Thursday, April 13, 2023

Empty Fridge

I took this photo at Andrew's dining table of some flowers in a vase in the right light.  I think they look like creatures about to attack.  

I scanned the fridge this morning preparing to make my breakfast and there is nothing left.  Seven days with kids completely cleans us out.  Save a container of cottage cheese and some almond milk, things are bare.  So it's off to Trader Joes to restock.  Took a shot of the pre dawn sunrise from the balcony this morning.  We are supposed to have another splendid day.

I am back with Dr. Smith my dentist to get this partial adjusted as it was killing my mouth today.  Then we are off to the vet's with Apollo for routine maintenance.  

Started reading a book from the library of my pal Jordy called The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks.  The non fiction book was published in 2010 and I slightly remember discussions on talk shows but haven't thought about it in years.  It is the story of the cancerous cells removed from  the cervix of this woman and how they have been exploited and used since the fifties for scientific research and corporate profits.  The writing is mater of fact and direct, unlike the novels of fancy I am used to.  Would be curious if anyone has read it and reactions.

Should be another outstanding day

get out and enjoy it if you can

all for now

stay safe


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