Saturday, July 29, 2023

Rainy Observations

It's raining and 5am.  I love the sound the drops falling on the various surfaces below.  It relaxes me. In some ways the sound is musical.  Migrating to a reduced meat meal plan has been good. Weight is down and morning numbers are very improved.  We all dream at different times of our. lives.  Sometimes stressful events can play themselves in night time thoughts.  Woke this morning to the image of the father of my best childhood friend looking thru the window where food is dispensed.  He was smiling and I said "can I call you Bob, think I am old enough?" Woke up with a smile and a feeling of ease and rested.

Miss Sweetums is completely glued to Judy, laying on her lap as watching the TV.  When she moves the dog's eyes never leave her.  If she departs even briefly, the dog waits at the door she left from. we are supposed to be attending a family reunion with my dads side of the family.  Probably have said this before, but I am the oldest one there as a great-great uncle to some of the toddlers.

There's a small bag of chocolate chip cookies staring at me from the counter.  it has taken all of my will power to not grab a few.

its killing me!

All for now

stay safe

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