Saturday, July 8, 2023

Too Much Phone

Old hands are now achey due the constant phone use in a gripping posture.  I know this is the problem.  Need to back off from this activity for a lot of reasons.  This devise has become my addiction, constantly doom scrolling and playing word games.  It is a time filler and time waster when TV becomes boring and you need to look away.  I look at it first thing when I awake and when I turn out the light.  This practice hampers my sleep with the blue light it emits.  Habits are difficult to change even when one knows what is best.

Grand daughter Marie is going into the 7th grade in the fall and she has gathered some accolades in her first year at ROMS.  She is part. of their art honor society.  This group yesterday came to the school to weed and cleanup their student garden with the art teachers present.  We took industrious Marie for a hour of weeding.  Judy couldn't help but dig in with the kids.  She was a meticulous gardener at our homes and enjoyed getting her hands in the dirt. 

Prompted by a request from the director of the New Gateways program Shannon attends, I filled out a mostly historical questionnaire about our time with her since the beginning.  It has lots of details about our life with her and the impact of our time together.  Our family will be featured in Special Needs Family Detroit/Metro in their September issue.  Judy is amassing some photos for part of the article.  We have lots of pictures to share.  It was nice to be noticed.  The publication will be online and in print. 

It's a quiet morning in Berkley today, much better than the blaring sirens that woke me up at 3:30am last night.  They had the whole team show up to pick up a resident, fire truck, EMS vehicle and two police cars.  All had their sirens blaring.  I thought the building was coming down.  And when you're up, thats it.

About to make eggs for breakfast.  It's 6:03am.

al for now

Stay safe

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