Saturday, April 15, 2023



Had a lovely time at the Lloyd Stage Nature Center in Troy yesterday afternoon with Judy.  Things are starting to spring up far above in the trees but all remains brown along the ground surfaces save a few green leaves popping up. We saw these to ladies foraging for a snack and they didn't seem to notice us being close to their proximity, obliging us with some photos.  This is our first sighting this year after winters end.  
Of course Mr. Grace was sauntering down one of the wooden walkways happily feeling the warmth of the sun and not nimble feet caught on something and down I went into the thicket off the path.  Feeling stupid, but not injured, I allowed my wonderful spouse to get me upright.  Thank goodness no one else was around to view this mishap.  Survived with only injured pride.  
Met up with Dick and Bill at Avalon Bakery at Woodward corners in the morning for coffee discussing the passing of our pal Jordy.  It was quiet and quite pleasant.  I was a little nervous because of my doctors appt coming up later in the morning.  Happily the PSA numbers were a non event and he said "see you in 6 months", some of the happiest words to hear. Then ate too much at Renshaws  for lunch.  Aside from falling on my ass, a pretty good day.
Gonna try Eastern Market this morning.  This place is truly one of the gems of our area.  We have been there enough to know the lay of the land and good, free parking.  There will not be too much local produce at this date, but there will be lots of choices and vendors selling their wares.  Traffic will be a bitch with all the construction.  Woodward straight down seems to be the best bet.

I hope you have been able to do outdoor stuff with the lovely climate we have been experiencing lately.  I have been taking 7pm walks with Harry with all the other dog walkers, families with strollers and kids on their two wheelers.  

Had a good time catching up with Rick on FaceTime from San Francisco last evening.  With this tool,  I should do this more with him and others.

Shorts again today, maybe for the last time for awhile, temps going down on Monday.

Too many photos today

all for now 

stay safe

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