Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Repeating history

In 1938 Hitler invaded the Sudetenland which was part of Czechoslovakia because of and to benefit the German citizens that resided there.  In essence his army annexed part of another country.  Similarly, Putin has invaded the sovereign nation of Ukraine because of the Russian language speakers identified as separatists residing there. This is right out of Hitler's playbook to take over nations that surround your nation's boundaries.

His ambitions seem to be the recreation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) in the image of his own design.  He may well succeed. It appears he wants to assert Russian dominance on the world stage for no other reason than a perceived destiny.

Had good in depth conversations yesterday afternoon  with some of my fellow residents.  I however struggle with the concept of God solving everything.  To me it seems this argument clouds judgement and provide a cop out answer when there are no good answers.  I don't liked to be preached to.  Politeness dictates what I may or not say.  Can we just live with the fact that sometimes there are no good answers and that we will feel uneasy about it? That lack of comfort may define your humanity.

Rain, breakfast out, a little shopping, a haircut and blood donation in the plans today.  My usual pitch about donating blood:  If you are well, are not deathly afraid of needles, and want to benefit humanity in some small way, donate.  Yes, it is not pleasant to be poked, but the minor pain you endure for 15 minutes or so, will save someones life.  Wrap your head around that for a minute, will save someones life. Please consider it.  Contact the American Red Cross for details.


all for now

stay safe


Monday, February 21, 2022


Woke early as usual this morning feeling lackluster and forcing myself to do the stretching exercises.  Working on the final piece of my new Medicare Advantage policy thru United Healthcare.  I think I am fine and the new glucose meter is on its way.  

The weather was mild and sunny prompting a walk in the early afternoon after my Apollo care. We went motoring to the Nature Trail in Madison Heights to find the paths still snow/ice covered.  Went to the walkway near their city hall faced the same situation.  Traveled to Normandy Oaks, the new development in R.O., same story so we walked around that neighborhood.

They have a group meeting at the penitentiary on Mondays called the Koffee Klatch (sounds too much like the KKK Klavern meetings). They have coffee and treats and lots of conversations.  Met a new woman, spilled some personal info in the talk and stayed longer than expected.  Got a religious lecture when I spoke of Austin.  Admit it became tedious.  When your beliefs are questionable at best the same repeated references grow stale after the third repeat.  

We completed a wonderful series on Masterpiece (PBS) Around the World in 80 Days David Tennant portrays Phineas Fogg with a terrific supporting cast of Leonie Benesch and Ibrahim Koma.  The viewer see this trio of adventurers course thru Asia, the old west, and rough and tumble NYC.  It will take you a while, but it is worth it.

Committed an eating sin today.  I confess to consuming a piece of Katey's birthday cake that was calling to me at her apartment.  

Seeing friend Bob for breakfast tomorrow.  Looking forward to our meeting

all for now
stay safe


Sunday, February 20, 2022

Austin and the garden

It's Saturday.  Shannon is over a day early.  We are celebrating Katey's 36th birthday tonight with a restaurant visit and cake afterword at the apartment.  I am so very proud of her.  She has become most accomplished at her position at Hall Financial and is finally happy with herself and unto herself.  She's a good dog mom to Apollo as well.  Cannot believe this much time has passed. 

I spend far too much time contemplating the aging process.  Hair is whiter, muscles are smaller and do less and legs are skinnier.  The mind kind of goes in and out.  Not loosing it but  forgetful and shorter term memory is shot.  One truism hit me in the head like a two by four recently.  When a person has no purpose other than being the receptacle for the kindness of others, that is old. When a person does nothing for anyone else, their purpose is gone.  

I can remember my childhood but not high school very much.  College years are more intact probably because it was one of the most happy times of my life.  Of course can remember meeting Judy in Jamaica in 1975 and that entire vacation, the people I met, vacationers an Jamaicans.  Mostly remember getting loaded on Yellow Birds the first day an the phenomenal heat. 

Its the following morning......

The dinner went well and the cake afterward was too good, glad we sent Katey home with the reminder lest I be licking my chops after a birthday cake breakfast. 

One of Shannon's housemates is a young man named Austin.  He is in his twenties and is approaching the end of his life from some manner of inherited condition. Currently he is in hospice care at the home. He is very sweet and loves Judy.  She kissed him goodby whenever we depart.  Sadly there is not much of him, probably far under a hundred pounds.  When he was able he would fetch Shannon whatever she wanted.  Couldn't speak much only offering a smile and a thumbs up to me.  My friend Omar is a church elder, he and I discuss god issues and race issues and family issues.  I sent him a request for prayers for Austin in his last days for comfort.  The people who care for him at the home are really his only family.  

One tends to ponder the old question, why them and not me?  For I have not lived a life with out error or impurity. I have made bad choices that have harmed people if I am honest.  But this young man deserved better.  Considering that Austin has no family,  prayers are the only thing to requested to have his last days be comfortable.

Taking Harry out this morning I looked at the frozen remains of the gardens me and friend Bill planted last year.  I am really looking forward to growing tomatoes and cucumbers this May.  Watching the plants grow up and bear fruit and collecting the bounty was and is great fun

all for now

stay safe and warm 

Friday, February 18, 2022

First tastes

Just in case you thought we lived in the tropics, evidenced by my photo this morning titled "sunrise at the penitentiary". Had a pretty good batch of snow last night and a lot of it has been plowed away.  Harry absolutely hated going out in it this morning.  

Made a decent low carb breakfast for myself today, eggs, cheese,ham no toast.  The first bite was really good, with all the flavors combining in my mouth slightly lifting my mood.  Its like the first sip of coffee, whether with added stuff or plain black, its really impactful when it hits the back of your throat and heats everything up.  For me,  the first bite of cheesy pizza tops the list.  When I pick it up or make it, it is that mouthwatering anticipation of the first taste that grabs me.  For some folks, it's a particular candy or a particular baked good that fills them with anticipation.  There are some fancy restaurants that capitalize on this.  They may have as many as 20 courses that are a few bites each. The first spoon of ice cream also gets me if it is the right flavor.


Somebody Somewhere a limited series on HBO Max about a thirtyish woman that moves back to Kansas and struggles to fit in, meeting a motley crew of compatriots that are all getting thru life and discovering who they are an what makes them happy.  Its been very well reviewed and got 100% on Rotten Tomatoes.  See this one if you have the service.

Elizabeth is Missing on PBS Masterpiece.  Staring Glenda Jackson in the leading role this is the tale of a woman slipping into dementia and her search for her best gardening friend.  She has memories of an older sister that went missing long ago with not definitive answers.  Ms. Jackson is brilliant in the lead role but at my age, and in my current surroundings, the story hits too close to home.  If you are a senior  like me, view at your peril.

The Gilded Age, we have tried to enjoy this without success because none of the characters are likable aside from a couple.  Developed by Mr. Downton Abby, Julian Fellowes it lack the humanity and frailty shown at Highclere Castle.  I actually liked most of the characters and wanted to know more about them, not so much in the Americanized version of aristocracy.  Quitting this one.

Being trapped in this apartment with the inclement weather forces much TV viewing.  I enjoy writing about this subject in the hopes that others will take some of these programs for a test drive.  If you hate them, no loss.

Going to see my buddy Apollo later this morning, have a hankering for pasta for lunch.

all for now

stay safe


Thursday, February 17, 2022

Exercises and the Weather

I do these simple exercises in the morning that take about 15 minutes to improve flexibility and balance and stretch my back. Went to physical therapy in January 2020 to work on my posture and balance and received these moves from the therapist.  I am not going to say they make me a new person but they make me aware of my body and connected to it.  Generally, when I am done, I feel calmer and more in touch.  

Photo today is from summer in Suttons Bay to lighten things up. 

Snow is gone here in Berkley, replaced by rain to be followed by more snow and ice.  Thru the weekend things promise to be exceptionally shitty and we will move into another splendid February Michigan week.  I have to remember that everyone will endure this month and all it has to offer.  Also have to remember that we would be burning in California and flooded elsewhere in the country.  A years long drought in the west has nearly depleted their usable water supplies.  People suffer, crop suffer and the fruits and vegetables we enjoy come from this region, without water cannot survive.  In Michigan, we have abundant natural resources and a moderate climate.  We have snow, but are rarely buried and we are usually prepared to deal with it. I think I need to put up with it and stop complaining.

Completed the film Nightmare Alley,  While not the best movie ever made, Bradley Cooper and Cate Blanchet (my current crush) are outstanding in this mystery shot in the film noir style mostly in darkness. Ms. Blanchett has a face that is like one of those painted on a WWII fighter plane. This is one of those you view on a streaming service you are already paying for, but would be angry you spent ten dollars a ticket at the local cinema.

Abbott Elementary is a delightful, not stupid or stereotypic series about an elementary school in Philadelphia.  With nearly all African American cast, the depictions are genuine.  You can't but help liking the main characters, playing first year teachers.  Outstanding is Sheryl Lee Ralph (something of a bombshell in the 70's) as an old school kindergarten teacher that makes do with available resources.  All my teacher pals should see this one.

Driving to the VA with Judy this morning and taking care of Apollo later.  Other than that, will be hunkering down.  Lots of food to make.

all for now

stay safe


Tuesday, February 15, 2022

The Revolution will not be Televised


It's Tuesday morning.  Getting ready to get the kids for school in about 40 minutes.  the winter doldrums have captured my soul.  When you are lying there and cannot shut your mind off shuttling between worries and a song you cannot get out of your head, additional sleep seems impossible.  With all the disparity of opinion surrounding this years Super Bowl hall time show,  and the generational divide that exists,  I sit with the old people not hating but not knowing about this form of musical expression. 

This brings to mind an artist from the sixties, Gil Scott-Heron and before him a group called The Last Poets.  Mr. Scott-Heron recorded a recited poem called The Revolution will not be Televised. Before LL Cool J, Dr.Dre, 50 Cent and Will Smith,  this guy started the beginnings of this musical form with this recitation.  When it came out, I was attracted to the anger of the words and to the eloquence of the delivery.  Listening today, the references seem dated,  calling out Nixon and Whitney Young.  Please bear in mind that this was not written nor delivered to white kids like me that had all the opportunities America in the 60's could offer.  He died in 2011 at 62.  You can find the words in Google, still worth reading. Even though I was not the intended audience for this,  the piece lifted the window on something I really knew nothing about, black rage against the system the oppressed a people for hundreds of years.  

That revolution migrated into the Black Lives Matters protests and the outrage over the killing of George Floyd and others.  At its core, this country has never dealt with the continuing racial disparities that exist.  A jogger is assassinated in Georgia and a twelve year old boy is shot in Cleveland.  Babies hiding in bathtubs are killed in the crossfire and Brianna Taylor shot and killed because of the wrong address. I am still trying to sort out the why's in all these events. Further the Senator from the great state of Kentucky speaking of the John Lewis voter rights act,  “Well, the concern is misplaced because, if you look at the statistics, African American voters are voting in just as high a percentage as Americans.” 

Thats my diatribe for today.

all for now

stay safe

Monday, February 14, 2022


The LA Lions win the Super Bowl.  This is as close we will ever come to winning.  Congrats to this team and to our long suffering hero Matthew Stafford.  He slogged thru 11 Seasons with the hapless Lions and wins the big title in his first assignment away from them.  Very happy for him and his family and for Los Angeles.  

I have a theory.  This team has been owned by the Ford family starting with William Clay Ford November 22, 1963 the same day John F. Kennedy was assassinated.  The only championship ever won by this franchise was in 1956 under the ownership of D. Lyle Fife (Fife Electric) and one of the owners of the Goebels Brewery for a little history. Old Henry reputably was a vicious Anti-Semite sometimes siding with the National Socialists in Germany along with his colleague Fr. Charles Coughlin the radio priest.  I think the Fords should relinquish ownership of the team completely.  Maybe the anti semitism of their ancestor caught up with them and cursed the team. They have had few if any winning seasons under their ownership with more quarterbacks than I can count.  Loyal fans have learned disappointment and it has become part of the local lexicon.  We are always building the team.  We only lost in the last quarter.  I learned to curse with my father yelling on the couch at the TV.  

Bitter cold morning today.  Got the kids to school at about the right time.  Those responsible for clearing off Telegraph did a lousy job but the freeway was ok and speeds moved at nearly normal.  Feeding my buddy Apollo this morning.  Got a new wallet finally.  My family has been complaining about my relic for many years.  Yes. it was old and tired but really broke in and felt familiar in my back pocket. Made roasted potatoes to go with the orange chicken for this troops this afternoon.

not much else 

and Happy Valentines Day

stay safe


Saturday, February 12, 2022

Frank Gehry and Restaurant Servers

Spent the night at Katey's with my buddy Apollo and Meatball his chubby sidekick.  Watched and completed the first season of LaBrea which was a guilty pleasure in that I liked the story concept even though it is far fetched.  Also watched an excellent drama called The Foreigner with an older Jackie and Pierce Bronson as adversaries in Belfast.  It was good but not great with an outstanding performance by Chan. 

Woke up early and watched the CBS News Saturday morning programing that had two really informative segments.

The first was about an American Architect named Frank Gehry who is responsible for the design of the structures shown on the right, the first is in Prague followed by New York City. This guy is really fascinating and his buildings are amazing works of living art.  As usual, I knew nothing about him or his buildings. He is in his mid nineties and still brillliant.
The next segment centered around Kokomo iN and some of the local residents.  Most of the good paying factory jobs are long gone with the two Chrysler plants still running, now employing approx 7000 workers.  Most of the jobs in the area are now service sectors positions with retail outlets and restaurants crammed into strip malls.  As you may know, the current federal min wage is 7.25/hour;  In Indiana restaurants are only required to pay their waitstaff the federal minimum of 2.13/hour for tipped workers.  The pay stubs of the these folks come thru as 0.00 due to the taxes due.  All their income is derived from gratuities which means the wages reflect the moods and whims of the customers.  The tip might be twenty percent or 5.00 on a 100 dollar bill dependent on the customer and his feelings.  Interviewees being mothers have to fill in the gaps with trips to the food bank for necessities.  Restaurant chains are supported by lobbying from the National Restaurant Associate formed in the aftermath of the Civil War and petitioning the feds for favors  since that time.  It was really eye opening.  So please tip your server well.

Went to Eastern Market this morning and was pleased to see all the activity in the operating sheds.  Lots of veg and meats and spices abound along with their makers pitching their products.  There was a guy pitching his tortilla chips that was most convincing and a guy selling something called ChaCha which is a relish like food that goes with everything.  Bought a few things and thoroughly enjoyed the outing.

My wife is trying to teach me how to buy on Amazon some simple items that should be easy for a 10 year old to accomplish, but not for me.  I promise, I will get it.

all for now
stay warm

Friday, February 11, 2022


Inherited Judy's IPhone 11 and need to learn the method of operation which is somewhat different than my iPhone 7.  As much as I harp about learning new things, I struggle, get anxious and frustrated with the prospect.  I am getting there but far from feeling accomplished.  The only thing left is to get the Fitbit to sync with phone.  Missing something, but will work it out.  I am trying desperately to move away from being a creature of habit only.

Went thru the lengthy process of making black bean burgers yesterday.  They were tasty but beaney even with all the spices. The consistancy is not like the Beyond's nor the Impossible's.  They have a more burger like feel.  These do not.  It's tough calling these bean hamburgers,  more like beans on a bun.  But at least I know what in them.

This is me with my new Storyworth Book contains answers to questions about my life to date.  This was a year long project answering one question per week sent to me via email.  Some craned my memory, some answers popped right up.  This program was gifted to me by my son Jon and his wife Kelly in 2020 while we were in the throws of the pandemic.  It showed me my introspective side and allowed me to express memories that were all but erased.  Its funny when a key word comes up and it triggers a thought long passed.  It was all quite enjoyable.

And now, my (new) IPhone 11 is fully up and running and my comfort level is emerging.  Thank you to my ever patient wife Judy to attempting to teach me the new features of this device.  My new prescription plan is squared away and I can track its activity.  Feeling quite pleased.  

Taking Marie to volleyball practice tonight followed by an Apollo sleepover at Katey's.  Going to make my own dinner rather than fast food.  Speaking of that topic, have you noticed the cost of say a Big Mac lately?  It's ridiculous and I think my Mickey D's days are over. Probably really bad for me anyway. Hurray! it's more profits for the corporation.

Friend Bill organized a pizza party at the penitentiary today.  All the pizza came from Costco, with enormous pieces.  Joyce was the boss as usual making sure everything was in order and that everybody behaved.  Eli and Marie should enjoy.

that's it

all for now

stay out of the rain

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Suspicious Harry

This is a pre-breakfast Harry looking suspicious at the camera.  I am sick of looking at myself on these entries.  Have been receiving messages from my new mail order pharmacy with cryptic information.  It can be very frustrating so I printed all of them out to discern a pattern.  Ultimately, will all work out.  A
gain, learning to do things in a new way as I mentioned recently.  

We bought a batch of Impossible Burgers yesterday and they cooked
up nicely.  But upon further research, this plant based item is loaded with bad stuff and probably worse for you than a Whopper or Quarter Pounder from a fast food emporium.  The Beyond Meat product also has unhealthy ingredients like coconut oil. Thats out too.  Located a recipe for black bean burgers that I am going to try. With this, at the very least, the cook knows what is in the food.  If anyone has made these and can offer advice, I am all ears.

With the temperatures raising a little, we are attempting to visit the Riverwalk this afternoon.  This has always been a favorite spot even in the winter weather with the right gear.  They have pleasant view of Windsor Ontario across the river as well as the River Princess.  

I am kind of Jeopardy-ed out.  With Amy Schneider done and all the other disappointing candidates, it has become mundane.  And now they have back to back College Tournaments.  Mayim is good but not as good as Ken and it appears some of the players don't even belong there.  When I can get the questions better than the contestants, there is a problem.  

Thats all for today

stay safe and warm


Tuesday, February 8, 2022

A New Fitbit

 Had a difficult time clearing out my brain last evening to achieve a decent night's sleep.  Up from midnight to 3am with my brain racing non stop filled with the most random thoughts.  One of the things that comes to mind regards learning and the ability to learn.  There is an old adage (an old word), "you can't teach an old dog new tricks".  It is my contention that us old dogs absolutely need to learn new bits of knowledge every day.  If one becomes complacent and chooses not to learn anything new or try anything new because keeping things the same is easier, you will lose your abilities to grow.  I have found that to be true in myself.

Recently joining United Healthcare recently, I received a Fitbit activity tracker at no charge.  I have used these for some time.  My purchased one has probably more features than this device.  I am trying this out to compare the two as regards ease of use mainly how well I can see the numbers without glasses.

Had good conversation with the cronies this morning about trying new things as an exercise in mental acuity.  Doing the same things over and over again at the same time, makes us dullards.  

I found myself in possession of some loose tea in differing flavors.  All smelled pretty good in their dried state.  Went online and bought mesh metal tea balls to brew the stuff in.  No mater what I did, the tea leaves escaped making a mess and requiring additional straining; way too much trouble to continue.  My ever resourceful spouse came up with the concept of putting the tea in one of the reusable coffee pods you can buy and plunging into hot water.  Voila! it worked, no mess and clear tea.  Again, its good to learn something that works!

It's a day in the high twenties with no snow falling.  We took a trip to the Detroit Zoo to walk on the path there as they do a good job maintaining the surfaces.  We had the place to ourselves as it was really empty. To our surprise, we saw some animals out in the cold tramping thru the snow.  Seeing zebras, camels, vultures huddled on the ground, hawks gliding past and of course polar bears enjoying the cold.  Other than having numb thumbs, it felt good to move. 

Big sports news these days, the Winter Olympics and the Super Bowl both fill the airways.  I am only interested in the football game this year.  Matthew Stafford suffered with the Detroit Lions for 11 years.  I am thrilled along with many Detroiters to see him in the Big Game leading the LA Rams.  

all for now 

stay warm and safe

sick of winter 

Monday, February 7, 2022

"Legitimate Political Discourse"


Reading CNN this morning this is the Republican National Committee characterized  the insurrection and attempted seizure of the Capitol building on January 6, 2021 by Trump loyalists.  They claimed the election of Joe Biden was a fraud and he was not the legitimate president of our country.  The former president insisted the his VP could declare the electors sent for the electoral college vote illegitimate.  As a sign of his leadership, Pence denied the request. 

Stop and think about this for a moment.  We all saw the violence and the debasement of our smooth transition of power.  We saw law enforcement officers beaten, sprayed with mace, windows being shattered and the building vandalized. Its was on broadcast news repeated over and over again.  This was a group of people fanned into a frenzy by their leader.  There is no mistaking what took place and it was not legitimate political discourse.  

While I have rarely been in agreement with the policies of this political party,  I basically felt they had a different world view than me and we could agree to disagree.  We could fight and yell at each other, maybe finding common ground on some issues.  But if this is there Official Policy Stance,  I am done.  Morality is out the window.  If they put this guy up as their standard bearer,  and he wins, we are done. 

I feel it's ok to express my outrage from time to time. This however saddens me because I thought these guys possessed some sense of morality.  I was wrong. I really don't care if this pisses anyone off.  The more and more I think of this, the madder I get. 

Trying to gain some balance in my life once again.  Doing the exercises given to me in physical therapy last year, still looking for the best foods to eat and standing on one foot for at least 10 seconds at a time.  In the cold temps, climbing the stairs in the building (but feeling it this morning). 

Had a great conversation with my Uncle Len Robare yesterday.  The fact that he is still with us is a great gift to me.  We talked about our previous careers and the fun part of selling and discovering new products that actually work. Knowing you don't know everything about a topic emerged as a truth.  He is expanding his house and garage and still plowing snow in the neighborhood and is approaching 91.  

all for now

safe safe

Sunday, February 6, 2022

Paywalls and Lucy

This is a word new to our collective lexicon. When you visit a site for news, like the New York Times or Washington Post or Daily Beast, after you read one article, the reader will be informed that a subscription to the site will be needed to continue.  It starts out as an inexpensive trial, migrating to a monthly subscription with auto payment of maybe twelve bucks a month.  This is the definition of a Paywall.  The cost of the Sunday Free Press is about 3.00 a pop.  The physical paper does not have the quantity of news stories as before.  

Column inches have been replaced by ads.  Local bylines have been replaced by syndicated stories owed and operated by Gannet or Time Warner.  But at the very least there is not long term commitment. You pay once. That's it.

This is a poem composed by my grand daughter Marie.  She printed it at our place.  I think it is a very insightful piece for an eleven year old.  Needless to say we are very proud and will do all we can to encourage her to continue.

Our gift from Korner Kottage arrived yesterday, filled with treats, popcorn and spices I love to add to my cooking.  Gifts like this are wonderful because you don't know what they will contain.  The surprise makes it more special.

I feel compelled to make a comment about Being the Ricardos viewed yesterday afternoon.  My family watched all the episodes of this program growing up.  We all had our favorites,  whether it be Vita-Vita-Vegamin or the candy conveyor belt or Lucy stomping grapes in Italy.  Good friend Tom can to this day recite the speech for the booze filled supplement.  It was look at what we thought life in NYC was in the fifties.  We were equally attentive to Ralph Cramden and Ed Norton in The Honeymooners 

This production was good, not great in my estimation.  Javier Bardem was nearly perfect as Desi but Nicole Kidman even though a remarkable actress, was miss cast.  She seemed to have a flat affect in the beginning trying to lure Desi in.  Her scenes with the Vivian Vance character were more heartfelt especially when she told Viv that American women wanted to see a woman that looked more like them, not too slim and attractive.  The most telling scene was at the end when she confronts Desi about cheating and abruptly switches the conversation smiling saying we've got a show to do and moving forward.  I many ways I think she was playing him like a violin.  Lucy filed for divorce directly after the last performance in 1960.

all for now, the sun is shining 
stay safe

Saturday, February 5, 2022

rumbling and grumbling

Sun rising in Berkley, peeking over the naked treetops. As many do, been thinking about Covid and the effects on our lives.  Now all my kids have had it as well as one of my grandsons.  All have recovered.  All have been vaccinated some with the boost.  I have been tested with the PCR tested a few times.  All have been negative.  I am out a lot to keep from going stir crazy in this apartment.  I wear a mask in public areas but not if I am walking the dog alone in the neighborhood.  In that the immunity from the boost has probably expired, I expect to have another shot sometime this year.  I know it's still important but, We are all weary of hearing about this topic. The citizens that are not vaccinated will probably stay that way. All the statistics will not change their collective minds. They may or may not get sick. They will fly their flags and protest mask wearing in schools making the educators lives miserable. For me actually I am getting used to the KN95 mask, it covers better and you can speak without it falling off your nose.

The lead story in most newscasts commences with the daily statistics, how many cases, how many deaths followed by a trend chart showing which way we are going.  Around here because we had a snow storm (what a surprise in Michigan) the weather person is the star that repeats the same information every ten minutes of the broadcast.  So, mostly it is Covid, followed by weather a few local stories, more weather and a 7 minute segment on sports and on to Lester Holt.

Fell on my ass off a two step stool by being stupid and not recognizing that my balance is questionable at best. Nothing broken but sore and filled with self loathing yet again.

We have a population here at at the penitentiary of mostly over close to and over 80 years old.  Most of the residents are with out spouses and living alone.  Most go no where except for an occasional shopping trip on the senior bus, with maybe a visit to their kids here and there. They love getting together and chatting, interacting with their neighbors.  Friendships have been forged out of the adversity of loneliness. The most miserable and angst driven residents hide from everyone protected by their own fears.  Even though there are risks, even though all are masked up,  the smiles and the jokes may be worth it.  

Going to make spaghetti sauce today with the surplus canned goods I recently received. Its too cold to to much outside.

all for now

stay warm and safe


Friday, February 4, 2022

Approaching the Depths of February

Wanted to include a pleasant photo of the Suttons Bay Sunset this morning.  This last trip was sweatshirt weather and looking down you could see the floor of the lake. Am really looking forward to another journey to this place.

We are beginning a deep dark Michigan February.  Snow on the ground is fluffy.  Harry is not happy to be trotting through if for his morning ritual.  Trying not to wallow in the misery here, looking forward to March which is 24 days away.  

Increased social engagement seems to be the key to escaping the doldrums. I meet with some of the residents around four o'clock in the afternoon most days.  About 10 people sit around the room.  There is a small couch and 4 folks are jammed next to one another siting thigh to thigh.  Because most of them live alone, I think the human contact and touch is important for their well being.  Conversations are stilted because most of them can only hear a part of the sentences spoken.  There is a lot of "whadya say".  Then the next person will make the same request. All find this quite humorous.  I view the events as an observer.  These people are just happy to be with each other.  Their lights are dimming.  Getting out of the sofa takes a couple of tries. I tried to explain what DoorDash to a guy looking for food delivery because he did not want to go out into the cold.  He has no smart phone. As we discussed, one lady bitched that the cost of the delivery with the tip was extravagant.  I don't know what happened.  Lots of rambling today. 

Thinking about the generational differences in living costs from the fifties till now. Its very frustrating viewing today's costs for our children and grand children. College without massive loans, simple home ownership and staying healthy appear to be out of reach for most.  Thinking about the massive medical costs with a seriously ill child can be devastating.  Both my parents and we endured the pain of a sick kid without worrying about paying for it.  The insurance model then was prior to the DRG's.  

The return of the mustache, a little change for the sake of change.

all for now

stay warm and safe.

Thursday, February 3, 2022

A Gift from Suttons Bay


We were entered in a drawing for gifts from our favorite B&B in Suttons Bay MI and won a SB gift pack from our friends Jillian and Jared Pontius the proprietors. This drawing is to commemorate the 100 year anniversary of the Korner Kottage. We look forward do visiting again when the weather is more temperate.  This me at the end of the pier that overlooks the bay on our last visi

Memory is an odd thing.  I read a name and it reminds me of one long forgotten. Read Sherman and it reminded me of Sheehan, Dr. George Sheehan, the running doctor.  I read his book Dr. Sheehan on Running and it changed my life offering new perspectives.  It was truly an inspiration.  I was newly married in my twenties and had started running for fun entering some of the many 10K races that were going at the time.  I was an avid Runners World reader and he had a regular column.  I found the paperback version of this book and that was It, I was a runner.  Many years later, on a plane from Pittsburg going somewhere, there was a slight rumpled man sitting in the seat behind me.  He was carrying a bag stuffed with papers and very shopworn.  Somehow the face looked familiar.  "Is your name Sheehan?" I asked.  He smiled.  I told him how his book changed me.  We talked a bit and went our separate ways after the flight.  It's a picture I could still paint. I want to reread that book.

Snow not nearly as bad as predicted.  Harry went out this morning without issue and it looks like about 4 inches, a dusting by Michigan standards.  I am now fully enrolled in my new Medicare Advantage Plan and am learning the ins and outs of the program. I get a Fitbit and some online fitness classes.  Going to Kroger to get scripts and find out my latest costs.  

Making more Chicken Soup today.

all for now
stay safe

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Shopping for disaster

Snowmaggedan today with predictions of a foot or more in our town.  Nothing but rain thus far.  Kids have the day off from school.  Markets are filled with shoppers preparing for the apocalypse. (Thank god this program completes words for you when they are started).  I was among the masses.  First went to Trader Joe's amidst the crush of Subarus in the lot and surrounded by serious shoppers stocking up on healthy food and reading labels for content.  This brand of auto seems to be the official vehicle of the store, maybe with old Bernie Sanders stickers on the bumpers, no MAGA hats or NRA stfckers affixed and filled with reusable bags.  These shoppers are not terribly stylish but are very utilitarian with bags firmly across the shoulders crossing the chest.  Serious hats, earmuffs and scarves abound.  Masks are profound, some doubled up.  And above all they are serious and earnest. 

Went to Walmart for the protein shake Judy likes.  The experience was not too bad once I located the product I was looking for with the help of a tall male associate.  The checkout line was slowed by the senior lady before me, with the Coach clutch who did not know a new credit card needed to be activated before it could be used.

The little Woodward Corners Market was pretty filled in the evening and I secured the items I needed.  Even with the long line that stretched around the store, things moved along with all self checkout registers.  So now my preparations are complete.  Going to Andrew's to get the kids and later take them to their mother's. By mid afternoon I should be done.

I know this sounds weird but I put some leftover Orange Chicken in with my eggs this morning.  It was actually pretty good with the flavor of the sauce mingling with the eggs.  I know peculiar.

Viewed the first episode of The Gilded Age, the Julian Fellowes look at New York society in the 1890's.  The sets are enormous and the costuming misses no details of the period.  There was probably 1K miles of fabric used for the ladies dresses and about 500 miles of it for the mens attire.  As with Downton, the first look sets the stage and is mostly exposition for the stories to follow.  You get to meet the characters and all their forced politeness, see 5th Avenue as a manicured dirt road, and watch all the opulence.  I checked with Janine about the address 5th Ave at 63rd street and learned that this was and is across from Central Park.  For me the jury is still out on this one. Christine Baranski is one of my favorites and portrays one of the main characters.

Well that's it.

be careful with the shoveling

find a blanket and a good series to binge.

all for now


The passage of time

 So I am moving quickly to what I consider the gateway to old age, 75 years.  Wondering what the remainder of my life will be like and remem...