Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Repeating history

In 1938 Hitler invaded the Sudetenland which was part of Czechoslovakia because of and to benefit the German citizens that resided there.  In essence his army annexed part of another country.  Similarly, Putin has invaded the sovereign nation of Ukraine because of the Russian language speakers identified as separatists residing there. This is right out of Hitler's playbook to take over nations that surround your nation's boundaries.

His ambitions seem to be the recreation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) in the image of his own design.  He may well succeed. It appears he wants to assert Russian dominance on the world stage for no other reason than a perceived destiny.

Had good in depth conversations yesterday afternoon  with some of my fellow residents.  I however struggle with the concept of God solving everything.  To me it seems this argument clouds judgement and provide a cop out answer when there are no good answers.  I don't liked to be preached to.  Politeness dictates what I may or not say.  Can we just live with the fact that sometimes there are no good answers and that we will feel uneasy about it? That lack of comfort may define your humanity.

Rain, breakfast out, a little shopping, a haircut and blood donation in the plans today.  My usual pitch about donating blood:  If you are well, are not deathly afraid of needles, and want to benefit humanity in some small way, donate.  Yes, it is not pleasant to be poked, but the minor pain you endure for 15 minutes or so, will save someones life.  Wrap your head around that for a minute, will save someones life. Please consider it.  Contact the American Red Cross for details.


all for now

stay safe


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