Friday, January 21, 2022


Was fed up with the constant concern over my hair and decided to get it all cut off.  This is very freeing.  No more parting, brushing and placing, just towel off and go.  Where a hat and not worry about removing it and the outcome.  I think I will stick with this for a while. For freedom, women can opt to let it grow out and tie it back.  It took Judy about a year to get to the desired result.  Old men with long hair just look unkempt in my opinion, especially if they have a stubbily face.

Learned my diabetes drug tripled in cost with the new year.  Called the customer service number Aetna provided and was delivered a canned pitch by a representative obviously reading from a prepared script for her answers.  There was no point in raising my ire with this woman probably sitting in a call center in Mumbai.  She was doing her best with the info provided.  I am sure she is not getting rich on the phone.  Switching to the other guy with a better deal.  It's kind of like cable TV negotiations.

My kind Judy has been helping a few women in the building with TV connections.  For some of these residents, managing their media is like piloting a space ship.  They get overwhelmed.  I admire her patience and perseverance. 

Been trying to improve my glucose numbers with natural means.  Meal timing seems to be one of the most important things for me.  Have resorted to having a very small meal in the evening with the main meal being around 2pm.  Have been on the lookout an enjoyable item and found it in Icelandic Style yogurt.  I don't know, maybe they make it with condensed volcanic steam.  I has some taste as opposed to the plain greek style and its tartness.  They have this stuff at Trader Joes.  Throw some raspberries on the top and its a winner with good consistency and texture. 

Its cold out there this morning 8 degrees at present time.  Harry will not be pleased to take care of his business when he gets up today. Hoping to go hiking later today when the temps rise into the twenties.  Need some of that sunny fresh air.

In a lost key update, they were turned in at the office by some resident and returned to us yesterday after sitting there for about a week.  This closes the circle on the mystery.

Its really silly how you can get caught up with the characters in show.  For the first seasons of New Amsterdam there was a venerable and wise Indian doctor Vijay Kapoor, played by Anupam Kher.  I loved this guy with his warmth and sincerity. He framed sad circumstances in a positive and hopeful light.  In the last episode, he dies. With the memory of this portrayal, I am choked up. How stupid is that? It's a guy on a show not my favorite uncle.  

that's it.

all for now

stay safe and warm

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