Thursday, March 3, 2022



Everyone loves dog pictures.  These are my new friend Kona and my old buddy Apollo.  Both seem to like me.  Both will lick you to death and try to get as close as possible not happy till they are inside your skin.  Mr. A is going on 13 and has not slowed down much.  He eats his meal before I get from the kitchen to the couch.  

Matthew my history teaching nephew and Judy's godson and his lovely wife Tammy took on the task of cleaning up and redoing a rental home they purchased  and after all their efforts, it looks lovely.  Matt is a self

taught do it yourself and is tackling jobs way beyond his skill level successfully.  Your Poppy would be proud.  You must have got some of his craftsman genes; 

The tragedy of the Russian invasion of the Ukraine is beyond devastating. Putin is taking on a Hitleresque stance with a mind to recreate the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.  There is nothing that prompted this invasion other than is land grabbing ambitions.  Yes we have imposed sanctions on his buddies and on their monetary system,  Russian teams have been removed from all International sporting events.  Russian Vodka is being pulled off shelfs.  America and the rest of the world is condemning the actions of Putin.  I fear however, the worldwide consternation will not have the desired effect.  This leader will march forward and thru this sovereign nation leaving destruction and death in his path.  It will be claimed as Russian territory. 

In our midst, there is significant evidence that our former president was at the root of the insurrection of January 6, 2021.  Democrats go Rah Rah and it is all over the news and yet he will suffer no consequences and is still the Republican frontrunner for the next election.  On a brighter note,  the pandemic seems to be more under control but not absent and masks are becoming optional.

Hope all is well with you

all for now

stay safe

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