war Germany and its aftermath.  It was good using both languages and a cast that included German and American actors. 

Yesterday was a complete day off and we looked at Power of the Dog on Netflix.  Judy had read the book and it was daunting to see Benedict Cumberbatch as a villain no matter how good he was at it.  She had to explain the punch in the gut ending to me because I missed the point.  Not a film that will lift your spirits.

We watched The Lost Daughter but shut it off before completion.  It was also a disappointment despite the performance of Olivia Colman.  But we saw an inspiring performance by Dame Judi Dench in Six Minutes to Midnight with a great showing  by a non-drag Eddie Izzard as the hero of the film.  This is worth seeing on Hulu.

I called this set of writings Into the Future because I really don't know what this year will bring with all the uncertainty that abounds.  We can only be smart and hope for the best.

all for now
stay safe


The passage of time

 So I am moving quickly to what I consider the gateway to old age, 75 years.  Wondering what the remainder of my life will be like and remem...