Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Joy Building

Old Glory  that is directly outside my 4th floor window is flapping wildly and straight across because of the winds we are enduring today.  Watching that in the dark from my room this morning, I pondered this Oath Keeper guy that was convicted of sedition yesterday.  If you asked a high school senior fresh from civics, what is sedition today,  I will bet a blank stare would be your answer.  This is an old term, rarely used dating from the time of John Adams.  Further, I would ask this guy, what is your end game?  What you like our country to be in your perfect world?  Would everyone look like you? live like you?  be the captain of their own destiny?  Our world is constantly evolving.  Demographics are always changing.  This evolution will not stop even with your wishes, guns and violent behavior. 

Spoke with a friend yesterday regarding joy, as in things that bring this feeling.  She told of a person that helped her without hesitation and often.  She got and gave him something, a little gift.  She said it gave her joy to do such things.  My interpretation would be o get a lift of spirits fulfilling the need to brighten someones day.  My mechanism for this is to feed people.  My love of all things food and cooking make this easy for me.  One of my friends from here, a 91 year old lady just came back from a trip to see family.  We recently did the math and determined that if she had me at 19 years old, she could be my mother.  We were sitting in a group setting yesterday afternoon and she said she could go for a big bowl of pasta (she weighs at about 100#).  I went upstairs and put together a plate with jarred tomato sauce and a couple of meatballs. Took it to her and she was thrilled.  It gave me joy,  if only for a few moments.

Judy went to coffee with a friend yesterday at a location we know well.  She had a waitstaff person take their order she has known for years.  Overhearing a conversation with another customer,  this person (waitperson). proclaimed that the vaccines were being given to kill off certain citizens and control the population.  She said further that this technique was developed by the Chinese and we learned if from them,  pretty stunning right?

Watched an episode of "The Good Doctor" thru Hulu.  It is generally a good show with flawed characters and a non sanitized outcome.  This time the surgical team delivered sextuplets.  Now I know the babies shown were dolls make to look like premies.  But still, the fragility of a new life hanging in the balance caught me.  I was a premie at 4lbs 9ozs in 1950.  I am told that was a big deal back then.  The incubator I was placed in was flooded with oxygen as was the practice of the time.  My vision was hampered.  I was told I had a lazy eye in the fifth grade.  That was not correct.  It was too much oxygen at birth. Anyway,  last night, I was moved by the outcome of the episode and all the babies were fine.

all for now

hang on to your toupee today

stay safe

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

A Batty Chronicle

I saw friend Bob yesterday for breakfast.  We had not seen each other for sometime probably since summer.  I was great to see him.  He looked the same approaching 75 with me approaching 73.  We reminisced about our lives and the time we spent in the business world, personalities and work events.  He has been retired for about 15 years and me about 6.  An engine building plant he and I both frequented, Ford's Romeo Engine plant was closing at the end of the year.  In an earlier generation the building made tractors.  We talked about people we knew there and their outcomes.  It was a wonderful place (a factory?) mainly because of the folks that worked there.  At one point, they made high performance engines for the Mustang.  The assemblers would proudly sign all their work like a painter on an oil painting.  I was Jerry the glove guy.  Thats how my customers knew me.  

Pictured above is an experiment done for Marie.  With a half of an onion and a plain sealed glass jar, a mini greenhouse was created.  The built up humidity added the needed moisture and roots have started sprouting after about 7 days, no soil or water added.  I might plant it in a pot with growth medium and see what happens inside.  Real exciting! 

In more science news, we have a bat that has taken up temporary residence on one of the pillars at the front entrance of the place.  Judy was able to capture his image in repose facing downward.  Some residents were aghast by his presence, me, not so much. These creatures have a job to do, eating insects and other pests.  I say leave him (or her) alone.

Sometimes we meet people only on the phone.  After doing what we need to, we chat, about the day, the weather and ultimately about our families.  I have such a friend.  We spoke maybe three times a week about purchase orders and tracking shipments trailing off to "how's it going" conversations.  She and her husband have a farm in NC and a son, her pride and joy.  She has the sweetest voice and manner about her.  I enjoyed our frequent conversations.  We became Facebook friends.  I watched thru photos this 10 year old grow into a handsome young man.  Day before yesterday,  there was an obituary for him.  I do not know the reason for his demise,  only the sadness for his parents.  Don't know how or if one gets thru this kind of loss.  She is in my thoughts.

all for now

stay safe

Friday, November 25, 2022

Thanksgiving in Middleville

Son Jon and his lovely family Wednesday took possession of their new home in Middleville Michigan. We showed up on Thanksgiving with food and drink.  The occasion was chaotic, happy and food filled.  Their home is on the banks of the Thornapple River which is a tributary of the Grand River, the longest river in Michigan.  The dinner was provided by us visitors and am pleased to say that everything turned out delicious.
Their little boys, Paxton and Everett had a great time with their version of fishing In the river.  

The photo on the top was the trio tasting Uncle Mikes wine from this years batch.  A look at the wintry river and then the bros were next, both of which are about a head taller than me. 

There is a lot to be done on the home,

but Kelly's talents as a decorator/organizer and Jon's mechanical ability will have them up to the task.  But the best part for me was when the three siblings were outside making fun of each other with Judy and I looking on.  Kids that are happy with each other is my Thanksgiving gift.

And now, it's back to normal, with a much needed trip to Planet Fitness, ugh!

Also it's back to sensible eating with some sense judgement as to quantities and varieties of foods. 

all for now

hope you all enjoyed your holiday

stay safe


Sunday, November 20, 2022

Peppermint Hot Chocolate

So Marie spent the night on Friday and in the current custom, took a food selfie.  She fashioned a peppermint hot chocolate with whipped cream on top and was quite proud of her masterpiece.

Today we are celebrating her dad's birthday.  Tomorrow he is 42.  It's hard to believe this much time has passed since his birth in 1980.  The world was a different place.  His arrival profoundly changed our lives for the better.  His coming was a joyous event.  The first Christmas was a tough one however.  The boy had colic and was inconsolable thru the the day and night.  We all paced the floor with him.  Gradually that changed and he became a chipper toddler.  After some angst ridden teenage years complete with piercings and purple hair, he as become a fine man and father.  I love and admire him very much.

It's a Shannon day and brutally cold outside.  It should come as no surprise considering where we live.  But still......I feel like I have again felt the Michigan slap across my face.  At least we aren't in Buffalo.  Andrew and his kids will be here today along with Katey.  Judy will take the obligatory photo of the birthday boy blowing out his candles.  

Shannon had her visit with her pal Dick Dickman this afternoon watching Mickey Mouse Club House.  Both of them are thrilled with the visit.  They are both uplifting to each other.  

Well, that's it.

stay warm

and safe

all for now


Saturday, November 19, 2022

Little Buddy


The aging process is catching up to all of us.  Yes, there are increased body aches and we don't get better from colds as quickly as before.  Memories of recent events like what we ate for lunch or the characters of a show we watched. last night slip our minds.  It is amazing how increasingly vivid the memories of our distant past come thru crystal clear.  I used to complain how my mother in law Marie seemed to live fifty years in the past but kept asking "Judy, what day is it?" 

When my hair was brown and much longer, and I was a sophomore in college, I met this girl who became my girlfriend. Later she and I went our separate ways, I, meeting this beautiful long haired  girl from NJ in Jamaica and she meeting her future spouse at the Royal Oak Post Office.  Somehow thru chance and happenstance we kept in touch, now mostly thru social media.  She came from large (7 kids) and happy family.  This place was like the Waltons, everybody was happy to see each other and just glad to be there.  I spent lots of Christmases visiting this home  and was always welcome.  While fond of her, I really loved this family,   with the safety and closeness of this household.

Sadly, my friend's husband died last week.  He had been ill for a while and finally succumbed.  She sent me the arrangement info soon after.  Yesterday I went to the wake and amid tearful hugs from the widow and her sister, I was reacquainted with her brothers who were little boys the last time I laid eyes on them.  And they remembered me, after 50 years.  The youngest of which named Jeff was my little buddy when he was seven.  I was moved and shocked that I left some impression after all these years.  He is now nearly 59.  I am still thinking about it. 

We all travel thru life with many stories.  I and fortunate to have found a little of my past life even under unfortunate circumstances.  I sometimes
struggle to remember who I was compared to who I am today.  

Our lovely Marie spent the night last night and I will be making pancakes for her when she finally arrises this morning. She and Nanny have a wonderful bond, each having an inquiring and open mind.

Cold today!!

all for now 

stay safe

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

This Morning

So with about two years till the next election, he begins and the onslaught of news about him, what he thinks, how our country is a disaster and how he will make it glorious again (sounds a bit third reichey don't you think). We will learn of his new team and how they are better.  Will Melania hang around?  What is going on with lanky Barron?  We just finished with about a year of the mid terms with countless TV ads, amidst the lawyer ads,  the drug ads, and of course the gambling ads.  The ink has barely dried,  the repubs will have the house and his main disciple will be at the pulpit of the speaker of the house.  I am done with this guy, his red ties, his f*cking hats and orange complexion.  

If I look pissed in the photo, it's because I am, not so much with the candidacy as what we will be subjected for the next two years, yes two years by the media.  I really do not want to hear about this guy any more.  He successfully disrupts the process of running the country at a lot of levels.  

Seeing as the lead story on CNN (online), reminds me of the sinking feeling I had waking up at 3am in November 2016 to hear the news of his election or watching the Capitol being invaded by insurrectionists on Jan 6th 2021, in complete disbelief in the reality that was put in front of me.  

But enough about this topic, the cold days of winter are approaching, and again  I am faced with the dilemma of winter doldrums, on our grey days.  My only saving grace is exercise via trips to Planet Fitness, cutting down on carbs and finding some manner of inner peace.  And also peculiar to me, writing down my thoughts in this blog.  Sometimes it's easier than verbalizing because the words can be revisited and rewritten, not so much in speaking them.  A bell cannot be un rung.

Having lunch with the boys from the penitentiary today.  It will be a simple place quite familiar to all.  I will hear oft repeated stories.  So much so, I can rattle off the endings. 

that's it

all for now

stay safe

Saturday, November 12, 2022

a Glumpy Saturday

The winter doldrums are setting in.  It's dreary and cold outside.  There is no sun to speak of.  Harry is napping in his bed on the couch.  The day is starting slowly.

 I have been reading the morning headlines about the mid terms and to be truthful, I don't know how to be happy with results after being disappointed so much.  Now Mark Kelly has won in Arizona.  Always admired him for helping his wife Gabby thru the gunshot trauma and sticking with her as she recovers.  Michigan now has a democratic majority in the legislature and a democratic governor for the first time in 40 years.  Let's see what they can do.

Have high hopes for Rev Warnock in Georgia.  I think he will prevail and the control of the upper house of Congress will stay the same.

Had a nice late lunch at Renshaw's with Katey with good food at a reasonable price.  I have to give a shout out to the team that cleans up the leaves at our complex.  This is a place built in the 70's with now mature trees that drop lots of leaves in the fall.  In two days these folks cleaned all that up and did the final cut on the lawn.  Lots of work but with a good team and plan it can be done quite handily.

Shannon tonight and grocery shopping this morning.  I have to somehow get my steps in.....gonna take Harry for a walk

all for now 

stay safe

find a movie to watch

Friday, November 11, 2022

Pencils and Crane Walk

So, I like these cheap mechanical pencils from Paper Mate that I favor from the time I worked.  I need a pencil with an eraser because of all my miss spellings.  I can correct my errors and no one will be the wiser.  I feared that I was at the end of my supply.  The lead on the last one had run out, today's first dilemma.  Lo and behold my lovely spouse told me to check in the closet.  The box purchased sometime ago sat there completely full.  I was elated and dumfounded at my own stupidity.

My wife told me yesterday that I walk like this Sand Hill Crane, head facing down not looking ahead,  causing my shuffling gate and occasional fall.  I am becoming more bent over, further hampering my balance and continued mobility.  Life is wonderful!  Had a carb loaded day yesterday, bagel, beer and a load of Plato's Potatoes (crispy fries with feta cheese) at Rebublica.  I need a way to go "breadless" for a while.  These things are my downfall. This unfortunately is my "aholic" trait.  The reality of the matter is that I need to find some vegetables I can enjoy.  This needs to become my life's work.

Today is Veterans Day.  My Judy, daughter Katey and son Jonathan are all proud U.S. Navy veterans.  Katey and Jon both went on long deployments at sea and Judy saved infant's lives in their newly invented NICU at the Naval Hospital at Newport RI.  I got to spend a limited time on ships with them.  For me it was a great experience.  I am extremely proud of all of them and look up to their accomplishments and service.

The grand kids are back with their mom for the week.  It gives me more time to contemplate what to do with the rest of my life.  Many of us struggle with this question.

all for now

one last warm day,  clouds but that's ok

stay safe

Wednesday, November 9, 2022


Had a great last trip to Kensington Metropark to see and feed the birdies yesterday with Judy and Marie as the main feeders.  The trees are nearly bare so these sharp eyed little guys have nothing to block their sight from us.  With no exaggeration we had 200-300 landings on palms for a quick munch.  With nary a cloud in the sky, it was the perfect day for this.  We were visited by a photographer that showed us a bird trick.  Throw a peanut into the air in their proximity and a birdie will catch it mid air, really astounding.  Judy and Marie  were having such a good time, it seemed a shame to drag them away.

In yesterday's electoral contest, the incumbents prevailed (sounds like a good name for a band).  Third time's a charm for John James.  He defeated his democratic challenger.  He will be a Republican to watch in the future, well spoken and likable.  And now, since the contest is over, we could get back to governing.  It was impressive to hear Tim Ryan from Ohio concede.  He demonstrated a lesson for all other candidates. The people decide. 

Took a trip to the Aldi store in Oak Park recently.  They had some good prices, but few real bargains.  While it was fun for us seasoned food shoppers to try it out, I don't need to 

add this on to my already long roster of food emporiums.

It's another sunny warmish day here in Berkley.  soon this will be all over and we will be swallowed up by winters gloom.  Had a semi successful day at Planet Fitness this morning.  There's a guy, a stroke victim, who has been putting in the work to recover and in fact is getting more movement, a true inspiration. 
Thats it.

Stay safe
Enjoy this beautiful day!
all for now

Monday, November 7, 2022

After school transition

 The kids are back from school.  They come in famished and scarf up their pre prepared dinners mostly in silence.  Both have retreated to their screens with very little conversation.  Its different than before with bickering and fighting over

what TV program to watch usually settling on a cartoon about non speaking worms (called Larvae) that communicate with fart noises and screams intermittently.  Frankly I do not miss this.  But at this point, it's far too quiet.  I could watch the news if I so desired.  The one thing consistent throughout these transitional times is Harry the dog,  always thrilled to see me 

I spent the whole day feeling miserable yesterday, from overeating piles of unfamiliar foods on Saturday.  Miraculously better today with a valuable lesson learned; that being my body is not what it used to be.

The mid-term elections are tomorrow.  I see myself as a liberal Democrat knowing it may be seen as self indictment to some.  I have some confidence in our state races that the current ladies in charge will prevail.  Nationally it seems that the opposing party is poised to take over.  It saddens me, but I will accept the results of the contests regardless of the winners.  I fear for the volunteer election workers doing their best to complete their tasks with armed poll watchers outside.  Further, I fear for our democracy with many not accepting results, even though righteous, if their candidate loses.  

Remember and tell your grandchildren that Social Security is not an entitlement.  As workers, we paid into this fund every week with deductions in our paychecks.  This is our money, our investment.  

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Band and Bowling

We attended the first Royal Oak Middle School Fall band concert last night to see Elijah and his clarinet along with what seemed to be a cast of thousands,  not really, about 90 6-7th graders. 
its two days later......
Saturday morning and getting ready to take Eli bowling for his practice session.  He and his sister spent the night last evening.  What a difference from when they were little and we had to find things for them to do.  Now, it is eating, screens, and phones with little conversation.  I can watch the news with no complaint and Harry is nestled next to his buddy.  It's all very quiet with no chaos.

I visited the family and friends of my old workplace friend Chris in the afternoon yesterday.  He looked too young to be in the casket.  I remember him running around Staples with the oxygen generator on his back making customers happy with his demeanor and extensive tech knowledge.  I met his mom.  She was still in shock over his passing.  He was a member of a large church group with the rest of the family.  I am sure they will provide support.

At Eli's bowling practice, I had occasion to meet with the director of the league. We had a pleasant conversation about raising kids of all ages mostly talking about the kids you really did not participate with, because you were working so. much.  Then the smaller ones that you did participate with were covered.  For him, it was a 14 year old daughter and for me it was my kids vs. my grandkids.  I was always a work for mine as well.  I went to games and concerts but did not know of the day to day stuff.  With grand kids, I know more.  I know and befriend their teachers, know about homework and still go to concerts and games.  Andrew revealed to me that this fine man's youngest daughter had died recently.  I was knocked for a loop, as it was not mentioned in our conversation.

People of faith have a coping skill in their emotional toolbox that I do not possess.  The passing of a loved one or friend is seen as part of God's plan.  It is lost on me.  Somehow, one carries on.

its a Shannon Sunday and we have already watched B and the B, moving on to Looney Toons.  There are decades worth of these to watch,  I don't think we have reached the end yet.

all for now
stay safe


Thursday, November 3, 2022

Zoo and Opinions

 Zoo trip yesterday afternoon.  What a spectacular day for walking.  The inhabitants seemed to be having a grand time as well.  All were out enjoying the day, including camels, a giant anteater,  grizzlies romping in the pool and others.  There were moms and toddlers racing thru and the zoo crew was busy erecting all the holiday lights for the upcoming nights.

This is a meeting of the lady peacocks while their male counterparts strutted thru the park and our quiet friend the massive bison which once roamed free thru the prairies.

This election is looming like impending doom.  As always, there are a lot of attack ads that move from the sublime to the ridiculous.  Every slot of commercial time is filled with them with a little lawyer pitching in between. 

I fear for our democracy.  If the winners of the political contests are not recognized by large numbers of our citizens, what have we got?  Further, where does it leave us?  A people with no faith in elections?  This process is the major foundation of our republic.  I voted sometimes ago absentee dropping my ballot off at the Berkley City Clerk's office and feel that office will do what is necessary to tabulate the results. Who ever wins, wins, period.  If candidates that I detest prove victorious,  I will accept it and move on.  Nationally, a woman's right to choose has been cast out.  The powers that be will be looking for our grandchildren's Social Security benefits next, calling them entitlements. Remember we paid for it every week with our paychecks. 

all for now

stay safe and enjoy this beautiful day

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Mother Superior Jumped the Gun and Marie


With the calendar turning over to November 1st today, Halloween is completed for another year.  We had all the elementary kids at the penitentiary for their annual candy visit and all the old people to say how cute they are.  Early in the morning we visited the conclave in the office to be greeted by this pair of clergy women.   Please note the ruler,  all present had their tales to tell about rulers, canes and other implements of their religious education. The management later
insisted they remove their garb lest they offend sensitive souls. 

Marie went out with her parents in our neighborhood for the candy grab.  Most neighbors gave her a load of sweets as the evening was coming to a close and they needed to get the stuff out of the house. 

She and came up to the apartment with her collected booty and dumped it one the kitchen table.  Everyone including Nanny collected the items to their liking and consuming a few.  Andrew and Judy grudgingly split the Reeses Peanut Butter Cups.  Judy collected her favorite, the Smarties, which I consider the worst of the lot, like eating Tums.

Even though candy is generally off limits for me, I am not enamored of the stuff.  If they handed out donuts and cheese danish, or everything bagels, I would be first in line pushing other kids aside.

Shannon has tested positive for Covid,  but happily symptom free.  We have been checking on her daily.  She should be able to go back to her program by the end of the week.

Ran into my friend Tom Cameron on my walk with Harry yesterday and we are getting together for coffee this morning.  In my pared down life, little things like happening on a friend lighten my day.  

that's it

all for now

supposed to be a nice day, get outside

stay safe

The passage of time

 So I am moving quickly to what I consider the gateway to old age, 75 years.  Wondering what the remainder of my life will be like and remem...