Sunday, April 28, 2024

Facial Improvements

It's a rainy morning, good day for writing.  My face is improving from my crash.  Still a little banged up but better without any pains.  Did 31 minutes on the treadmill this morning and my weenie weights.  All the exercise helps me escape from the self loathing from earlier in the morning. 

My friend Sean Costales was let go from his long time employment at Zeoli in Clawson.  Management make these decision based on their own reasoning I am sad to hear of his

departure.  He was always a bit of sunshine when we ate there.  He and Judy established their Jersey connections always cemented them when they met up.  Things change, and that will aways happen.  I hope he lands on his feet soon.

Yesterday's soccer game was in windy but warm and sunny conditions.  Eli's team killed their opponents that were "playing up".These were 12-13 year olds playing 14 year olds.  In many ways holding their own but losing the match none the less.  

Shannon is with us this morning with the usual Disney movies.  Now we are on Lion King with Nathan Lane singing away.  She never tires of this.  Sadly I know all the songs and the dialogue. 

My other son Alvin and his wife Katy are having a baby in June.  Judy and my  Katey attended the shower yesterday.  His next station will be in Hawaii and they will be packing up heading there in 3 weeks.  

I have been cleared to go back to PT, OT and Cardiac Rehab next  week.  To be honest, I look forward to this activity.  It gives me positive purpose these days.

Andrew is having a cookout later today.  Should be fun

all for now

stay safe


Saturday, April 27, 2024

No Complaints

The NFL Draft event downtown has gone well as of day 2 with cooperating weather and a huge crowd that has been well behaved.  This speaks multitudes as to the planning of the event and all the organizations that participated.  Businesses have enjoyed a windfall and I have never seen such smiley newscasters.  Very happy for all involved.

Spring has sprung in these parts and all the flowering trees are in complete bloom.  With the sun shinning and the brilliant colors,  it makes for a very pleasant sight no matter how brief.  

Went to a couple of very cold soccer games this week.  Good for the players moving on he field, but not so much for blood thinner grandpas.  All the wrapping couldn't keep me from shivering.  But, the kids played well and motivated.  Reminded me of Katey's games when I had a better furnace and could laugh off the cold.

Been engrossed with the series Reacher.  Son Jon suggested it.  The story lines are rather complex and the lead actor Alan Ritchson does a yeoman's job in the role.  Might be a little violent for some.  I have enjoyed.  there are 2 seasons available on Prime.

It's a quiet morning. Getting ready to do my daily workout on the treadmill.  Breakfast is done,

all for now

stay safe

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Back Home

 Made my late arrival night before last at 10:30 pm.  I thought it was going to be the following morning.  The nurse came in at about 9:30 and reported that I was cleared to go.  She asked me if I wanted to leave, and I shouted yes loudly.  She called Judy and woke her from a sound sleep and she rolled up about 10:15.  Then I was gone!

Yesterday I was off my game and a little disoriented but got better as the day wore on.  We went for a couple of short walks around the building and I had to be reminded to pick up my feet and look forward and not down.  Starting to be re accustomed to my old surroundings and sleep has improved.  The real truth is that I have to stay upright with no falls.  I keep getting reminded that this is really a big deal.  All therapy has been put off for a week.

As the story goes, you should've seen the other guy.  With the broken nose, my modeling career is probably over.

So this is the end of my monologue on my health journey.   Frankly, it is getting somewhat tiresome.   Spring is here, the flowering trees are in full bloom and the grass at Oxford Towers needs cutting.  Everyone is bitching about parking and there is not easy solution.  Spoke with ladies downstairs yesterday at length.  The walkers have been filling up the sitting room and all are making comments  about the comings and goings as they stare at the entryway.  Nothing has changed.  My fall was the last excitement.

thats it

all for now

stay safe

Monday, April 22, 2024

Wonderful Movie that stands the test of time

Stuck in this hospital room for at least a little longer, Judy and I watched the Shawshank Redemption.
  This is a film based on a novel by Stephen King. Many of us have seen this film.   Even though the film was made in 1994 and some of the actors have passed away,  the movie still plays well 30 years later.  The characters are timeless and have universal appeal, even the bad guys.  This is a  movie you could show to teenagers today (if they wouldn't get bored.)

Had a nice visit and lunch with Rose and Janine earlier today.   Great friends like this are truly treasures.  They are patient, relaxed and encouraging.   All the docs are satisfied with my progress and I should be released soon and can go home.    

My lovely and supportive wife is amazing.  She takes care of me, grandkids,  the design and execution of this new dwelling and shuttling kids to school, sporting events and music practices.  I love and appreciate her more than she knows.

Watching the commentaries on the trial of the former.  Details are stated and restated by various talking heads.  It is my contention that little will happen to him.   

A small mustached man comes 
in the room and thrusts his hand out,  "David Pecker, how are  you?"  Tough to wrap my head around this one.

all for now

stay safe

Sunday, April 21, 2024

And Here We are Again!

So it's Friday.  Went for Coffee with friend Tom Cameron at Panera in the morning.   Judy was doing something at the new house.  Came home to watch more TV and finally decided to take Harry out for a walk.  Was feeling kind of like my old self and full of energy and ambition.  Went to Catalpa and walked down to Cass, turning right.  It was the walk I took before my heart issue and I really felt good marching through the cool, sunny breeze.  Made the turn to head home back on Oxford.  Harry is stopping to smell everything he can.  I am pausing to rest for a bit and check my steps.

The kids are getting out from school and parents are parked everywhere to pick them up.  There is lots of chattering between the moms and their offspring.  

Harry and I continue on our merry way back to the penitentiary .  I notice a little fatigue in my legs, pause and continue on.  The fatigue grows and I'm leaning forward which is dangerous for me.  Still I am getting close an I continue.  Use my fob to get the door to open,  take a few steps and say a brief hello to residents waiting for the mail to arrive.  The leaning gets worse.  I lose my footing.  Down I go, face first on the beige tile floor. 

It's a mess and I am a mess.  My nose took the brunt of the fall.  There is blood everywhere.  There are traumatized old ladies looking shocked.  I am laying there gathering myself.  The building manager comes out trying to help and cleaning up the crime scene.  Not rattled, she calls the ambulance to retrieve me.  Judy arrives and goes with me for the lights and sirens ride.

This is my home at Corewell Health till mid week.  Have a couple of stitches in my lip and a broken nose along with a sub dermal hematoma in my head,  which has settled down.  Need another cat scan to confirm that it is not spreading.  I am really just being monitored for the next days.  Feeling ok accept for my sore nose and face.  

There is a lesson to be learned from this experience.  No matter how good you feel,  always consider what you have been through.  Don't push like you are 25. Your body won't betray you but will tell you to get a little smarter.

thats it

stay safe

all for now


Monday, April 15, 2024

The Instrumentalist


Had an interesting experience recently.  I attended the Solo and Ensemble competition held at Waldon Middle school in Lake Orion.  Grandson Elijah was playing his tuba with a piano accompanist to be judged by a music educator.  It's him all alone showing his abilities.  He received a 2nd division for his efforts and a medal.  Many of us remember including myself participation in Solo and Ensemble,  me with my clarinet in the early sixties,  later Jonathan in high school playing the viola.   This is a rite of passage for a young musician.  As the grand father of the player, I felt quite proud of his prowess at his instrument.  If he was nervous, it it did not show.  The adjudicator was a Santa looking man with a booming voice who gave his students good advise and direction on their playing.  He even got a smile out of Eli.

We all had a wonderful sunny and warm day yesterday.  Residents here that never leave the building went outside to enjoy it.  Shannon came and everybody had a pleasant afternoon.  Today promises to be nice as well although not quite as warm.  

Well, I am off to my treadmill for the morning

thats it
all for now
stay safe

Friday, April 12, 2024

Tiffany, Virginia and Mia

 So as part of my recovery I am receiving a number of therapies to aid in my improvement.  These are my newest smiling, cheery torturers.  All offer a chipper greeting and clear instructions.  But in all cases, they disrupt my world.  Just when I think I am approaching normal, regular guy status, I am put thru a task that clearly shows otherwise.  

Virginia is a late thirtyish lady, blond and fit, a runner with an even gait.  She is an occupational therapist.  This job is to improve my fine motor skills and build up my upper body strength.  Another part of this is to improve hand-eye coordination which is now lacking.  As with her colleagues, each task gets more trying.  She presents me with a job to put tiny pegs into holes on a board with my right hand,  not easy with my fumbling fingers.  In fact there are about 40 of these pegs (lots of fumbling).   The real telling task was a light board in a dark room.  you had to spot the small lights that  come on across this board and touch them to turn them off.  It is a test of reaction time.  While kind of fun, this is timed and the operator has to  touch 55 in a minute to be considered effective and to have driving reaction time.  I am about at 35.  

Next we have physical therapy.  This is supposed to improve strength and stamina as well as work on balance which wasn't very good in the first place.  My therapist is Tiffany.  She is a late twenties girl  very tall about 5'11", brown skinned with a lovely complexion and beautiful smile.  Tiffany is probably my most strident and demanding therapist.  All the while smiling,  she doesn't give an inch.  Each task gets more difficult. Many are involving balance, like standing on a balance board with a cylinder in the middle with me trying to gain some semblance of balance.  When I am instructed to complete 5 reps, we are not done till the last one is completed.  And of course, she is still smiling.  We get done and I am further convinced of how far I have to go.  

Mia is my trainer in Cardiac Rehab.  This is basically a gym with the enhancement of folks checking our vitals during exercise.  She is a perky twenty something again always smiling who tapes the leads on my chest and puts me on stationary bikes and something like a sitting elliptical where all body parts are used in the exercise.  After 25 minutes on the elliptical and another 20 on the bike going as fast as I can, I am worn out but not in any distress. somewhat pleased with myself for completing.  

Thats it for therapy news.  I am traveling down this road having my shortcomings hitting me in the face.  There is a ways to go. 

Judy and I are going to breakfast this morning and out to look at countertops for the new kitchen.

thats it

all for now

stay safe and dry

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Another day on the Journey

Another day on the journey.  Had a nice weekend with visits from all my grand kids and my son from far away.  Got lots of outside exercise time too.  Stamina is improving.  Doing multiple laps around the perimeter of the complex and still feeling good.

Grocery shopping with Judy this morning and more outside time today.  Supposed to be in the  70's in the afternoon.

These boys still enjoy the school park at the end of the block.   At this point trying to stay on track and fix myself

Have been walking around the perimeter of the building, trying to pick up my feet and not shuffle.  Judy and I went to the Madison Heights nature center yesterday to enjoy the lovely day.  Still have a ways to go on my stamina.  Legs were sore this morning.  More movement will build them up.  Like the rest of America I should have been enthused with the Great Eclipse. I wasn't. The media is still harping about it.  Facebook feeds are filled with it.  There's nearly a religious fervor connected to the event.  

More doctor visits for me today.  Feeling more clear headed today.  Brain fog is exiting. Maybe it is the exercise.

Well, thats it.  
Enjoy this day
stay safe
all for not

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Working on a Rebirth


I am trying to figure out a schedule for my life, when and what to eat, when to take medications and when to start increasing my activity level.  This medical condition has thrown me for a loop.  I have brief feelings that are akin my old self but they are fleeting.  Am still in a state of transition to the new normal.  Balance has improved but not 100 percent.  Sleeping is still a problem.  If I can put together 3-4 hours I am lucky.  

Need a little sea picture from Cape May to brighten the morning, 

Had pie and conversation yesterday with some of my male friends at the penitentiary  yesterday.  All have their medical opinions.  Many are based on YouTube experts.  Their value is measured with the amount of views and likes they get.  I cannot see the merit in that.

It's the next day.  Yesterday afternoon had therapy at Corewell health.  The company has stripped all the Beaumont logos from buildings, uniforms and all signage.  It's like the institution never existed.  The PT was good and again taught me how to walk and pick up my feet.  The OT was all on fine motor activity like picking up pennies with my non dominant hand and stacking them in a pile.  It was not easy at all.  I will be with these folks for a while to improve myself.  Tomorrow I go to Cardiac Rehab for more fun.  

Today is my darling daughter in law Stephanie's birthday.  We send our fondest wishes to her on this day.

Did something normal today.  Took Harry out for his morning duties without mishap.  I think its going to be a good day

thats it 

all for now

stay safe

(Go Tigers!)

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Tuesday Morning

It's 5:10 in the morning and raining outside.  I have been awake since about 4 and contemplating the day ahead.  Taking more pills than I can count each having its own purpose.  A month ago, my life was much simpler.  I did not know I was sick and my heart was failing.  I always felt robust and ready to take on the world, now not so much.  Visited my primary care doc yesterday and she told me to take it easy and take time to heal.  

While I was in the rehab unit, my brother in law John brought me wonderful sloppy food from Vinsetta Grill.  It was such a pleasant change from the hospital food that had all flavor stripped from it.  Sure it kept you alive but at such a cost.  And, he talked to me sharing his experiences from his time in the same unit.  In recent times, he too had major heart issues and was at death's door a couple of times,  His visits were very important. 

Got a gift card from Trader Joes from my sister.  As mentioned many times before, this is my favorite store.  Judy is taking me over there today  to do something normal and buy some food.  

Still need to add some weight,  really did not eat for weeks and food from home is tasting much better.  Made frozen pizza for myself yesterday.  It was good but not great.  Visited with my senior pals yesterday and retold my story.  It was good to socialize.  

Thats if for today

one foot in front of the other

I love my wife more than can be told.  Without her, I would be sitting in a corner feeling sorry for myself.

all for now

stay safe.

Really don't care about the eclipse!


Monday, April 1, 2024

Post Easter and some reviews


It's the day after Easter.  Went to Andrew/Stephanies for dinner will his kids and Katey.  Still struggling with balance.   Still not close to feeling like myself.  Body is functioning and the heart is beating but not in touch with myself.  I have to be more patient.  Have gone from a couple of daily pills to a handful twice a day.  Need ti get some medication issues resolve with the doctors.  Very frustrating.

A couple of reviews

The Beautiful Game (Netflix)

This is the true story of the Homeless World Cup held each year in Rome.  Soccer players from 70 different countries play in a tournament.  British actor Bill Nighy leads the international cast.  This is probably the most inspirational film I have seen in 2024.  If you are a fan of this game, you will be hooked.

Shirley (Netflix)

A partial biography of the Brooklyn Congresswoman that ran for the presidency in 1972.  Regina King does a masterful job in the title role.  It is also the last outing for Lance Reddick before he succumbed.  This is another part of history I knew little about.  Definitely worth a look.

thats it 

all for now

stay safe

This is Louisa who took great care of me and my family when I was in the thick of this body repair.  I cannot offer her enough thanks

The passage of time

 So I am moving quickly to what I consider the gateway to old age, 75 years.  Wondering what the remainder of my life will be like and remem...