Grocery shopping with Judy this morning and more outside time today. Supposed to be in the 70's in the afternoon.
These boys still enjoy the school park at the end of the block. At this point trying to stay on track and fix myself
Have been walking around the perimeter of the building, trying to pick up my feet and not shuffle. Judy and I went to the Madison Heights nature center yesterday to enjoy the lovely day. Still have a ways to go on my stamina. Legs were sore this morning. More movement will build them up. Like the rest of America I should have been enthused with the Great Eclipse. I wasn't. The media is still harping about it. Facebook feeds are filled with it. There's nearly a religious fervor connected to the event.
More doctor visits for me today. Feeling more clear headed today. Brain fog is exiting. Maybe it is the exercise.

Enjoy this day
stay safe
all for not
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