Saturday, February 12, 2022

Frank Gehry and Restaurant Servers

Spent the night at Katey's with my buddy Apollo and Meatball his chubby sidekick.  Watched and completed the first season of LaBrea which was a guilty pleasure in that I liked the story concept even though it is far fetched.  Also watched an excellent drama called The Foreigner with an older Jackie and Pierce Bronson as adversaries in Belfast.  It was good but not great with an outstanding performance by Chan. 

Woke up early and watched the CBS News Saturday morning programing that had two really informative segments.

The first was about an American Architect named Frank Gehry who is responsible for the design of the structures shown on the right, the first is in Prague followed by New York City. This guy is really fascinating and his buildings are amazing works of living art.  As usual, I knew nothing about him or his buildings. He is in his mid nineties and still brillliant.
The next segment centered around Kokomo iN and some of the local residents.  Most of the good paying factory jobs are long gone with the two Chrysler plants still running, now employing approx 7000 workers.  Most of the jobs in the area are now service sectors positions with retail outlets and restaurants crammed into strip malls.  As you may know, the current federal min wage is 7.25/hour;  In Indiana restaurants are only required to pay their waitstaff the federal minimum of 2.13/hour for tipped workers.  The pay stubs of the these folks come thru as 0.00 due to the taxes due.  All their income is derived from gratuities which means the wages reflect the moods and whims of the customers.  The tip might be twenty percent or 5.00 on a 100 dollar bill dependent on the customer and his feelings.  Interviewees being mothers have to fill in the gaps with trips to the food bank for necessities.  Restaurant chains are supported by lobbying from the National Restaurant Associate formed in the aftermath of the Civil War and petitioning the feds for favors  since that time.  It was really eye opening.  So please tip your server well.

Went to Eastern Market this morning and was pleased to see all the activity in the operating sheds.  Lots of veg and meats and spices abound along with their makers pitching their products.  There was a guy pitching his tortilla chips that was most convincing and a guy selling something called ChaCha which is a relish like food that goes with everything.  Bought a few things and thoroughly enjoyed the outing.

My wife is trying to teach me how to buy on Amazon some simple items that should be easy for a 10 year old to accomplish, but not for me.  I promise, I will get it.

all for now
stay warm

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