Tuesday, November 29, 2022

A Batty Chronicle

I saw friend Bob yesterday for breakfast.  We had not seen each other for sometime probably since summer.  I was great to see him.  He looked the same approaching 75 with me approaching 73.  We reminisced about our lives and the time we spent in the business world, personalities and work events.  He has been retired for about 15 years and me about 6.  An engine building plant he and I both frequented, Ford's Romeo Engine plant was closing at the end of the year.  In an earlier generation the building made tractors.  We talked about people we knew there and their outcomes.  It was a wonderful place (a factory?) mainly because of the folks that worked there.  At one point, they made high performance engines for the Mustang.  The assemblers would proudly sign all their work like a painter on an oil painting.  I was Jerry the glove guy.  Thats how my customers knew me.  

Pictured above is an experiment done for Marie.  With a half of an onion and a plain sealed glass jar, a mini greenhouse was created.  The built up humidity added the needed moisture and roots have started sprouting after about 7 days, no soil or water added.  I might plant it in a pot with growth medium and see what happens inside.  Real exciting! 

In more science news, we have a bat that has taken up temporary residence on one of the pillars at the front entrance of the place.  Judy was able to capture his image in repose facing downward.  Some residents were aghast by his presence, me, not so much. These creatures have a job to do, eating insects and other pests.  I say leave him (or her) alone.

Sometimes we meet people only on the phone.  After doing what we need to, we chat, about the day, the weather and ultimately about our families.  I have such a friend.  We spoke maybe three times a week about purchase orders and tracking shipments trailing off to "how's it going" conversations.  She and her husband have a farm in NC and a son, her pride and joy.  She has the sweetest voice and manner about her.  I enjoyed our frequent conversations.  We became Facebook friends.  I watched thru photos this 10 year old grow into a handsome young man.  Day before yesterday,  there was an obituary for him.  I do not know the reason for his demise,  only the sadness for his parents.  Don't know how or if one gets thru this kind of loss.  She is in my thoughts.

all for now

stay safe

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More developments

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