Monday, February 7, 2022

"Legitimate Political Discourse"


Reading CNN this morning this is the Republican National Committee characterized  the insurrection and attempted seizure of the Capitol building on January 6, 2021 by Trump loyalists.  They claimed the election of Joe Biden was a fraud and he was not the legitimate president of our country.  The former president insisted the his VP could declare the electors sent for the electoral college vote illegitimate.  As a sign of his leadership, Pence denied the request. 

Stop and think about this for a moment.  We all saw the violence and the debasement of our smooth transition of power.  We saw law enforcement officers beaten, sprayed with mace, windows being shattered and the building vandalized. Its was on broadcast news repeated over and over again.  This was a group of people fanned into a frenzy by their leader.  There is no mistaking what took place and it was not legitimate political discourse.  

While I have rarely been in agreement with the policies of this political party,  I basically felt they had a different world view than me and we could agree to disagree.  We could fight and yell at each other, maybe finding common ground on some issues.  But if this is there Official Policy Stance,  I am done.  Morality is out the window.  If they put this guy up as their standard bearer,  and he wins, we are done. 

I feel it's ok to express my outrage from time to time. This however saddens me because I thought these guys possessed some sense of morality.  I was wrong. I really don't care if this pisses anyone off.  The more and more I think of this, the madder I get. 

Trying to gain some balance in my life once again.  Doing the exercises given to me in physical therapy last year, still looking for the best foods to eat and standing on one foot for at least 10 seconds at a time.  In the cold temps, climbing the stairs in the building (but feeling it this morning). 

Had a great conversation with my Uncle Len Robare yesterday.  The fact that he is still with us is a great gift to me.  We talked about our previous careers and the fun part of selling and discovering new products that actually work. Knowing you don't know everything about a topic emerged as a truth.  He is expanding his house and garage and still plowing snow in the neighborhood and is approaching 91.  

all for now

safe safe

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