Monday, April 17, 2023

Fat and Wild Hair

Where to begin today? First off it is colder that days previous which is somewhat disquieting.  Should improve by the end of the week and we can again go out and enjoy the environment.  

It is a wild haired morning.  Have to visit Planet Fitness this morning regrettably.  Picked up a few pounds recently and have been living the life of a lump,  mostly sitting and eating.  Had Shannon for the weekend.  She had a great time with all her senior buddies.  It helped cure some of the losses we have endured lately.  She made Dick forget his troubles.  

Seem to drag through the spate  TV programs we usually view.  I gets kind of tiresome seeing Pat smile at Vanna and Ken's always chipper personality.  We have new broadcasters that cycle through Detroit media on their way to a bigger market like Chicago or New York.  They all have the same smiles and perfectly coiffed hair with glowing white teeth.  Speaking of which,  my dentist finally fixed my partial and all is right with the world.

Tomorrow is the birthday of Marie Reno,  who was my mother in law.  She left us in 2015 at the age of 92.  She drove me absolutely crazy but I loved her and her spirit and her opinions that were almost always different than mine. She was a guiding force to all her grandchildren.  They loved her completely from the desserts to the shorts and jumpers made from what looked like curtains to the Italian sausage sandwiches on Sundays.  She loved kids so much, she would look for them in restaurants trying to capture a smile.  

Started a series last evening on Netflix, The Night Agent which is a tense political thriller well acted.  I don't know what is happening yet but looking forward to the next episode.  We are limiting our viewing to one show per night.  I had a hard time settling down to sleep.

60 Minutes had an interview with David Grann who pens historical fiction.  The view of his process was fascinating.  Only wish I could be half as good as that. They also had a segment on Artificial Intelligence and its ability to learn and use logic to solve programs.  If used for the good of humanity and not profit I think many of the worlds dilemmas could be solved.  

Too much blathering

all for now

stay safe.....warmer days are coming

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