Friday, April 21, 2023

Quiet day / Soon to be ex-mayor

 Today is a quiet one with some rain going on, lounging middle school kids.  All fed and filled with chocolate chip cookies.  Went downstairs to chat with he usual crowd and regaled them with my crime victim stories from my past.  Took care of my old buddy Apollo as well.  He was happy to see me even with going out in the rain. Judy is watching Wheel and I cannot stand it any more.  Jim Fouts, the irascible mayor of Warren has been excluded from another run for office to his dismay. 

This guy has had a controversial political career with misogynistic comments about women, women that are well seasoned, people of color and the mentally disabled citizens.  And yet the population of this town reelect him.  He refuses to reveal his age.  Google him.

Another topic:  I do not think President Biden should run to be president again in 2024.  Democrats have not considered another candidate.  He has done a remarkable job dealing with the pandemic and the economy helping regular families .  But he may be too old to sustain another 4 year term.  Even with all Trumps legal woes, he can still mount a campaign which makes me nervous. 

So we have an old guy shooting a kid that went to the wrong address, a girl that was killed coming up the wrong driveway.  And tonight, a man putting someone in the hospital because he had words with his sister over a handicapped parking spot AT A CUB SCOUT MEETING!.  Too much anger, too many guns and a genuine lack of patience.  I am at a loss for words. 

all for now
stay safe 

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