Tuesday, January 4, 2022

The Return to Normal

Well, its Tuesday and I am getting ready to pickup Eli and Marie for school.  Thankfully Andrew quickly recovered from his bout with Covid and is returning to the Endoscopy Clinic this morning.  The kids will be with us for the week and I have most of the dinners in my head and most of the supplies in hand.  This normalcy is good for me.  It gives me something to prepare for each day.  It does require some effort but I won't complain. One thing I realize about myself is that I need a job, even if it is pay free, something to plan on and be responsible for, in fact a purpose.

Jon and Kelly and the boys are still looking for dwelling either to rent or to buy. Their time window is growing shorter.  Housing is a mess with crazy pricing and bidding wars over homes.  They want to stay in Grand Rapids because of the environment there and Jon's job. Hoping for the best for them.

Had coffee with the cronies this morning.  The conversation was a lot of story telling and some lady in the building gifted us with an Italian Panettone cake with we all consumed.  We need a time referee in this group so all the stories that are told and retold can have time limits so all the other tellers can jump in.  We need kind of a chess clock to punch when you start and when your tale is complete.  Because my life is less profound, I speak little and mostly listen.  We are what we are.  My profundity for 2022 at least in part is to accept people as they are and couldn't change if they wanted to.

I want to return to group breakfasts out but with the spread of this virus, am afraid to be in a congregate setting.  Eating out is something I do miss intensely.  

Making pizza for the kids and Andrew this afternoon.  They all enjoy it.

all for now

stay safe


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