Friday, February 18, 2022

First tastes

Just in case you thought we lived in the tropics, evidenced by my photo this morning titled "sunrise at the penitentiary". Had a pretty good batch of snow last night and a lot of it has been plowed away.  Harry absolutely hated going out in it this morning.  

Made a decent low carb breakfast for myself today, eggs, cheese,ham no toast.  The first bite was really good, with all the flavors combining in my mouth slightly lifting my mood.  Its like the first sip of coffee, whether with added stuff or plain black, its really impactful when it hits the back of your throat and heats everything up.  For me,  the first bite of cheesy pizza tops the list.  When I pick it up or make it, it is that mouthwatering anticipation of the first taste that grabs me.  For some folks, it's a particular candy or a particular baked good that fills them with anticipation.  There are some fancy restaurants that capitalize on this.  They may have as many as 20 courses that are a few bites each. The first spoon of ice cream also gets me if it is the right flavor.


Somebody Somewhere a limited series on HBO Max about a thirtyish woman that moves back to Kansas and struggles to fit in, meeting a motley crew of compatriots that are all getting thru life and discovering who they are an what makes them happy.  Its been very well reviewed and got 100% on Rotten Tomatoes.  See this one if you have the service.

Elizabeth is Missing on PBS Masterpiece.  Staring Glenda Jackson in the leading role this is the tale of a woman slipping into dementia and her search for her best gardening friend.  She has memories of an older sister that went missing long ago with not definitive answers.  Ms. Jackson is brilliant in the lead role but at my age, and in my current surroundings, the story hits too close to home.  If you are a senior  like me, view at your peril.

The Gilded Age, we have tried to enjoy this without success because none of the characters are likable aside from a couple.  Developed by Mr. Downton Abby, Julian Fellowes it lack the humanity and frailty shown at Highclere Castle.  I actually liked most of the characters and wanted to know more about them, not so much in the Americanized version of aristocracy.  Quitting this one.

Being trapped in this apartment with the inclement weather forces much TV viewing.  I enjoy writing about this subject in the hopes that others will take some of these programs for a test drive.  If you hate them, no loss.

Going to see my buddy Apollo later this morning, have a hankering for pasta for lunch.

all for now

stay safe


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