Monday, July 31, 2023

Musical Musings

Music can make me happy and uplift me.  The deeper you listen, the more you find out about yourself.  My first real listening started in 1964 when The Beatles played on Ed Sullivan on an April Sunday night.  Our country was still in a state of. complete mourning over the assassination of our president.  These dopey guys from Liverpool lifted us out of the doldrums. With haircuts we did not understand, smiley faces and happy little lyrics coupled with straightforward music, we were smitten.  All of a sudden we felt better and the world could go on.  My sister Pam loved "She Loves You" and would sing it around the house.

Next revelation came when I was a Junior/Senior in high school.  I was at a basement party with a bunch of kids my age.  Somebody put on "Suite Judy Blue Eyes", a 45rpm record with the big hole in the middle.  It was played on a pre stereo record player.  In my life, I had never heard anything like it.  It was a touchstone moment for me and that song stays with me always.  I tell my grandchildren that this song changed me.  It sill does still after listening to if thousands of times.

Now I am a man of certain years.  Been thru a number of genres of music in my interests.  Some have continued to sustain me. The first iteration of Return to Forever (Chick Corea , Stanley Clarke, Joe Farrell) had a recording on Manfred Etcher's ECM label.  That recording contains a piece "LaFiesta".  Chick and Joe are gone and the record is probably out of print.  This song, uplifts me and makes me happy each time I listen to it.  It was playing on my walk this morning in the brisk sunshine.  So impressed with the beauty, tears welled up. 

I need to tell my jazz friend Al at the barbershop about this one and an amazing recording "The Rite of Strings".  He is a fan of Jean-Luc Monty who plays on it.

not much else

physical therapy this morning, maybe they can make me brand new (probably not)

all for now 

stay safe, enjoy this lovely day

Sunday, July 30, 2023



So not much to report today but lots of photos of the family reunion from yesterday.  Miss Sweetums was the belle of the ball with all the little ones have a turn walking her and getting close.  This dog is gentle and is very much at ease with being handled and petted by little kids.  And surprisingly the traffic was not bad in either direction despite all the construction.  It was a pretty good day.

Managed to finally get shots of our hummingbird yesterday as well.  He really likes the hooch Judy makes up. 

Thats me again, oldest with the youngest, Braylon and they captured a smile. 

Sooooo lots of photos today.

Nothing else to report, no complaints or commentary.  Shannon is watching guess what? Beauty and the Beast.  The morning is clear and cool.  Dogs have been out.

Getting ready to eat some breakfast

all for now

stay safe

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Rainy Observations

It's raining and 5am.  I love the sound the drops falling on the various surfaces below.  It relaxes me. In some ways the sound is musical.  Migrating to a reduced meat meal plan has been good. Weight is down and morning numbers are very improved.  We all dream at different times of our. lives.  Sometimes stressful events can play themselves in night time thoughts.  Woke this morning to the image of the father of my best childhood friend looking thru the window where food is dispensed.  He was smiling and I said "can I call you Bob, think I am old enough?" Woke up with a smile and a feeling of ease and rested.

Miss Sweetums is completely glued to Judy, laying on her lap as watching the TV.  When she moves the dog's eyes never leave her.  If she departs even briefly, the dog waits at the door she left from. we are supposed to be attending a family reunion with my dads side of the family.  Probably have said this before, but I am the oldest one there as a great-great uncle to some of the toddlers.

There's a small bag of chocolate chip cookies staring at me from the counter.  it has taken all of my will power to not grab a few.

its killing me!

All for now

stay safe

Friday, July 28, 2023


Have our little lodger Miss Sweetums is with us for the weekend.  Andrew and gang are in Jersey visiting the family out there. This is her with Judy on the couch. She and Harry could at least be cousins if not siblings.  Get along famously with few conflicts between them. 

Balance continues to be a problem for me.  Doing fare too much leaning forward while I stride down the street especially when I am loosing steam.  Doing PT starting Monday for the next 4 weeks to see if they can help out and give me some strategies to stay upright.

All excited, went to see Oppenheimer last Tuesday. I knew the premise and historically who the character was.  The beginning scenes to the show made little sense to me. I am not a scientist nor have 

any familiarity with physics.  Found the main character un likable along with his various ladies. This in fact may be reasonable versions of the real life personages.  Anyway got to the part where Los Alamos was being created with all the political intrigue with a nude scene slipped in.  Then, a storm ensued outside with lots of thunder and booming and lightning.  The movie stopped about 1 and a half hours in.  Screen went dark and the emergency lights went on.  We walked. out of the auditorium.  Because of the premature ending, Judy got our money back from the ticket counter.  A bigger disappointment was averted.  Think of paying 18 bucks to see a film you did not enjoy.

Embarked on a meat free plan for the last few days.  Weight has dropped and not feeling unsatisfied.  All of this may change when the sudden urge for a burger rears its ugly head.  Doctoring up Beyond Burgers with extra spices and grilled onions is working at this point.  A friend revealed to me he has prostate cancer.  We were never really close but I wish him no ill will and hope for a viable solution for him.  Most males of my age will probably get this.  Still it is a jarring announcement to hear.

off to Planet Fitness 

all for now

stay safe

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Today, Improved

We are back to unhealthy air quality today.  My phone tells me 122 which is not good. This seems to be our new summer reality.  The stiff neck from sleeping on the couch all week with the kids here is finally getting better.  I have about half of my range of motion back.  

Watched the Jim Gaffigan comedy show on Hulu last night with Judy and Katey.  All of us were falling on the floor.  This is a middle aged guy with a wife and 5 kids.  There is a lot of humor to be found in this collection of experiences.  It is called Dark Pale and worth a look. Might not be funny to a twentysomthing but it worked for me.

The impact of my health news of yesterday has lessened and the cloud has lifted.  Was completely locked up physically with my mood yesterday, much improved today.  

Going to a family reunion on Saturday with kids (now in their 40's and 50's) from my father's side of the family.  I am the oldest in the bunch and I have a couple of great, greats in the bunch that are now running around toddlers.  I will bring my garlic spread/cheese bread.  Look for a product from Teta Foods at Kroger, really good.  

Things are calm at the moment.  Going to PF this morning to try and shake the cobwebs off.

all for now

stay safe

Judy's balcony garden in full bloom with our hummingbird pal visiting in the evening too.


Tuesday, July 25, 2023



Went for my annual physical yesterday.  Got the test results on the My Beaumont Chart this morning.  Most results were fine, cholesterol and others but my A1C was elevated.  I know. my numbers haven't been great over the last two months.  But it is a real slap when the truth is revealed.  Need to get back on the straight and narrow path, with more veg, less carbs and less snack foods.  I am very bummed today, but determined to get back on track.  

Going to see Oppenheimer today.  I am shocked that the Barbie movie is breaking box office records.  It must be a generational thing, no interest for this old person. Will let you know what I think.  Beard is going bye bye today.  It is time to take life seriously again.  Thats it.  Too pissed to write more

all for now

stay safe

Monday, July 24, 2023

A Week

 We were entertained by our grandsons Paxton and Everett for the past 5 days with their visit to our home. Did a lot of fun stuff including multiple trips to the 

zoo, Troy nature center, and Innovation Hills in Rochester Hills.  Visited the redone Royal Oak area behind the library and got a smoothie at the Farmers Market.  Judy bested my in parallel parking which was no surprise. When she said "there's a spot!" my anxiety went thru the roof, never really mastering the needed technique.  Finally, she threw me out of the car saying "I'll do it" I am not really embarrassed as my talents lie elsewhere.
Took the top shot with Harry in front of Rogers Elementary down the street.  Me and the boys took him for his first walk of the day most days.  Everett was amazed that the school was the home of the Rogers Raccoons, not getting the concept of a mascot.  

The trip to Innovation Hills was an interesting place to observe parents interacting with their kids and the differing behavior girls vs. boys.  For the most part the boys are ripping around pushing each other and running between different climbing structures.

Girls on the other hand were in smallish groups under the play structures having a discussion, much quieter than their male counterparts.  The moms in charge were the ultimate in preparedness.  The strollers were like tanks loaded for battle with a variety of water bottles hanging from and snack bags, jackets, hand sanitizer and wipes, probably bandaids too I couldn't see.  While their offspring were having a great time, they were miserable and stressed keeping track of their whereabouts.  All had backpacks most likely filled with extra clothes. No judgement here only observations. 
Judy and boys pictured at the Troy Nature center where we peered into the foliage to find a couple of deer resting.  The boys see lots of them near their house which is on the banks of the Thornapple River.  

Took cousin Eli on the first trip to the zoo.  He does a great job helping out with these little guys.  Marie declined to go.  She was too cool for school.

It was wonderful to spend time with these guys in that we don't see them that often due to proximity.  

A morning and evening routine was developed during the week.  My story reading skills improved and we figured out what they liked to eat.  We ran them pretty good on most days so the bed times were uneventful and they crashed early.  

Took them down to see some of the residents.  Paxton had a long conversation on the phone with Mike Faff.  Joyce was particularly taken with quiet Everett.  He reminded her of one of her quieter sons. 

Back to PF this morning followed by my annual physical.  Feel pretty good aside from some structural aches and pains.  Get tired of worrying about the reports that come back.  My doc is a good listener and a does much more than some of the former docs.  

Well breakfast is done.  It's been a longer time since entries are made in the blog.  Too much happening too soon in the morning and was too tired at night to write. 

Thats it

all for now

stay safe

Monday, July 17, 2023

A new baby, what could be better?

Seems to be headed toward a good day today.  I am in a cheery mood and the sun is shining.  Just got a text from one of my resident pals with a photo of her newly minted grandson Michael,  direct from the delivery room.  I remember those days as a father and as a grandfather.  Such a wonderful day to bring a new life into the world, I had to include the photo she texted me.  Always loved those blankets with the stripes. All the same no matter where you go.  It says "I've just arrived, make some room".

The grandma is a chatty, chipper lady near my age that always brings sunshine to the room.  If you want to go on an adventure, she asks where and when with little hesitation.  Anyway a great day for this family.

Elijah has taken up residence on my bed playing against his friends in some manner of on line game.  Cannot get a response from him as to breakfast wants.  He will let me know at some point.  Marie is at T3 Fitness for another training session.  She is hell bent on doing well on cross country this season.

Gonna be with our little guys for the majority of the week.  They are staying with us Wednesday-Sunday this week and there won't be much time for writing.  Trying to plan a slate of events for them as well. It's always fun and I am moving a lot.

thats it

all for now

stay safe


Sunday, July 16, 2023

Hands across America

So I did something to my hands and wrists recently either at the gym or handling my mobile phone.  They were completely strained and I lost grip and any flexibility. At first I thought,  thats it!, Arthur has raised his ugly head.  Took multiple doses of Aleve and Aspercreme.  That seemed to help. I wast really starting to think it was my new normal.  Was concerned that I wouldn't be able to move Shannon from place to place and get her in her chair.  Fortunately met with success this morning for the get up from bed.  Feeling less paranoid now.  

Finding out that social media is wearing my brain out with respect to diabetes.. There are constant popups to eat this and don't eat that as well as articles explaining how you know your disease is getting worse.  What happy reading!

It all makes me quite weary.

Sunny, Shannon day today.  Will take her onto the veranda in back so she can hold court for her fan club.  She is a real day brightener for these folks.

So I had a few potatoes still uncooked and I needed to do something about.  Sautéed with some onions and spices and they came out pretty good and will serve as a suitable side dish. You can really make a dish with very little.

A boring interlude today

all for now

stay safe

Friday, July 14, 2023

A Speech

Woke this morning at 2:30 with pain in my hands and wrists.  It jolted me out of a sound sleep.  Getting better now with a couple of Aleves.  It's another sunny day here in Berkley and we will get out and enjoy the lovely day. 

 I know it may not be consequential to us here in the Motor City, but the president of the SAG-AFTRA union, Fran Drescher, delivered a fiery and impassioned speech yesterday about the union's decision to strike a midnight. I watched the speech in its entirety. This woman known for her nasally voice and annoying mannerisms in her TV portrayal of The Nanny, a show long forgotten.  Yesterday, she was Jimmy Hoffa with a speech that spoke to the heart of America and the huge disparities that exist in the workplace.  I fear that the actors won't win out due to the films and shows already in the can for the producers.  Bear in mind that all people in this profession aren't Tom Cruise or Sylvester Stallone.  Most have lunch bucket gigs that just get by.  Also affected are the needed technicians you see when the credits are rolled, the key grips, the best boys and sound technicians.  If you have the opportunity, view the speech online.

Voted for the the Berkley School milage yesterday by absentee ballot.  I hope it wins and the schools get the dough they need for improvements and programs.  Always voted for schools even when my kids were in and afterward.  A well educated population is necessary for a successful country.

Thats it for today

all for now

stay safe

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Chance meeting (sorry for the poor grammar)

Gym yesterday, did the usual routine, getting more used to the new elliptical machin, better on the crunches.  Saw this big guy doing pull-ups and I remembered that it was something I never could do even at my best.  Bought a few groceries and had a sandwich for lunch.  We decided to try Innovation Hills for a walk knowing that the place would be filled with kids on their spectacular play structure.  We did find parking in their overflow lot. Whoever planned this place out did a great job with indigenous plantings along the pat.  The road noises were blocked out with all the foliage.

Saw some turtles sunning themselves on the floating branches in the pond and lots of these wildflowers. Had a couple of pleasant encounters with two men along the path.  They were seated on a bench and we exchanged hellos and spoke of the beautiful day and the surroundings.  At the end of the walk, we again sow them outside of the restrooms. The older guy was in a wheelchair but able to walk a few steps on his own.
This is a father and son, both from Syria.  The son had petitioned for 5 years to allow his father to come to this country. There has been a war in this country for 12 years.  They still have a mother and siblings in their homeland getting thru the days in this strife filled place.  We know nothing of what they are going thru.  It has been removed from the news. I took this photo and Judy sent it to his phone.  Hopefully it can be transmitted back home to show that at this moment, dad is ok. 

Chance meetings can be important.

All for now

Stay safe

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

A Re Found Friend

I am addicted to re invention.  Never have been satisfied with myself.  Long hair, short hair, beard, mustache, clean-shaven, always changing it up.  Addicted to seeing a new me even though I am the same person. Was told today that I was a re found friend.  I kind of like this title. This old friend, now widowed coined this definition. 

Been watching the latest season of "Black Mirror" which is a modern day version of "The Twilight Zone".  Most have been good with one clinker about AI romance.  Last night's episode "Smithereens" was outstanding with a disquieting ending.  

We are looking at the Amazon Prime Days merchandise this morning.  The New Balance sneakers I have been waiting on did not drop one dime.  They are promoting influencer inspired crocs and other items.  People my age influence nothing and no one and are no longer of consequence unless someone wants our money.  

The evening news no matter which channel contains endless pitches with singing actors dancing and belting out songs about Ozempic or some other life changing drug. I love that they are using someone that actually looks like America.  The son of Sam Bernstein, and the replacement for stroked out Jeff Feiger and Mike Morse are pleading with us to call them with our problems.  Kevin Hart is screaming "Where's the Cream Puffs" in his online gambling pitch.  All of this has become quite tiring. 

Many performers from my youth are retiring, Elton, Billy, Paul to name a few.  Mick and the boys should retire their wrinkly old asses down once and for all.  Keith could do commercials for Aspercreme with his arthritic fingers.  Ron could retreat to painting and Mick could finally let his gray hair show.

I know, a lot of bitching, its that kind of day
all for now
stay safe

Monday, July 10, 2023

Alvin and Katie at the Game

Went to another soccer game with Katey's team last night at a hot indoor dome in Auburn Hills.  They played another masterful game and defeated the other team with a score of 3-0.  All played well and completely participated in the effort with the goal keeper for the second half being an injured player who did the job of keeping the ball out of her net.
We also had the pleasure of meeting up with our other son Alvin and his wife Katie before they embark on their next Navy adventure first in Washington and on to San Diego for a more permanent posting.  He as achieved the rank of Chief now and runs a team of seamen.  It was wonderful to see them before they depart.  I love this kid in that he as overcome challenges and grown.  And we love his sweet wife as well. 

On the field these players on both teams played with such passion and intensity.  Getting slammed point blank with a ball and jumping high into the air for headers occurred multiple times.  They all just shook it off.  These are moms with little kids and former college players that just want to continue as long as they can.

And they have great wheels running at full tilt up and down the playing field.

My daughter, all 5'4" of her can really move without relent.  Very proud of her.

Shannon held court with all of her senior buddies earlier in the day.  Her new friend Irene had just returned from a cross cultural wedding in Ann Arbor.  The affair was in the Indian tradition and the couple gifted all the attendees with the hugging salt/pepper shakers shown above.  This small object casts a lovely symbolism that seems to be missing in today's world. 
Anyway, took a lot of pictures after the game.  Going to the VA for an appointment today and then on to the Riverwalk for a stroll in this sunny day

All for now

Stay safe

Saturday, July 8, 2023

Too Much Phone

Old hands are now achey due the constant phone use in a gripping posture.  I know this is the problem.  Need to back off from this activity for a lot of reasons.  This devise has become my addiction, constantly doom scrolling and playing word games.  It is a time filler and time waster when TV becomes boring and you need to look away.  I look at it first thing when I awake and when I turn out the light.  This practice hampers my sleep with the blue light it emits.  Habits are difficult to change even when one knows what is best.

Grand daughter Marie is going into the 7th grade in the fall and she has gathered some accolades in her first year at ROMS.  She is part. of their art honor society.  This group yesterday came to the school to weed and cleanup their student garden with the art teachers present.  We took industrious Marie for a hour of weeding.  Judy couldn't help but dig in with the kids.  She was a meticulous gardener at our homes and enjoyed getting her hands in the dirt. 

Prompted by a request from the director of the New Gateways program Shannon attends, I filled out a mostly historical questionnaire about our time with her since the beginning.  It has lots of details about our life with her and the impact of our time together.  Our family will be featured in Special Needs Family Detroit/Metro in their September issue.  Judy is amassing some photos for part of the article.  We have lots of pictures to share.  It was nice to be noticed.  The publication will be online and in print. 

It's a quiet morning in Berkley today, much better than the blaring sirens that woke me up at 3:30am last night.  They had the whole team show up to pick up a resident, fire truck, EMS vehicle and two police cars.  All had their sirens blaring.  I thought the building was coming down.  And when you're up, thats it.

About to make eggs for breakfast.  It's 6:03am.

al for now

Stay safe

Thursday, July 6, 2023


A quiet morning, few birds sining and no breezes to be found.  Judy's hummingbird buddy has been showing up more frequently drinking the sugary nectar she provides. After a good walk at nature center in Madison Hts, had a shameful dinner of boneless wings and tater tots at Renshaw.  Saw friends in the lobby parlor when we returned and was questioned "You eat that? with great disdain.  I shamefully admitted to my crime.  Sometimes food is my enemy.  I have daily struggles with choices.  I consumed a little of the leftovers this morning for breakfast and pitched the rest.  Got some real Michigan strawberries from the open air market held at the Oak Park HS parking lot on Wednesdays.  The color, the texture and the sweetness of these guys are unparalleled.  We have become so accustomed to the tasteless berries from California and around the world.  These are really a treat that bring back memories of childhood when you consumed mass quantities and took it for granted. The taste is magical.

Watched episode 7 of "The Bear" last night, Olivia Colman had a cameo appearance.  She can kill it in about 5 lines with her lovely accent and smile.

The birds have awakened outside and are singing away, simple pleasures.

all for. now'
stay safe
(good air quality for the moment)


Wednesday, July 5, 2023

The 5th of July

It's the 5th of July.  The sun has arisen into smoky skies, thanks to the wildfires to our north.  Looked at the weather for cast like usual but now make a bee line for the air quality index. Is it good or poor.  I think the latter looking out my window.  Wednesday today and I have to pick up kids today at a more relaxed 10am.  Before that taking on Planet Fitness and their new equipment.  Frankly the old machines satisfied my needs quite nicely.  Embracing change is difficult at this point,  but must move forward.  This by the way is a lovely hydrangea from our grounds.

Yesterday we celebrated  Independence Day.  Admittedly, I have mixed feelings about this holiday. Yes I know a band of rag tag patriots with dreams of freedom sent the British back home in defeat.  Also, I know I and my ancestors before me greatly benefited from their actions.  As I kid this was a singularly terrific day with BBQ's and sparklers and fireworks.  I guess I knew what was being celebrated .

We have had our share of misdeeds in our history.  From the trail of tears for Native peoples to the scourge of human ownership in our earlier history.  We placed innocent American citizens in internments camps because of their heritage. Black Wall Street was burned to the ground in Tulsa in 1921 which was never part of my history classes in high school or even college. These are sobering facts that need to be in the national record and revealed in schools,  no matter how uncomfortable they make us feel.  This is a great nation that defeated Hitler and Tojo only by the solidarity of its citizens and their sacrifices.  We lost many good soldiers in the Viet Nam conflict.  I still have strong feelings about America.  We can and should continue to strive for equal justice for all through our actions and laws. We should revel in our diversity and not hide it, but embrace it.

Again, my opinions

all for now

stay safe


Sunday, July 2, 2023

Coffee Anyone?

 We have a new place for coffee in town, Coffee and Bark.  It's a coffee shop with a dog friendly seating area in the front.  We went yesterday for a cup, which was really good.  Being Mr. Photo, I took 4 shots with my mobile phone camera and posted them on the Berkley FB page.  The posting got 110  (and counting) likes and numerous positive comments.  Hopefully this will. help their business.  The site is the former Pinspiration, which was an art and crafting storefront that catered to the 10 and up crowd of kids.  My Marie had a splendid time there making stuff.  I miss it and the owner Jenna.  But things move on and I am glad the site did not sit vacant for too long.  I wish them well and we will try it again.

Continuing to watch The Bear  now completing episode 6.  Many of us know crazy families or are part of them.  The Berzzato family is way over the top in the crazy department.  This episode revolves around a Christmas Party gone awry with the nutty family members and their associates.  Jamie Lee Curtis should win an award for her outstanding performance as the matriarch of the group.  I really don't know where to begin.  If you have Hulu, gift yourself with this series.

The Trump Supreme Court delivered devastating defeats to a large swath of our population this week.  I am most irritated with the decision to allow a graphic designer to refuse to work with a same sex couple on their wedding arrangements. Any company that has the licenses and and protections under the law should not be able to refuse service to members of the public.  We all sit together at the lunch counter.  We all sit where we wont on a public conveyance. Siting religious beliefs as the reason for discrimination should not be allowed.  It is a pathway for religion to surplant legal doctrine.  Speaking of this august body of jurists, two members have received lavash gifts from wealthy donors.  There are no consequences for them. Apparently these actions are deemed legal.  

All my opinions.

thats it

all for now 

stay safe (better air quality today)

The passage of time

 So I am moving quickly to what I consider the gateway to old age, 75 years.  Wondering what the remainder of my life will be like and remem...