Monday, April 3, 2023



Our weekend lodger Miss Sweetums fit right into our little lives with lounging on the couch, multiple long walks and consuming her food as fast as Harry at all times.  He and she looked like siblings on the walks and on the couch.  Her face is brown and Harry's black and white.  Ears are straight up with Harry's floppy and back.  All and all it went quite well.

Mid afternoon, she got picked up and we decided to grab a bite at Zeoli's.  It was Hawaiian Pizza with crispy cheese ravioli.  All was very tasty.  Mid bite, something did not feel right in my mouth, a broken partial from crunching too hard.  This is not the first time such things have happened to me.  Judy and I had a discussion on good genetics and teeth, hers good, me not so much.  It might be due to my premature birth.   But really, not to sweat it now.  Lots of people have replacement parts in their 70's and before.  Mine are in my mouth.  Off to see my mechanic, Dr. Matthew Smith for repairs, hopefully today.  

Been watching a 2018 drama series Seven Seconds  staring in the main Regina King.  It is difficult to watch but worthwhile.  We can only watch so much at a time.  It's like a wreck you can't look away from.  It's on Netflix.

Turned off the TV and retired about 9pm last night.  All was quiet, dog was snoring in his crate.  Heard a faint knock at the door interrupting the silence.  I opened it only to find our tiny neighbor standing there looking distressed.  She told me she needed to tell someone that her daughter had died alone in her apartment and that she was going to stay with her grand daughter for the next week or so to get thru the ordeal.  She is a sweet widow in her mid nineties that has a little dog Charlie she walk religiously in our lovely neighborhood.  I see her doing her laundry, meticulously folding and re placing in the container she brought it in.  We hugged her tightly and offered meager condolences.  She seemed still in shock.  You shouldn't have to bury your kids.  

I retreated to my chambers remembering my problems aren't so large.

All for now

Stay safe

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