Friday, February 4, 2022

Approaching the Depths of February

Wanted to include a pleasant photo of the Suttons Bay Sunset this morning.  This last trip was sweatshirt weather and looking down you could see the floor of the lake. Am really looking forward to another journey to this place.

We are beginning a deep dark Michigan February.  Snow on the ground is fluffy.  Harry is not happy to be trotting through if for his morning ritual.  Trying not to wallow in the misery here, looking forward to March which is 24 days away.  

Increased social engagement seems to be the key to escaping the doldrums. I meet with some of the residents around four o'clock in the afternoon most days.  About 10 people sit around the room.  There is a small couch and 4 folks are jammed next to one another siting thigh to thigh.  Because most of them live alone, I think the human contact and touch is important for their well being.  Conversations are stilted because most of them can only hear a part of the sentences spoken.  There is a lot of "whadya say".  Then the next person will make the same request. All find this quite humorous.  I view the events as an observer.  These people are just happy to be with each other.  Their lights are dimming.  Getting out of the sofa takes a couple of tries. I tried to explain what DoorDash to a guy looking for food delivery because he did not want to go out into the cold.  He has no smart phone. As we discussed, one lady bitched that the cost of the delivery with the tip was extravagant.  I don't know what happened.  Lots of rambling today. 

Thinking about the generational differences in living costs from the fifties till now. Its very frustrating viewing today's costs for our children and grand children. College without massive loans, simple home ownership and staying healthy appear to be out of reach for most.  Thinking about the massive medical costs with a seriously ill child can be devastating.  Both my parents and we endured the pain of a sick kid without worrying about paying for it.  The insurance model then was prior to the DRG's.  

The return of the mustache, a little change for the sake of change.

all for now

stay warm and safe.

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