Monday, April 22, 2024

Wonderful Movie that stands the test of time

Stuck in this hospital room for at least a little longer, Judy and I watched the Shawshank Redemption.
  This is a film based on a novel by Stephen King. Many of us have seen this film.   Even though the film was made in 1994 and some of the actors have passed away,  the movie still plays well 30 years later.  The characters are timeless and have universal appeal, even the bad guys.  This is a  movie you could show to teenagers today (if they wouldn't get bored.)

Had a nice visit and lunch with Rose and Janine earlier today.   Great friends like this are truly treasures.  They are patient, relaxed and encouraging.   All the docs are satisfied with my progress and I should be released soon and can go home.    

My lovely and supportive wife is amazing.  She takes care of me, grandkids,  the design and execution of this new dwelling and shuttling kids to school, sporting events and music practices.  I love and appreciate her more than she knows.

Watching the commentaries on the trial of the former.  Details are stated and restated by various talking heads.  It is my contention that little will happen to him.   

A small mustached man comes 
in the room and thrusts his hand out,  "David Pecker, how are  you?"  Tough to wrap my head around this one.

all for now

stay safe

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