Sunday, July 2, 2023

Coffee Anyone?

 We have a new place for coffee in town, Coffee and Bark.  It's a coffee shop with a dog friendly seating area in the front.  We went yesterday for a cup, which was really good.  Being Mr. Photo, I took 4 shots with my mobile phone camera and posted them on the Berkley FB page.  The posting got 110  (and counting) likes and numerous positive comments.  Hopefully this will. help their business.  The site is the former Pinspiration, which was an art and crafting storefront that catered to the 10 and up crowd of kids.  My Marie had a splendid time there making stuff.  I miss it and the owner Jenna.  But things move on and I am glad the site did not sit vacant for too long.  I wish them well and we will try it again.

Continuing to watch The Bear  now completing episode 6.  Many of us know crazy families or are part of them.  The Berzzato family is way over the top in the crazy department.  This episode revolves around a Christmas Party gone awry with the nutty family members and their associates.  Jamie Lee Curtis should win an award for her outstanding performance as the matriarch of the group.  I really don't know where to begin.  If you have Hulu, gift yourself with this series.

The Trump Supreme Court delivered devastating defeats to a large swath of our population this week.  I am most irritated with the decision to allow a graphic designer to refuse to work with a same sex couple on their wedding arrangements. Any company that has the licenses and and protections under the law should not be able to refuse service to members of the public.  We all sit together at the lunch counter.  We all sit where we wont on a public conveyance. Siting religious beliefs as the reason for discrimination should not be allowed.  It is a pathway for religion to surplant legal doctrine.  Speaking of this august body of jurists, two members have received lavash gifts from wealthy donors.  There are no consequences for them. Apparently these actions are deemed legal.  

All my opinions.

thats it

all for now 

stay safe (better air quality today)

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