Saturday, November 19, 2022

Little Buddy


The aging process is catching up to all of us.  Yes, there are increased body aches and we don't get better from colds as quickly as before.  Memories of recent events like what we ate for lunch or the characters of a show we watched. last night slip our minds.  It is amazing how increasingly vivid the memories of our distant past come thru crystal clear.  I used to complain how my mother in law Marie seemed to live fifty years in the past but kept asking "Judy, what day is it?" 

When my hair was brown and much longer, and I was a sophomore in college, I met this girl who became my girlfriend. Later she and I went our separate ways, I, meeting this beautiful long haired  girl from NJ in Jamaica and she meeting her future spouse at the Royal Oak Post Office.  Somehow thru chance and happenstance we kept in touch, now mostly thru social media.  She came from large (7 kids) and happy family.  This place was like the Waltons, everybody was happy to see each other and just glad to be there.  I spent lots of Christmases visiting this home  and was always welcome.  While fond of her, I really loved this family,   with the safety and closeness of this household.

Sadly, my friend's husband died last week.  He had been ill for a while and finally succumbed.  She sent me the arrangement info soon after.  Yesterday I went to the wake and amid tearful hugs from the widow and her sister, I was reacquainted with her brothers who were little boys the last time I laid eyes on them.  And they remembered me, after 50 years.  The youngest of which named Jeff was my little buddy when he was seven.  I was moved and shocked that I left some impression after all these years.  He is now nearly 59.  I am still thinking about it. 

We all travel thru life with many stories.  I and fortunate to have found a little of my past life even under unfortunate circumstances.  I sometimes
struggle to remember who I was compared to who I am today.  

Our lovely Marie spent the night last night and I will be making pancakes for her when she finally arrises this morning. She and Nanny have a wonderful bond, each having an inquiring and open mind.

Cold today!!

all for now 

stay safe

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