Monday, April 1, 2024

Post Easter and some reviews


It's the day after Easter.  Went to Andrew/Stephanies for dinner will his kids and Katey.  Still struggling with balance.   Still not close to feeling like myself.  Body is functioning and the heart is beating but not in touch with myself.  I have to be more patient.  Have gone from a couple of daily pills to a handful twice a day.  Need ti get some medication issues resolve with the doctors.  Very frustrating.

A couple of reviews

The Beautiful Game (Netflix)

This is the true story of the Homeless World Cup held each year in Rome.  Soccer players from 70 different countries play in a tournament.  British actor Bill Nighy leads the international cast.  This is probably the most inspirational film I have seen in 2024.  If you are a fan of this game, you will be hooked.

Shirley (Netflix)

A partial biography of the Brooklyn Congresswoman that ran for the presidency in 1972.  Regina King does a masterful job in the title role.  It is also the last outing for Lance Reddick before he succumbed.  This is another part of history I knew little about.  Definitely worth a look.

thats it 

all for now

stay safe

This is Louisa who took great care of me and my family when I was in the thick of this body repair.  I cannot offer her enough thanks

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