Along with being a visual artist and exemplary cook, grand daughter Marie is a poet. She penned insightful verse which she shared with us yesterday. I can write folksy prose all day long based on observations of the world but cannot compose poetry. It takes a special kind of communicator to put their feelings and knowledge into verse. I hope her teachers encourage this talent.
Traveling back from Shannons home, I was listening to CSNY on their Pandora station, which is still free by the way with a few commercial announcements. With all the hubbub about Spotify, this service Is easy to access and at least without cost for time being; Their song Ohio came on over the speakers. This piece commemorates the assassination of four student protesters at Kent State University by members of the National Guard on May 4, 1970. It calls out tin soldiers and Nixon coming. Trying to view this time with a current perspective is sobering. Remember this was 52 years ago. I would suspect that today's teens and twenty somethings are not even aware of it. This event was quite shocking to my 20 year old eyes.
To raise funds for Walden Pond, a group of county artists recorded a collection of Eagles songs in 1993 called Common Thread. In my mind, this is a brilliant group of tunes sung by accomplished artists. Alan Jackson singing Tequila Sunrise and Clint Black doing Desperado absolutely ring true. The record was not country nor rock enough to satisfy defined demographics and It went away quickly. Consider this one for your listening. There was also Rhythm, Country and Blues an assortment of duets featuring prominent Black and Country artists singing duets together released in 1994. This was an ambitious project that could not find a home. I'll bet you know little about this one because no stations played it, a set of brilliant couplings that flopped, an attempt to build bridges.
More music:
Found myself tearing up watching the final performance of Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga at Radio City Music Hall on 60 Minutes. Put this guy on stage and he lights up, even in his diminished 95 year old state. She is the perfect foil for his tenderness, and he still had pipes!
all for now
stay warm and safe
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