Monday, November 7, 2022

After school transition

 The kids are back from school.  They come in famished and scarf up their pre prepared dinners mostly in silence.  Both have retreated to their screens with very little conversation.  Its different than before with bickering and fighting over

what TV program to watch usually settling on a cartoon about non speaking worms (called Larvae) that communicate with fart noises and screams intermittently.  Frankly I do not miss this.  But at this point, it's far too quiet.  I could watch the news if I so desired.  The one thing consistent throughout these transitional times is Harry the dog,  always thrilled to see me 

I spent the whole day feeling miserable yesterday, from overeating piles of unfamiliar foods on Saturday.  Miraculously better today with a valuable lesson learned; that being my body is not what it used to be.

The mid-term elections are tomorrow.  I see myself as a liberal Democrat knowing it may be seen as self indictment to some.  I have some confidence in our state races that the current ladies in charge will prevail.  Nationally it seems that the opposing party is poised to take over.  It saddens me, but I will accept the results of the contests regardless of the winners.  I fear for the volunteer election workers doing their best to complete their tasks with armed poll watchers outside.  Further, I fear for our democracy with many not accepting results, even though righteous, if their candidate loses.  

Remember and tell your grandchildren that Social Security is not an entitlement.  As workers, we paid into this fund every week with deductions in our paychecks.  This is our money, our investment.  

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