Saturday, November 12, 2022

a Glumpy Saturday

The winter doldrums are setting in.  It's dreary and cold outside.  There is no sun to speak of.  Harry is napping in his bed on the couch.  The day is starting slowly.

 I have been reading the morning headlines about the mid terms and to be truthful, I don't know how to be happy with results after being disappointed so much.  Now Mark Kelly has won in Arizona.  Always admired him for helping his wife Gabby thru the gunshot trauma and sticking with her as she recovers.  Michigan now has a democratic majority in the legislature and a democratic governor for the first time in 40 years.  Let's see what they can do.

Have high hopes for Rev Warnock in Georgia.  I think he will prevail and the control of the upper house of Congress will stay the same.

Had a nice late lunch at Renshaw's with Katey with good food at a reasonable price.  I have to give a shout out to the team that cleans up the leaves at our complex.  This is a place built in the 70's with now mature trees that drop lots of leaves in the fall.  In two days these folks cleaned all that up and did the final cut on the lawn.  Lots of work but with a good team and plan it can be done quite handily.

Shannon tonight and grocery shopping this morning.  I have to somehow get my steps in.....gonna take Harry for a walk

all for now 

stay safe

find a movie to watch

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