Thursday, January 20, 2022

The morning and Cannabis

 So it is now bout 6:40 in the morning.  We have an actual day off today, a quiet day with few responsibilities.  It should be cold but sunny. Working to get my Storyworth book published with some glitch in the editing;  Asking more questions of Taylor my helper there.  Made an omelette with bacon, eggs and cheese, creating an enormous mess to be cleaned up and debris stuck to my cast iron pan.  Thats the morning so far.

Been thinking about legalized recreational marijuana lately.   When I was in my impressionable twenties, I smoked a little (really a little).  It burned my throat and I endured it to get high and feel silly and uninhibited.  Thats it, no spiritual experience, just high and silly.  Now remember that framed by the upsurge in production, growing mills, stores, strains of the plant and a growing business model.  Are we promoting high and silly?  We now have a multi million dollar industry devoted to high and silly. I am not counting
the help for Parkinson's, nausea during chemo or other medicinal uses.  Pot is a real help in those circumstances.  I am talking about high and silly.  

Yes I know drinking excessive amounts of alcoholic beverages will make you drunk.  But the consumption of these drinks can be pleasant to the taste and at times worth savoring.  I like the tastes of some beers and wines and consume them for that reason.  Beer cuts thru the greasy pizza at dinner.  Wine is good with cheese, crackers and conversation.  But you don't necessarily need to get loaded.  

So now in 2022 we have an industry that under the thin veil of freedom of choice promotes high and silly.  It does not taste good like a dark beer or merlot. It burns the throat,  but can be masked as an edible.  Is our world so dark a place that we need to escape reality and drift off into to some false etherial state of bliss? This is not bliss because it is artificially induced and does not last. 

Living and coping with reality can be difficult, especially now.  This pandemic is wearing us down.  Go outside lower your mask today and give somebody a smile that doesn't expect it.  That. is your gift to give.

all for now

stay safe

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