Saturday, March 5, 2022

Another Find at TJ

I always harp on blood donation and will continue to do so.  My last experience with the American Red Cross at a blood drive in Pleasant ridge was not good.  After going thru all the prescreening process and being sent to the donation cot,  the phlebotomist took a quick cursory look at both arms and proclaimed my veins were too small and sent me on my way, no donation.  I know I am not an easy poke.  However, in the past, others have been successful with a better feel.  Sent a mediocre review on the survey I received online.  This organization is screaming for donations.  Because this is so important, I am willing to put up with a little discomfort to reach that goal.  Am not quitting, only bitching.

Spring seems to be in the offing today, with temps rising to the fifties.  Going to Eastern Market this morning to check out some of their wares.  Need to search the fridge and see what I need.  Want to explore the former RL Hirt store for cheeses and other savory items as well as the bulk spices at Rocky Peanut Company.  Found some spectacular oranges at Trader Joe's that are bumpy and have a large nob at the stem; not cheap 2.69 each but sweet like candy (pictured above).  If you get the opportunity to try, do so.  It's worth the cost. 
Found some interesting veg at the market today and some garlic cheddar cheese curds.  These are too good.  I am glad the package was small. Even off season they have a good variety of produce and a many vendors hawking their wares.  Signed a petition to add a ballot initiative for raising the minimum wage.  We are behind on that score.  In reality 15 bucks and hour yields a 450 a week before taxes.  That will not get close to covering rent and food for a person on their own.  Two incomes of this amount would be barely enough.

This is a sculpture with wheels and bumpers on the perimeter of the market, pretty appropriate for the Motor City.  Rocky Peanut company was closed (one of my favorites for bulk spices).  Turns out they are organizing and will reopen in about two weeks.

My vehicle has suffered from major neglect for the winter with salt and dirt coating the mats and carpets.  Jax carwash did a fine job on the outside but Judy and I spent 2 hours scrubbing the inside.  Its not perfect but no longer a source of shame. 
I can't let it get that bad.

Well that's it for now
stay safe

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