Sunday, April 30, 2023

Berkley High

Was out walking Harry before the rain yesterday morning.  Not a bad day I thought.  Walking past the side of Berkley High, I noticed that all the room numbers were posted on the windows as well as all the entrances had clearly marked identifications.  I took me a minute to think about it but these are identifiers to help law enforcement locate a perpetrator in the case of an active shooter.  While it is a good idea, it is a sad statement about the safety of our children in schools.  Think about that for a moment.  Lots of angry people in the mix with a plethora of guns and automatic weapons along with impulsive kids with access.  

One of the headlines on CNN news crawl was to offer "The Ten Most Likely Senate Seats to Flip in 2024".  There are 18 months till America goes to the polls.  The pundits and other talking heads are providing their predictions.  Today's morning programs will give their opinions.  Polls will be splashed across the screen in bullet  points.  I am weary before it begins.

Spring flowers are blooming with all the rain.  The flowering trees are exploding with color.  I wish the rain would stop for awhile.  I need more sunshine.  Granddaughter Marie and her team won their soccer game yesterday in a shutout.  My girl was the goalkeeper.  I am a proud Poppy. Aunt Katey was there as a motivator.  It must have helped.

thats it

all for now

stay safe


Friday, April 28, 2023



Spring has finally arrive in Berkley.  it was a lovely, sunny, 60ish day yesterday.  The lawn crew was out and you could hear the machines going, cutting and clipping.  One of my favorite smells is fresh cut grass.  It makes me think of the summers of my youth and even early adulthood when I was doing my yard.  We have flowering trees at the penitentiary  that are coming into bloom. 

Ate waaaaaay too much Mexican cuisine last night at Los Tres Amigos in Farmington.  What a lovely little town it is.  We went with good old friends we've known since Shannon was about two.  The lady has a serious illness and still soldiers on with a good attitude and looking forward to upcoming family events and some traveling to California.  It was wonderful to see her feeling and moving pretty good.  This is a person that has influenced both Judy and I, always stepping up to help and taking care of others.  She is an inspiration to me.  

Judy is having coffee with a friend this morning and I will do some cooking of meal components to add to dishes.  When it is mostly cooking for two, there is always stuff left in the fridge that needs to be used.  I hate to throw food away.  Trying to eat peanut butter.  It's never been the right thing for me.  Maybe its the texture or when it gets on you hands.  I hate sticky hands.  Thats  just me. It is a good meat free protein source.  On another campaign to cut back on animal protein in my diet, this time on moral grounds as well as health grounds.  We will see how it goes. 

Biden/Harris are running again.  They will get my vote, reluctantly.  The alternative could be quite costly to our country.

Birds are singing and the sun is rising to greet another day

thats it

all for now

stay safe

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

It's 4 am

It's 4am and always a good time for a photo of my old buddy Apollo.  He is 13 now and always happy to see me on our daily visits.  Still moves pretty good for an old guy, unlike myself.  Still sits on my lap like a pile of bricks and attempts to wash my face.  I will see him later.

Once a week I treat myself to pizza from the Green Lantern carryout joint on the way to Katey's.  It's only 5 bucks for two slices of square pie.  A dreadful lunch I know but my last vice.  I stand at the counter with other guys getting their lunches.  One, works for the Royal Oak Fire Department, one is a heating and cooling guy (his shirt tells the tale) and on guy is from a construction crew buying multiple lunch specials.  A smiling 50 somthing guy brings out the food and all are appreciative and on their way back to their jobs.  These are the guys I identify with more than the coat and tie group.  I was always most comfortable with our warehouse guys.  They was an affable group that genuinely seemed to like me.  I loved feeding them when we dragged out the barbecue.  

I recently made an entry about my personal evaluation.  The comments and reactions had a common thread.  Most of my correspondents are in their 70's like me.  Universally, we all are struggling with balance from time to time.  All have had embarrassing falls.  One of my pals broke her leg,  This issue seems to be a common woe.  I don't have answers or prescribed exercises.  My kids are constantly telling me to "pick up your feet dad".  I try to remember.

Aside from Shannon, I see my kids only briefly if at all.  Saw Katey at the T3 gym  last evening dropping off some stuff.  She looks fit and great.  Exercise has always been her saving grace.  I see Andrew for a hi and bye in the morning with the kids and maybe talk to Jon on occasion.  Everyone has their busy lives.  And all are doing good.  All in all, I am pleased.

Still too cold for my liking but in the grand scheme of things,  it is of no matter.  Back to kid pickup this morning.  Hopefully they will be as cooperative as yesterday.

all for now

stay safe


Sunday, April 23, 2023

Shannon holds court and Dame Edna

 These are some shots of Shannon holding court with her pals in our sitting room.  She has a ball retailing them with stories of what she is watching and goings on at her program.  Her visits are the Sunday afternoon entertainment.

Some time ago, Judy and I made a trip to Toronto for a weekend away.  We tried to see Lion King the Musial at the theater

Not successful in getting tickets, we decided on a performance by Dame Edna Average.  This is actually Barry Humphreys, Australian comedian dressed in drag before it became a big deal.  He was done up as an haughty old lady and entertained us all.  People told us we did not want to sit in front because you could easily be on stage and part of the show.  We laughed till tears streamed down our faces.  He died yesterday a 89 in full cognizance of his faculties till the very end.  He played Dame Edna for Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip, and numerous TV talk shows in Britain.

We also had a Saturday visitor with Mr. Spud who belongs to one of the residents that was in the hospital.  He needed us for the day and had a great time walking with Harry and Judy, later collapsing in the chair .

Thats all Ive got for today.

All for now

Stay safe. 

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Yet another personal evaluation


It's Saturday and the birds are singing out my window.  Haven't had my coffee or breakfast yet.  Enjoying the quiet.  we are dog sitting little Spud for a while today because the owner collapsed and the substitute owner has to preside over a memorial service for a good friend.  Really don't have a clue whether he and Harry will get along.  This guy is a some manner of Yorkie, something of a barker. Should be interesting.

Within the aging process, this body is changing.  Arms and legs have become thinner but still functional.  Hand strength as diminished.  Jar opening has become a problem without an aid of some sort.  Torso has not lessened in size staying roundish and a little lumpy.  I need to work on muscle mass with strength training and some cardio.  Core fitness will improve my faltering balance.  I need to stop and think about my destination before I go off in the car.  If I don't, I will travel the tried and true path which might not be the best way to get to my destination.  Pausing before departure seems to help. 

These changes are not necessarily a bad sign,  only an honest look at reality.  I don't move as fast or as effectively as I'd like, so slightly more time is required.  If you don't like it, thats too bad, not worrying about your feelings on this matter.  

The more important aspect here is to have patience and be kind, really to everyone, not just your friends.  Passing judgement gets easier with age,  and writing off people gets easier.  Consider the travails of another's life experiences before you cast them aside.

all for now

stay safe

Friday, April 21, 2023

Quiet day / Soon to be ex-mayor

 Today is a quiet one with some rain going on, lounging middle school kids.  All fed and filled with chocolate chip cookies.  Went downstairs to chat with he usual crowd and regaled them with my crime victim stories from my past.  Took care of my old buddy Apollo as well.  He was happy to see me even with going out in the rain. Judy is watching Wheel and I cannot stand it any more.  Jim Fouts, the irascible mayor of Warren has been excluded from another run for office to his dismay. 

This guy has had a controversial political career with misogynistic comments about women, women that are well seasoned, people of color and the mentally disabled citizens.  And yet the population of this town reelect him.  He refuses to reveal his age.  Google him.

Another topic:  I do not think President Biden should run to be president again in 2024.  Democrats have not considered another candidate.  He has done a remarkable job dealing with the pandemic and the economy helping regular families .  But he may be too old to sustain another 4 year term.  Even with all Trumps legal woes, he can still mount a campaign which makes me nervous. 

So we have an old guy shooting a kid that went to the wrong address, a girl that was killed coming up the wrong driveway.  And tonight, a man putting someone in the hospital because he had words with his sister over a handicapped parking spot AT A CUB SCOUT MEETING!.  Too much anger, too many guns and a genuine lack of patience.  I am at a loss for words. 

all for now
stay safe 

Thursday, April 20, 2023

A Chili Dog


Back to kids today, with 7.05 departure due to the entrance closure on I-696 eastbound.  Have a workaround established to eliminate the need to have about a quarter mile to cross 5 lanes of traffic, with way too much stress.

Although the thermometer did not say it, it was a very cold  soccer game last night. Miss  Sweetums came to the game and she and Judy tried for some warmth under a blanket.   I am certainly ready to return to more pleasant weather. The match was a loss but her team played well as did Marie.

Along a different line,  the more isolated one becomes the more frightened of the outside they become.  We have some residents that rarely leave the building maybe only to buy food, never going to a restaurant or maybe a walk around the block.  They are fearful of any outsider that comes to the entryway,  especially if they are young, black and a male, probably bringing someones dinner. I hear "you can never be too careful" way too much.  

its frustrating.

all for now

enjoy the day


Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Tom and Jerry

Not really a couple of cartoon characters but maybe a little.  This guy and I have known each other since our college days in the 70's.  Periodically we sit down to coffee to catch up with our lives.  He has a new grandson (lots of photos).  I went to Carrabelle.  We both have family histories when we can remember them.  The specific details of things to discuss sometimes don't come forward as soon as we like.  Tom is a talker.  There is rarely a lag in the conversation.  We get into deep topics like our religious histories and issues of morality in the modern world.  He and I are probably closer than in our previous lives.  We both have our share of shortcomings,  me, a lack of balance (he is a sailor) and both of us having short term memory issues.  We rely on the info on google to capture some details.  

Both he and I share a former romantic relationship with the same girl from our past.  Romance has migrated into friendship for both of us and her.  She is enduring chemotherapy currently.  We had the guy at the coffee shop take this picture of us an sent it to her to let her know we were thinking about her.  It is truly a blessing to move from one design of a relationship to another.  Now we care about each other as humans sometimes in need. 

Kids tomorrow, so I have to stock up on provisions,  mainly the cheater chocolate chip cookies in the cooler section of the store.  Break off a  piece, put it on parchment paper in the oven and in 14 min you have cookies without muss or fuss.  

Rupert pays a settlement and all goes back to normal.  It's really  just the cost of doing business for him.  No one is held to account and none of his stable of talkers will be damaged.  He lost but he  actually won. Nothing changes.

all for now

stay safe


Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Joyce and Miu

We all have stories to share of the dear pets we've lost.  All one has to do is mention their pet leaving this earth and everyone in the room will have a tale to tell of their deceased dog or cat or bird.   Because of where we live, this is the last rodeo for many of the residents and their faithful companions.  Dear Joyce, the boss, the organizer, and the queen of the the coffee clatch lost her beloved cat Miu yesterday.  Both of these girls are up in years, the kitty was about 20 and her owner has crossed the road of 91.  She cared for this animal and made provisions for her in food, medicine and lifestyle.  The cat had stairs to the couch and to the bed.  This was an animal no one wanted because of her grumpy personality.  My friend stuck it out and made friends with her giving her the best life for the past 5 years.  There are people that are absolute animal lovers.  I am probably not one of them, although I cried like a baby when I had to put my girlfriend Phoebe down.

We have had too much of this around here lately and I hope it is done for awhile.

Another shitty weather day today.  I looked out over the balcony and spotted a thin layer of snow on the cars below.  I know it's not supposed to last but still very frustrating to go from shorts and tee shirts back to winter wear.  Going for coffee with my friend Tom this morning to catchup on our lives.  Will see scads of baby pictures of new grandson Hudson.  I will recount our trip to FL.  Later, going to lunch with friend/former neighbors, Julie and Dave at Tavern to see what's going on in their lives. 

Saw a blurb for the new Biscuits and Gravy restaurant opening in Clawson.  Jerry Bell, this might be a place for us to try out.  I know you are a fan of this stuff.

thats it

all for now

stay safe (wear a coat!) 

Monday, April 17, 2023

Fat and Wild Hair

Where to begin today? First off it is colder that days previous which is somewhat disquieting.  Should improve by the end of the week and we can again go out and enjoy the environment.  

It is a wild haired morning.  Have to visit Planet Fitness this morning regrettably.  Picked up a few pounds recently and have been living the life of a lump,  mostly sitting and eating.  Had Shannon for the weekend.  She had a great time with all her senior buddies.  It helped cure some of the losses we have endured lately.  She made Dick forget his troubles.  

Seem to drag through the spate  TV programs we usually view.  I gets kind of tiresome seeing Pat smile at Vanna and Ken's always chipper personality.  We have new broadcasters that cycle through Detroit media on their way to a bigger market like Chicago or New York.  They all have the same smiles and perfectly coiffed hair with glowing white teeth.  Speaking of which,  my dentist finally fixed my partial and all is right with the world.

Tomorrow is the birthday of Marie Reno,  who was my mother in law.  She left us in 2015 at the age of 92.  She drove me absolutely crazy but I loved her and her spirit and her opinions that were almost always different than mine. She was a guiding force to all her grandchildren.  They loved her completely from the desserts to the shorts and jumpers made from what looked like curtains to the Italian sausage sandwiches on Sundays.  She loved kids so much, she would look for them in restaurants trying to capture a smile.  

Started a series last evening on Netflix, The Night Agent which is a tense political thriller well acted.  I don't know what is happening yet but looking forward to the next episode.  We are limiting our viewing to one show per night.  I had a hard time settling down to sleep.

60 Minutes had an interview with David Grann who pens historical fiction.  The view of his process was fascinating.  Only wish I could be half as good as that. They also had a segment on Artificial Intelligence and its ability to learn and use logic to solve programs.  If used for the good of humanity and not profit I think many of the worlds dilemmas could be solved.  

Too much blathering

all for now

stay safe.....warmer days are coming

Saturday, April 15, 2023



Had a lovely time at the Lloyd Stage Nature Center in Troy yesterday afternoon with Judy.  Things are starting to spring up far above in the trees but all remains brown along the ground surfaces save a few green leaves popping up. We saw these to ladies foraging for a snack and they didn't seem to notice us being close to their proximity, obliging us with some photos.  This is our first sighting this year after winters end.  
Of course Mr. Grace was sauntering down one of the wooden walkways happily feeling the warmth of the sun and not nimble feet caught on something and down I went into the thicket off the path.  Feeling stupid, but not injured, I allowed my wonderful spouse to get me upright.  Thank goodness no one else was around to view this mishap.  Survived with only injured pride.  
Met up with Dick and Bill at Avalon Bakery at Woodward corners in the morning for coffee discussing the passing of our pal Jordy.  It was quiet and quite pleasant.  I was a little nervous because of my doctors appt coming up later in the morning.  Happily the PSA numbers were a non event and he said "see you in 6 months", some of the happiest words to hear. Then ate too much at Renshaws  for lunch.  Aside from falling on my ass, a pretty good day.
Gonna try Eastern Market this morning.  This place is truly one of the gems of our area.  We have been there enough to know the lay of the land and good, free parking.  There will not be too much local produce at this date, but there will be lots of choices and vendors selling their wares.  Traffic will be a bitch with all the construction.  Woodward straight down seems to be the best bet.

I hope you have been able to do outdoor stuff with the lovely climate we have been experiencing lately.  I have been taking 7pm walks with Harry with all the other dog walkers, families with strollers and kids on their two wheelers.  

Had a good time catching up with Rick on FaceTime from San Francisco last evening.  With this tool,  I should do this more with him and others.

Shorts again today, maybe for the last time for awhile, temps going down on Monday.

Too many photos today

all for now 

stay safe

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Empty Fridge

I took this photo at Andrew's dining table of some flowers in a vase in the right light.  I think they look like creatures about to attack.  

I scanned the fridge this morning preparing to make my breakfast and there is nothing left.  Seven days with kids completely cleans us out.  Save a container of cottage cheese and some almond milk, things are bare.  So it's off to Trader Joes to restock.  Took a shot of the pre dawn sunrise from the balcony this morning.  We are supposed to have another splendid day.

I am back with Dr. Smith my dentist to get this partial adjusted as it was killing my mouth today.  Then we are off to the vet's with Apollo for routine maintenance.  

Started reading a book from the library of my pal Jordy called The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks.  The non fiction book was published in 2010 and I slightly remember discussions on talk shows but haven't thought about it in years.  It is the story of the cancerous cells removed from  the cervix of this woman and how they have been exploited and used since the fifties for scientific research and corporate profits.  The writing is mater of fact and direct, unlike the novels of fancy I am used to.  Would be curious if anyone has read it and reactions.

Should be another outstanding day

get out and enjoy it if you can

all for now

stay safe


Wednesday, April 12, 2023


I had a terrific walk home from the dentist a couple of days ago.  I seems that everyone was looking for me because I was moving at my usual leisurely pace traveling down Borgman Avenue  in Huntington Woods.  Took a couple of photos of spring flowers popping up along the way.   My dear Sally, the receptionist at the office was concerned I hadn't arrived at my destination and yesterday called Judy up to check on me. She said she was woke up by fearful thoughts regarding my well being.  Its nice to be thought of.
One of my first friends at Oxford Towers was Dick Dickman.  He and I have spent lots of time together talking, drinking coffee and eating.  His constant companion has been an old poodle named Mimi.  It seems that when he and Shirley lived in Somerset apartments this canine was a frequent visitor at their place.  Her owner could no longer care for her and she moved in permanently.  Sadly, Shirley took ill and passed away sometime later.  Mimi was there for everything, a constant companion,  rarely barking only wanting to hang around and watch over him.  I got a text this morning at 5:45.  She had walked over the rainbow bridge.  We knew it was coming,  she was old somewhere in her high teens with a grey muzzle and a hacking cough.  Still they were together for her passing.   It's a sad day for all of us. She was always quietly around.

I am with my grand kids for the morning in that they have a backwards half day at school starting at noon.  The sun is beaming thru the Southfield window.  All are up but not moving too fast.

Thats it

all for now 

stay safe


Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Jordan Mott VI

I and the world lost a great guy yesterday.  He succumbed to a stroke the day before and was held in a coma in the hospital for a day so his kids could fly in and say goodbye.  I took this photo of him while we were swapping stories on falls. He had just had one a couple of days before.

I am still trying to process his passing.  Always positive with a spring in his step and happy to be greeted by his pals.  He loved my Harry and of course Shannon on her visits.  

Death takes us like a thief in the night.  We are here one moment and gone the next.  

Events such as this give cause to contemplation of our mortality, like what's next and who's next.  Live your life.

thats it

all for now

stay safe

Monday, April 10, 2023

Spring finally

Yesterday Christians around the world celebrated the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.  I wish I had the faith of my youth to join in the joyful feelings of the occasion.  But there is a sense of renewal on this day with people passing sweet greetings to all they encounter.  

Spring has seemed to finally show its head with trees in bloom and flowers peering out from the ground.  It is one of my favorite times of the year because of the rebirth I see.  

We had a wonderful quiet day with Katey and Shannon.  My old buddy Apollo came to visit much to the delight of Harry his running pal.  The dinner of lemon/mushroom pasta turned out well and was enjoyed.  I am always pleased when something turns out good.  On all the cooking shows viewers are informed to add a half a mug of pasta water to the sauce to thicken it.  This is absolutely true.  

Monday has arrived and I have the early shift with Eli and Marie off to the Middle School.  Eli had a bowling tournament in Canton on Friday that I attended with him.  It was a two day event and he had great games on both days.  I saw him hit 147 and he rolled a 183 on the last day.  His great grandpa would have been proud.  Eddie loved to bowl.  I got the biggest charge seeing him pickup spares, which are always hard to calculate. 

Well, its coming up on 5am and I need to prepare some breakfast.

all for now

stay safe

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

The Only Bad Press is No Press

They are predicting a weathermaggeden event today.  The local broadcasters are filling in whatever they can with weather horror stories with glee in their eyes.  

This is the pre sunrise view from my balcony this morning before 7am.  It is still and not too cold.  All I have been thinking about is my oatmeal/fruit breakfast thus far.  Many of the seniors

upon hearing the reports are shuddering in their rooms.  Its weather, we have it here and there is little we can do about it.

And another thing,  our news media feeding the frenzy with the former's indictment and the disgruntled protesters on both side of the the issue of his innocence or guilt.  Further,  nothing is going to happen until f*cking December of this year with respect to another hearing.  That means he and his colleagues will be splashed all over the airwaves for the next 8 months providing more free publicity and additional campaign donations from wealthy donors.  So 60 Minutes devotes a segment to Marjorie Taylor Greene this past Sunday.  Only my thoughts but,  this woman has many opinions that I consider invalid (polite correct?). Leslie Stahl looked dumbfounded  at most ofher answers.  But still she gets press that will benefit her aspirations.  

Alvin Braggs case will amount to no more than a misdemeanor charge that will be fined and go away.  With his red tie and blonde coif blowing in the breeze, he will campaign like nothing has happened.

all for now

stay safe


Monday, April 3, 2023



Our weekend lodger Miss Sweetums fit right into our little lives with lounging on the couch, multiple long walks and consuming her food as fast as Harry at all times.  He and she looked like siblings on the walks and on the couch.  Her face is brown and Harry's black and white.  Ears are straight up with Harry's floppy and back.  All and all it went quite well.

Mid afternoon, she got picked up and we decided to grab a bite at Zeoli's.  It was Hawaiian Pizza with crispy cheese ravioli.  All was very tasty.  Mid bite, something did not feel right in my mouth, a broken partial from crunching too hard.  This is not the first time such things have happened to me.  Judy and I had a discussion on good genetics and teeth, hers good, me not so much.  It might be due to my premature birth.   But really, not to sweat it now.  Lots of people have replacement parts in their 70's and before.  Mine are in my mouth.  Off to see my mechanic, Dr. Matthew Smith for repairs, hopefully today.  

Been watching a 2018 drama series Seven Seconds  staring in the main Regina King.  It is difficult to watch but worthwhile.  We can only watch so much at a time.  It's like a wreck you can't look away from.  It's on Netflix.

Turned off the TV and retired about 9pm last night.  All was quiet, dog was snoring in his crate.  Heard a faint knock at the door interrupting the silence.  I opened it only to find our tiny neighbor standing there looking distressed.  She told me she needed to tell someone that her daughter had died alone in her apartment and that she was going to stay with her grand daughter for the next week or so to get thru the ordeal.  She is a sweet widow in her mid nineties that has a little dog Charlie she walk religiously in our lovely neighborhood.  I see her doing her laundry, meticulously folding and re placing in the container she brought it in.  We hugged her tightly and offered meager condolences.  She seemed still in shock.  You shouldn't have to bury your kids.  

I retreated to my chambers remembering my problems aren't so large.

All for now

Stay safe

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Again, too much to eat

Had a nice dinner last evening with friends and daughters at Tavern on the Main in Clawson.  These girls have been pals since they were about 3 and had plenty of high school high jinx,  many of the stories they regaled us with on this occasion. 

Also we have a lodger for the weekend in Miss Sweetums the little terrier that belongs to Andrews girlfriend Stephanie.  After a rocky start,  she moved right in and became comfortable.  Our neighbor and friend Bev watched the two of them while we were at dinner.  She has been Harry's pal and watcher for a while.  Both of the critters were all over her as you can see.

 All except me are still asleep and quiet.  I am always the first one up.  The wind is howling outside.  These drafty 70's era windows don't seal up very well and it comes whistling in when the breezes blow.  Not too many big plans for today, only dog walking when it gets warmer and some frozen pizza for dinner.

Gained weight since the Florida trip.  Not really a lot but moving in the wrong direction.  Need to basically cut back on consumption.  Need more time at PF and fewer carbs.  But gawd I love bread and all its brothers, cake, pastries, donuts etc.  I never could be a drunk but boy I could be fat!

Thats it, no diatribes today.

all for  now

stay safe


The passage of time

 So I am moving quickly to what I consider the gateway to old age, 75 years.  Wondering what the remainder of my life will be like and remem...