Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Joy Building

Old Glory  that is directly outside my 4th floor window is flapping wildly and straight across because of the winds we are enduring today.  Watching that in the dark from my room this morning, I pondered this Oath Keeper guy that was convicted of sedition yesterday.  If you asked a high school senior fresh from civics, what is sedition today,  I will bet a blank stare would be your answer.  This is an old term, rarely used dating from the time of John Adams.  Further, I would ask this guy, what is your end game?  What you like our country to be in your perfect world?  Would everyone look like you? live like you?  be the captain of their own destiny?  Our world is constantly evolving.  Demographics are always changing.  This evolution will not stop even with your wishes, guns and violent behavior. 

Spoke with a friend yesterday regarding joy, as in things that bring this feeling.  She told of a person that helped her without hesitation and often.  She got and gave him something, a little gift.  She said it gave her joy to do such things.  My interpretation would be o get a lift of spirits fulfilling the need to brighten someones day.  My mechanism for this is to feed people.  My love of all things food and cooking make this easy for me.  One of my friends from here, a 91 year old lady just came back from a trip to see family.  We recently did the math and determined that if she had me at 19 years old, she could be my mother.  We were sitting in a group setting yesterday afternoon and she said she could go for a big bowl of pasta (she weighs at about 100#).  I went upstairs and put together a plate with jarred tomato sauce and a couple of meatballs. Took it to her and she was thrilled.  It gave me joy,  if only for a few moments.

Judy went to coffee with a friend yesterday at a location we know well.  She had a waitstaff person take their order she has known for years.  Overhearing a conversation with another customer,  this person (waitperson). proclaimed that the vaccines were being given to kill off certain citizens and control the population.  She said further that this technique was developed by the Chinese and we learned if from them,  pretty stunning right?

Watched an episode of "The Good Doctor" thru Hulu.  It is generally a good show with flawed characters and a non sanitized outcome.  This time the surgical team delivered sextuplets.  Now I know the babies shown were dolls make to look like premies.  But still, the fragility of a new life hanging in the balance caught me.  I was a premie at 4lbs 9ozs in 1950.  I am told that was a big deal back then.  The incubator I was placed in was flooded with oxygen as was the practice of the time.  My vision was hampered.  I was told I had a lazy eye in the fifth grade.  That was not correct.  It was too much oxygen at birth. Anyway,  last night, I was moved by the outcome of the episode and all the babies were fine.

all for now

hang on to your toupee today

stay safe

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