Friday, February 11, 2022


Inherited Judy's IPhone 11 and need to learn the method of operation which is somewhat different than my iPhone 7.  As much as I harp about learning new things, I struggle, get anxious and frustrated with the prospect.  I am getting there but far from feeling accomplished.  The only thing left is to get the Fitbit to sync with phone.  Missing something, but will work it out.  I am trying desperately to move away from being a creature of habit only.

Went thru the lengthy process of making black bean burgers yesterday.  They were tasty but beaney even with all the spices. The consistancy is not like the Beyond's nor the Impossible's.  They have a more burger like feel.  These do not.  It's tough calling these bean hamburgers,  more like beans on a bun.  But at least I know what in them.

This is me with my new Storyworth Book contains answers to questions about my life to date.  This was a year long project answering one question per week sent to me via email.  Some craned my memory, some answers popped right up.  This program was gifted to me by my son Jon and his wife Kelly in 2020 while we were in the throws of the pandemic.  It showed me my introspective side and allowed me to express memories that were all but erased.  Its funny when a key word comes up and it triggers a thought long passed.  It was all quite enjoyable.

And now, my (new) IPhone 11 is fully up and running and my comfort level is emerging.  Thank you to my ever patient wife Judy to attempting to teach me the new features of this device.  My new prescription plan is squared away and I can track its activity.  Feeling quite pleased.  

Taking Marie to volleyball practice tonight followed by an Apollo sleepover at Katey's.  Going to make my own dinner rather than fast food.  Speaking of that topic, have you noticed the cost of say a Big Mac lately?  It's ridiculous and I think my Mickey D's days are over. Probably really bad for me anyway. Hurray! it's more profits for the corporation.

Friend Bill organized a pizza party at the penitentiary today.  All the pizza came from Costco, with enormous pieces.  Joyce was the boss as usual making sure everything was in order and that everybody behaved.  Eli and Marie should enjoy.

that's it

all for now

stay out of the rain

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