Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Mother Superior Jumped the Gun and Marie


With the calendar turning over to November 1st today, Halloween is completed for another year.  We had all the elementary kids at the penitentiary for their annual candy visit and all the old people to say how cute they are.  Early in the morning we visited the conclave in the office to be greeted by this pair of clergy women.   Please note the ruler,  all present had their tales to tell about rulers, canes and other implements of their religious education. The management later
insisted they remove their garb lest they offend sensitive souls. 

Marie went out with her parents in our neighborhood for the candy grab.  Most neighbors gave her a load of sweets as the evening was coming to a close and they needed to get the stuff out of the house. 

She and came up to the apartment with her collected booty and dumped it one the kitchen table.  Everyone including Nanny collected the items to their liking and consuming a few.  Andrew and Judy grudgingly split the Reeses Peanut Butter Cups.  Judy collected her favorite, the Smarties, which I consider the worst of the lot, like eating Tums.

Even though candy is generally off limits for me, I am not enamored of the stuff.  If they handed out donuts and cheese danish, or everything bagels, I would be first in line pushing other kids aside.

Shannon has tested positive for Covid,  but happily symptom free.  We have been checking on her daily.  She should be able to go back to her program by the end of the week.

Ran into my friend Tom Cameron on my walk with Harry yesterday and we are getting together for coffee this morning.  In my pared down life, little things like happening on a friend lighten my day.  

that's it

all for now

supposed to be a nice day, get outside

stay safe

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