Today is Everett's third birthday. He is nearly fearless, which may not always be the best thing. He loves to run and play and explore new things. He has wild hair and is becoming better with his words. He loves to work in the kitchen (a man after my own heart). He and his brother are coming over for the next few days which is always an exciting and happy occasion. His eating likes and dislikes make life interesting, the latest being carrots and bacon. We are well stocked. His smile is infectious and thrills me every time I see it. Happy Birthday Everett!
We are well stocked with cakes and cookies. I am making a large batch of Mac and cheese which all seem to enjoy. I have my running shoes on. We will visit some of my old pals here on their visit which everyone enjoys.
Well, that's it.
No complaints
stay warm and safe
all for now
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