Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Re-Gout and Moot-za-rell

 If you hail from the Garden State,  this is how you pronounce Ricotta and Mozzarella cheeses.  If you don't, they will know that you are completely wrong and from somewhere else.  We went this weekend to our annual trip to Cape May for a family visit and to stay at the Peter Shields Inn.  It was four days of overeating and alcohol consumption that I am not accustomed to.  But the food is right in front of you begging to be consumed.  
Even with some walking in the last two days, I gained about 4 pounds (a pound a day).  My favorite part is the walk on the beach facing the Atlantic.  As a Midwesterner, I never take the ocean for granted.  The sounds of the waves crashing against the shore is always hypnotizing;  Picked up shells like usual, still in the bag waiting to be cleaned.

The visit with Mike and Laura was pleasant as always.  They are extremely welcoming hosts.  Met with brothers Tim and Brian as well as pizza with niece Mary.  All good times.  The best meal I had was Laura's lasagne which tasted so good, I can still remember it;  The feast at PS was another matter.

This restaurant there is very well regarded. The napkins are starched and white.  The wait staff is always attentive and engaging.  You get served 3 courses in the package deal we chose.  They focus on fish (no surprise) with some beef and venison.  My salad was good but difficult to eat without dumping it on your self.  The beef entree I chose was good but I am bugged by the presentation of staking all the components in the center of the dish on top of each other,  They always manage to place some little green leaves amidst everything. I am told these are micro greens. I wanted to taste the polenta on the bottom but had a hard time finding it.  At least it wasn't the extra dry chicken I usually get. 

Got some sad news today.  The little guy I wrote about recently, Austin, passed away this afternoon.  His time had arrived.  Anthony his caregiver called us and is devastated.  But he will forge on taking care of Shannon and the others.  I feel that I could have done more to make him comfortable.  Eli and Marie are with us today, Eli all day because he felt under the weather.  Parental unit is on the way from work.  

They lifted the mask mandate from the penitentiary today.  We will see for how long. Trader Joe's took down their sign as well.

all for now

stay safe (whew a little warmer)

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