Thursday, November 3, 2022

Zoo and Opinions

 Zoo trip yesterday afternoon.  What a spectacular day for walking.  The inhabitants seemed to be having a grand time as well.  All were out enjoying the day, including camels, a giant anteater,  grizzlies romping in the pool and others.  There were moms and toddlers racing thru and the zoo crew was busy erecting all the holiday lights for the upcoming nights.

This is a meeting of the lady peacocks while their male counterparts strutted thru the park and our quiet friend the massive bison which once roamed free thru the prairies.

This election is looming like impending doom.  As always, there are a lot of attack ads that move from the sublime to the ridiculous.  Every slot of commercial time is filled with them with a little lawyer pitching in between. 

I fear for our democracy.  If the winners of the political contests are not recognized by large numbers of our citizens, what have we got?  Further, where does it leave us?  A people with no faith in elections?  This process is the major foundation of our republic.  I voted sometimes ago absentee dropping my ballot off at the Berkley City Clerk's office and feel that office will do what is necessary to tabulate the results. Who ever wins, wins, period.  If candidates that I detest prove victorious,  I will accept it and move on.  Nationally, a woman's right to choose has been cast out.  The powers that be will be looking for our grandchildren's Social Security benefits next, calling them entitlements. Remember we paid for it every week with our paychecks. 

all for now

stay safe and enjoy this beautiful day

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