Saturday, April 22, 2023

Yet another personal evaluation


It's Saturday and the birds are singing out my window.  Haven't had my coffee or breakfast yet.  Enjoying the quiet.  we are dog sitting little Spud for a while today because the owner collapsed and the substitute owner has to preside over a memorial service for a good friend.  Really don't have a clue whether he and Harry will get along.  This guy is a some manner of Yorkie, something of a barker. Should be interesting.

Within the aging process, this body is changing.  Arms and legs have become thinner but still functional.  Hand strength as diminished.  Jar opening has become a problem without an aid of some sort.  Torso has not lessened in size staying roundish and a little lumpy.  I need to work on muscle mass with strength training and some cardio.  Core fitness will improve my faltering balance.  I need to stop and think about my destination before I go off in the car.  If I don't, I will travel the tried and true path which might not be the best way to get to my destination.  Pausing before departure seems to help. 

These changes are not necessarily a bad sign,  only an honest look at reality.  I don't move as fast or as effectively as I'd like, so slightly more time is required.  If you don't like it, thats too bad, not worrying about your feelings on this matter.  

The more important aspect here is to have patience and be kind, really to everyone, not just your friends.  Passing judgement gets easier with age,  and writing off people gets easier.  Consider the travails of another's life experiences before you cast them aside.

all for now

stay safe

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