Friday, April 28, 2023



Spring has finally arrive in Berkley.  it was a lovely, sunny, 60ish day yesterday.  The lawn crew was out and you could hear the machines going, cutting and clipping.  One of my favorite smells is fresh cut grass.  It makes me think of the summers of my youth and even early adulthood when I was doing my yard.  We have flowering trees at the penitentiary  that are coming into bloom. 

Ate waaaaaay too much Mexican cuisine last night at Los Tres Amigos in Farmington.  What a lovely little town it is.  We went with good old friends we've known since Shannon was about two.  The lady has a serious illness and still soldiers on with a good attitude and looking forward to upcoming family events and some traveling to California.  It was wonderful to see her feeling and moving pretty good.  This is a person that has influenced both Judy and I, always stepping up to help and taking care of others.  She is an inspiration to me.  

Judy is having coffee with a friend this morning and I will do some cooking of meal components to add to dishes.  When it is mostly cooking for two, there is always stuff left in the fridge that needs to be used.  I hate to throw food away.  Trying to eat peanut butter.  It's never been the right thing for me.  Maybe its the texture or when it gets on you hands.  I hate sticky hands.  Thats  just me. It is a good meat free protein source.  On another campaign to cut back on animal protein in my diet, this time on moral grounds as well as health grounds.  We will see how it goes. 

Biden/Harris are running again.  They will get my vote, reluctantly.  The alternative could be quite costly to our country.

Birds are singing and the sun is rising to greet another day

thats it

all for now

stay safe

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