Thursday, January 27, 2022

Cold and Quiet

Its 4:37 in the morning.  Slept good but went to bed before 9pm. Not really hungry yet. This is the beginning of another kid week, miss them and look forward to seeing my crew.  Judy has pretty much recovered from her bug and things will be close to normal. However, it is a spritely 7 degrees out there.  Dressing for this weather can be problematic.  Layers including two tee shirts and a hooded sweatshirt along with down jacket is the best I have got to offer.  

With memories of Pompano Beach from 2020, I recall getting up real early, reading a Grisham novel having my oatmeal and breaking out for a pre sunrise walk in about 65 degrees.  Seeing the sun rising in the east off the coast of our country was continuously inspiring.  If my timing was right, I could catch the sun as she was rising out of the water and take a photo.  There were lots of other walkers to see as well. Lots of Good Mornings were exchanged. Those treks were my morning bliss.

To attain some level of fitness, I have been doing the stairs in the building.  I climb 8 floors with a short break at 7.  Heart rate rises with the exertion but drops quickly.  Don't really like the treadmill anymore. Its boring walking in one place going nowhere. 

Been sitting with crew of assorted residents in the afternoon in the lobby sitting room.  Conversations tend to ramble with a lot of repeating of statements in that hearing is so poor the participants only get snippets of sentences.  Sometimes it can test my patience.  Friend Bill is organizing a hot dog lunch.  He has a dog eared spiral notebook with his ledger of participants showing paid notations.  Costco will have the dogs all prepared and wrapped for him to pickup.  This is the second event he has organized, the first being a New Years Eve day party which was quite a success.  Feeding people is the key.  I made a pizza recently, couldn't eat it all and brought it down.  It was gobbled up in about two minutes. 

The other key is the social interaction.  If you can find happiness in this setting, it is in face to face contact and sharing.  These are the dark days of winter.  We need more parties and chatting and pizza and cookies to share. 

Its 5:14 now and I am done.

all for now

stay safe and warm 


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