Saturday, April 27, 2024

No Complaints

The NFL Draft event downtown has gone well as of day 2 with cooperating weather and a huge crowd that has been well behaved.  This speaks multitudes as to the planning of the event and all the organizations that participated.  Businesses have enjoyed a windfall and I have never seen such smiley newscasters.  Very happy for all involved.

Spring has sprung in these parts and all the flowering trees are in complete bloom.  With the sun shinning and the brilliant colors,  it makes for a very pleasant sight no matter how brief.  

Went to a couple of very cold soccer games this week.  Good for the players moving on he field, but not so much for blood thinner grandpas.  All the wrapping couldn't keep me from shivering.  But, the kids played well and motivated.  Reminded me of Katey's games when I had a better furnace and could laugh off the cold.

Been engrossed with the series Reacher.  Son Jon suggested it.  The story lines are rather complex and the lead actor Alan Ritchson does a yeoman's job in the role.  Might be a little violent for some.  I have enjoyed.  there are 2 seasons available on Prime.

It's a quiet morning. Getting ready to do my daily workout on the treadmill.  Breakfast is done,

all for now

stay safe

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