Sunday, April 21, 2024

And Here We are Again!

So it's Friday.  Went for Coffee with friend Tom Cameron at Panera in the morning.   Judy was doing something at the new house.  Came home to watch more TV and finally decided to take Harry out for a walk.  Was feeling kind of like my old self and full of energy and ambition.  Went to Catalpa and walked down to Cass, turning right.  It was the walk I took before my heart issue and I really felt good marching through the cool, sunny breeze.  Made the turn to head home back on Oxford.  Harry is stopping to smell everything he can.  I am pausing to rest for a bit and check my steps.

The kids are getting out from school and parents are parked everywhere to pick them up.  There is lots of chattering between the moms and their offspring.  

Harry and I continue on our merry way back to the penitentiary .  I notice a little fatigue in my legs, pause and continue on.  The fatigue grows and I'm leaning forward which is dangerous for me.  Still I am getting close an I continue.  Use my fob to get the door to open,  take a few steps and say a brief hello to residents waiting for the mail to arrive.  The leaning gets worse.  I lose my footing.  Down I go, face first on the beige tile floor. 

It's a mess and I am a mess.  My nose took the brunt of the fall.  There is blood everywhere.  There are traumatized old ladies looking shocked.  I am laying there gathering myself.  The building manager comes out trying to help and cleaning up the crime scene.  Not rattled, she calls the ambulance to retrieve me.  Judy arrives and goes with me for the lights and sirens ride.

This is my home at Corewell Health till mid week.  Have a couple of stitches in my lip and a broken nose along with a sub dermal hematoma in my head,  which has settled down.  Need another cat scan to confirm that it is not spreading.  I am really just being monitored for the next days.  Feeling ok accept for my sore nose and face.  

There is a lesson to be learned from this experience.  No matter how good you feel,  always consider what you have been through.  Don't push like you are 25. Your body won't betray you but will tell you to get a little smarter.

thats it

stay safe

all for now


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