Tuesday, May 30, 2023

I was having a great.morning

I was having a great morning.  Took an early shower, made eggs/cheese for breakfast, got the laundry completed and was feeling pretty good aside from my arthritic hand.  Then was greeted by a mess in Harry's cage and a sick dog.  Quick trip outside and more mess in the hallway, truly a marvelous morning.  Thank god for Judy's quick thinking and decisive action plan to get everything cleaned up.  His partner Miss Sweetums is by his side looking equally forlorn.  He eats all kinds of stuff on the walks, usually with no effect.  Not so lucky today.  We will see what the day brings.  Eats wise, probably only white rice for now till he settles down. 

Caring for Simon and Apollo today.  They are always happy to see me. Nearly done with my extended animal care services.  With all the driving, I should at least be delivering packages for UPS to make some extra money.  Supposed to flirt with 90 degrees today.  Hope your AC is functional.  Making Mushroom Lemon pasta today.  Always a fan favorite.

all for now

stay safe and cool


Monday, May 29, 2023

This Day of Remembrance

This blog has always been an intensely personal accounting of my experiences.  When I was in my twenties, I was going to school at Wayne State University.  Completing 25 percent of my undergraduate work each of the four years, I received a student deferment after registering for the draft a my local Selective Service office on or about my 18th birthday.  The ongoing war in Viet Nam was a very unpopular conflict at this time in the country.  There were loud and sometimes violent protests against our government and this action that went on till 1972 when Nixon ended the conflict.  There were approx 58 thousand American deaths approx 153 thousand wounded in action with our troops.  The soldiers that returned were treated with disdain by many. No ticker tape parades to be found.  Hopefully they found or returned to jobs they left stateside. 

I should have been with them, not in the classroom.  I was not a privileged guy only coming from a working class background with employed parents getting by but not of means. Later I got a high lottery number in the draft lottery  So on days such as this one, I have very mixed feelings, some of guilt, some of remorse and general sadness as to the treatment of these veterans .  I am glad the military are treated with the gratitude and respect they are due in today's America.  The VA healthcare has vastly improved as well as the educational benefits.  Two of my kids are Navy vets and had their higher education paid for.  I have always been proud of their service.   My third son, Alvin is overseas as of this writing.  I really miss this wonderful guy.

Honor these men and women that selflessly served our country.  It's important.

all for now

stay safe

Sunday, May 28, 2023


It's Sunday morning and The Lion King is just beginning.  It's another Disney feature that I ve seen/heard more times than I can count. The sun is beaming in over the balcony at the Penitentiary.  Always seem to be contemplating what food I am going to make for the day.  Homemade pizza seems to be a good choice for dinner.  The dough from the cooler seems to work well.  Tried the Pilsbury product while in FL and it worked well.  Gonna go that route today.  I favor thinly sliced onions and Kalamata olives for the topping with parmesan cheese added at the end.  Fascinating right?

The two dogs are negotiating over their morning meals.  Each one is eyeing the other food.  Harry for sure would not take kindly to any incursions on his stuff.  One of my other duties is to check in on Simon the kitty that resides at Andrew's house.  This is him looking up at me for one of our "proof of life photos".  

It's going to be  a low key weekend for us with Shannon visiting.  We will do our best to get outside with her, warmer temperatures prevailing.  Maybe I can convince some of the other residents to join us in the sunshine.

thats it 
all for now
stay safe

Saturday, May 27, 2023


So we went to this wedding for Katey's friend Corina last night. It was in a far northeast suburb.  Friend Judy Burkland took this photo of us in the lobby before we left.  Aside from a really old guy in a walker, it seemed we were the oldest ones there.  The wedding party was enormous. My girl was one of the bridesmaids.  The look of the young attendees was dressy with a massive amounts of colorful tattoos.  The men wore everything from coats and ties to shorts with a back braid.  The world is changing and thats ok with me.  I really would not want it to stay the same.  

The food was above average wedding fare with Alfredo, chicken, salad and pork tenderloin.  We did not know a soul aside from our daughter and the bride.  Were seated by a trio of chatty females one of which gave my seat over to a fortyish woman in gold sparkly dress so they could have a lengthy conversation that went on and on and on.  So now, I'm standing there with little polite recourse other than to continue standing there and smiling.  We left after dinner because dear Joyce our 92 year old pal was watching the dogs and we needed to get back.  All was well with her and the pooches. Truly, it was good to get home.

Supposed to be another nice day.  Getting Shannon later for a two day visit with the upcoming holiday.  It will be B and the B and others with a visit with her old pals downstairs.  My little grandson has Covid.  Hopefully he is feeling better today.  

Even though I was a guy that wore a coat and tie everyday for years, I am no longer comfortable in this garb.  Getting dressed up seems to be a burden. The suit is too big and the pants are loose. Can still tie a pretty good knot, but for what? Happier in shorts and sneakers at this point. 

all for now 

enjoy this day

stay safe

Friday, May 26, 2023

Wave Cap

All are still asleep.  It's very quiet at the Penitentiary.  Going to do cat duty at Andrew's this morning.  No other animals to service off site.  Miss Sweetums has been doing fine in this environment, snoozing with Judy on the couch.  Grandson Eli has a hairstyle with twisties on the top with the sides shaved short.  Sleeping with this style requires a head covering to maintain it.  He needed some to stash at our house.  They came yesterday from Amazon.  I modeled it to show him the product.  It was approved.  Many had a laugh over this.

Wedding tonight that should be fun even though we will know no one other than the bride and Katey as a bridesmaid.  Getting dressed up for the first time in a while.  As I said before, the pants still fit.

Thats it

all for now

stay safe

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Great Driving

So I'm driving back from taking the kids to their mom's apartment.  All is going well, made the difficult left turn out of the place with much traffic moving along nicely.  Come up to an intersection that has been altered by traffic cones, (which seem to be everywhere).  There is a black, shiny Subaru with left turn signal on. On our right is a 4 foot temporary sign indicating No Left Turn.  I am watching thinking the driver will see the sign and abide by the law.  But No!  he
makes the left turn anyway.  I am pissed and shocked thinking I would never to that.  But this guy just said f*ck it, I'm going.  And yet, life goes on.

Sadly, Tina Turner left us yesterday.  Her volatile singing and incredible dance moves were amazing.  The duets with Mick Jagger just killed me.  This is a performer that endured cruelty from her husband and got back up and reinvented herself, truly a champion and badass.

Harry has a buddy for the week in Miss Sweetums who is also a rat terrier. She is the dog of lovely Stephanie.  They get along famously and cohabitate quite nicely.  Andrew and Stephanie are visiting NOLA, eating their way through this storied town.   

I am vain.  There I have said it.  I never miss a mirror even at my advanced age.  At my most recent haircut, when the cutter turned me around handing me a mirror to see the back,  noticed that playing field getting wider on top.  Again further checking out my decline, took this photo.

Oh well, f*ck it, life goes on.

all for now'

stay safe


Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Berkley sights on a stroll

Seen around Berkley during walk with Harry,  some more public art on Coolidge 

and a couple of tree shots.  After all the complaining about weather,  we finally seem to have broken through.  I have grown to really enjoy these contemplative journeys around the neighborhood.  This is truly a wonderful place to spend your time viewing your surroundings and listening to the birds with an occasional dog barking at the window to greet passersby.

And now a more sensitive subject, namely Ms. Martha 

Stewart and her cover on Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue. She is 81 years old and still a lovely woman with great accomplishments.  She has been a media mogul, a fashion and lifestyle guru and a cook of some renown.  And yet, she feels the need to pose in tasteful but alluring photos for this magazine.  Her figure is that of a well cared for senior citizen, albeit the best that money can buy.  Is this all about inclusion or whether she still has it?  

Normally teenage and twenty something boys are waiting at the news stand to catch a glimpse of the latest beauties in sun drenched climes with bikinis and with a come hither smile.  Perhaps, not so much with this issue.  They see grandma in a swimsuit on the cover.  The publication is missing their target audience.  

Further,  there too many celebrities removing their clothes for the camera.  We have seen Britney Spears so much, it has become tiring.

She is a pretty woman but no longer the ingenue she once was.  It's another "do I still have it" moment.  How about a new record?  Miley Cyrus is another.  She might as well parade around in heels and a hat and nothing else we have seen so much of her. 

All this exposure has become tiresome.  Women have brains, are eloquent speakers, have many accomplishments and don't need this distraction.

They are magnificent atheletes with passion in their sports and they make scientific discoveries.  They build houses and cars and they are the foundation for families.

Please enough of this

all for now

stay safe

Sunday, May 21, 2023

New car for Katey


Katey is making great progress in her career.  The folks she works for are supportive and it is generally a positive work environment.  I cannot tell you how happy this makes me.  All the jobs in the finance and mortgage world lead her up to this.  She yesterday got a new car and had to bring it over to show it off.  It's a jazzier version of the Jetta she add with cool appointments and more safety features.  

I for some reason have little interest in new vehicles unless they are outside the realm of my spending limits.  I am still enamored of the restyled mid engine Chevrolet Corvette.  That would excite me.  I guess the big question is am I flexible enough to slide in and out of the seat at this point.  I guess I will never know.

Andrew made wonderful made from scratch cheese ravioli last evening for a belated mothers day dinner for his mom.  As always, I ate too much.  The pasta was just el dente enough and sausages he served as an accompaniment were roasted in balsamic vinegar, a great idea that added a different taste profile.  Anyway, all really good. 

Feeling old this morning, with extra aches and pains.  Right wrist is painful and I don's know why.  Haven't done anything to injure it.  Maybe it is another new reality.  

Need a haircut badly.  We have a wedding to attend at the end of the week.  Suit pants still fit which is the one positive note.  

Will the politicians in Washington solve the debt ceiling dilemma or will our social security checks soon come up short?  There are a few short days left to solve this.

all for now

stay safe

Friday, May 19, 2023

I Don't Drive Fast Enough

 I don't seem to drive fast enough for the guys in the Big Black Ram trucks.  These vehicles seem to always be on my tail trying to push me out of the way.  I can be on the expressway going 10 miles over the limit and it's still not fast enough.  This morning I had a Jeep Cherokee flashing brights at me to get out of the way as I took one of the many detours to get onto E. I-696.  Really sorry to disappoint you guys, but only going so fast. 

Wonderful band concert at the Royal Oak Middle School last night.  Eli is in the first group.  They have made great progress since the last concert.  There was a jazz band comprised of trumpets, saxephones and percussion.  They played a parred down version. of Herbie Hancock's "Chameleon" which I wore out the original disc from playing and playing in the 70's.  I think Herbie would like it being played by middle schoolers.  Many of the pieces were quite challenging and all the players did well.

So, I have mentioned many times that I live in Berkley.  As a relative newcomer (about 3 years) I was pleased to receive this publication put out by the Historical Society about the town's  history after 100 years.  The village was formed in April of 1923.  I may be odd but local history fascinates me.  I like to learn the origin of the street names and the dates the building were constructed. I like to learn about the notable people from the past.  One person is  Rob Tyner of the MC5 which was the outrageous band from my youth.  He lived here in his later years and is buried in the local cemetery.   I complimented the authors on the Berkley FB page and most of the responders agreed but some took exception information that was lacking or missing.  We are all entitled to our opinions.

Thats it

all for now

stay safe

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Public Art in Berkley

We have some wonderful examples of public art in our fair city.  A promenade was introduced on Coolidge near the high school last year.  There is seating and plantings that are now becoming more prominent and some artworks displayed. Not sure of the artists but maybe expanded versions of student pieces. This is a nice addition to the many murals on our buildings.  

There is a home owner on Mortensen at the end of Franklin that makes large items from natural materials. Many are seasonal and quite entertaining for the passerby.

This is an example of his latest creation.  I get a charge out of walking Harry past his house.  There's always something new weather for spring, halloween or Christmas.

Finally there's a guy in the neighborhood that makes the structures for Little Free Libraries that are place on front lawns and in parks.  These little bookshelves hiding in houses are a treasure trove of reading material for all ages and interests.  

Along with that he makes wood sculptures for his grand kids.  This is an example of a little girl kissing her kitty.

Thats it for today, nothing major.

all for now

stay safe


Tuesday, May 16, 2023

AM Powerless

 A power outage at 6:30am at Oxford Towers and the surrounding are occurred. I was standing at the sink taking my morning glucose reading and looking out at the sunny day.  The flag out front was absolutely still.  Everything whirred to a stop.  Wait a minute, no storm, no winds not even cloud in the sky.  Took the stairs to take Harry out carrying a rock to prop the door open.  A small group congregated in the lobby and collectively shrugged their shoulders at this event.  

I drove out for coffee surveying the area.  Traffic signals were functional, there was no additional traffic.  All activity east and west was normal.  It was only us and the Rogers Elementary and the area with no juice.   Got my coffee from Einstein Bagel and returned:  still no power.

The group was growing downstairs.  Our lovely new manager Melissa bought bagels/donuts and coffee for the bunch.  Another discussion ensued.  Women wanted to be advised on what happened.  The men said who cares.  The power came back and disaster was averted.  They did not disperse only continuing the conversations on all the power outages that had been endured.

The day is still beautiful.  The sun is still shining.  Judy is planting on the balcony today.  We have a new batch of mulch dropped at the end of the block by the city.

Very disappointing outcome of the Berkley Days celebration at the end of last week.  Girl fights and toy guns that looked real caused the whole thing to be shut down early.  This does not bode well for large family public gatherings, sad circumstance. Also, some city services will be reduced because the milage was defeated in the last election.  

all for now

stay safe

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Play Ball!

A big day in Middleville for the start of Tee Ball season. This was the first day of practice and a short game.  The kids learned which way to go on the bases, the basics of catching with a mitt, and to run after you hit the ball off the tee.  It was all hits, all running and maybe a few errors for this outing.  Dad Jon stepped out of his comfort zone and is a coach for the team.  Everyone had a good time and the kids had a positive experience and of course  they had caps and team shirts.  

It has been so long since I attended one of these games I forgot how much fun it is.  Aside from Paxton, I got a kick out of the really little ones with 

the batting helmet way oversized and rattling around.  All these players basically cover the ball on the field with their gloves and do their best to pick it up and throw to first.  It was a great time and the rain held off.

Had a nice visit with the family at their home on the river.  Saw a mama and poppa goose with their 12 goslings walking on the shore and jumping in for a trial swim.  Mama goose led the parade and her offspring followed in a line, all keeping up.  Many bird songs and sounds on the river.  I could easily just sit and listen. 

Well it's Mother's Day today.  We lost Dorothy the year I retired.  There is not a day that I don't think of her.  She absolutely loved her kids.  I always felt loved by her.  She is smiling down on her grandkids and great grandkids.  They all would have liked her. Judy is a wonderful mom as well.  She is someone her kids and grand kids can count on always ready with a smile or an ear to listen.

Hope all the moms out there have a great day.

Gotta little sun to greet the morning.
all for now
stay safe!

Friday, May 12, 2023

Try the Riverwalk!

Had a terrific walk with Katey and Judy in the warm spring air on the Detroit Riverwalk yesterday. The city is getting ready for the Grand Prix with many safety barriers being setup and track service being smoothed and re coated with abrasive surfaces.  There is tons of stuff set up in the storage lots along the river.  It commences on June 2nd. 

Tulips put on their show in the sunshine and I got a couple of shots of the girls near the Detroit Princess.

Also wanted to include the photo I should have captured at the Michigan Panthers game.  She is pictured with Big E, the MC for the proceedings.  

There was a small group of musicians playing the Motown songs of my youth from Stevie Wonder and the Temptations on our walk.  Frankly I could have stopped right there to listen and stayed.  It was great to hear songs I could sing along to and move to the beats.

Had a bagel at Paneras in the GM Building.  This place makes wonderful stuff with breads,  could almost skip the fillings.  Heading out to Planet Fitness this morning before a trip to see my grandsons in Middleville.

all for now

stay safe


Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Another Interesting Day


You know when a series of up coming events approaches and you are concerned  with the minute by minute sequence needs to be perfect?  You wake up early thinking of the things that could go wrong and knock everything askew.  That was my yesterday.  Kids to school in the morning immediately followed by a trip to a new location in Detroit, thank gawd for the GPS turn by turn assistance.  

Katey has started a new government job located in the Federal Building on Michigan Ave downtown.  We were invited by her and the organization to attend her orientation.  By the way, all the timing worked out well and we got there in plenty of time.  

After going thru security that was more extensive than the airport version.  We went up in an elevator to her floor.  After traveling thru a nondescript labyrinth of cubicles (kind of like the beginning of "The Matrix"), we saw her office with a spectacular view of the city.  We were escorted to a large conference room with others to start the process.  It was a very impressive room with large leather chairs.  Not ever being a boss, I had no chair like this in my working days.  The material and the presenters were quite enlightening and very personable.    I have worked for many for profit organizations over the course of time but never one thats mission was to protect citizens and employees.  I learned what Homeland Security was about and actually felt better about our government.  I am very glad I was present for this and thank them as an American and a father.

Took care of my buddy Apollo as well in the afternoon.  We needed a few things for the kids from the store and I went to Value Center in Royal Oak.  Got milk, some little waters and butter.  Checked out and lifted a bag  to put into the cart.  This action was met by stabbing pain in my left shoulder, another strain on my aging rotator cuff muscle.  It was a surprise.  And the day was going so good.  Ice, Aspercreme, and Aleve provided temporary relief.  It's better today.

Eating my oatmeal now for it's another kid day.  Hopefully they will be in good moods.  

all for now

stay safe

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Daddy/Daughter date


So Katey invited me to join her at the Michigan Panthers game last nite at Ford Field.  The last time I was there, was with Willis Baker for a Lions game a few years ago.  She was "Hero of the game" for her service in the US Navy.  My one assignment was to do a photo op of her.  We rehearsed the setting facing the front of the playing field.  Sometime during the 2nd quarter, they called her out and I can't find her.  I hear the announcements made by the team announcer former WWE wrestler "Big E" and in about 20 seconds, it's over, no photo.  I am still riddled with guilt over this.  The filming was in the far corner of the playing field removed from my vision.  In spite of my gaff, we had a great time, actually a much better time than the Panthers, who lost miserably.  

I am her always her spare escort when someone bails.  She took me to see Elton John for maybe the best concert I have ever seen.   We sat in the 11th row of arena and I could see Elton sweat we were so close.  This is still a great memory we share.

It's a Shannon Sunday and we are watching....guess what.... Beauty and the Beast for the umpteenth time.  Supposed to be a rainy day. Later we are viewing one of her birthday presents, Mama Mia, the Meryl Streep movie from a few years ago.  She will love it because of the singing.  

Got out and enjoyed the beautiful day yesterday with a trip to Eastern Market.  We happened on the best kindergarten teacher in the world, Lois Mann who remembered us with big hugs.  She taught two of my kids and two of my grand kids.  Lois is about a year younger than me and still going strong giving a safe and nurturing place for little people starting school.

Went to the Madison Heights nature center followed by lunch at Renshaw's and took photos of a birthday celebration.  

Certainly an interesting day

all for now

stay safe

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Another Birthday Party

Yesterday was Shannon's actual birthday.  We went over to her residence in the afternoon for more cake and cookies.  Took some photos of the crew. The two 

older guys are Anthony and Woody, both wonderful caregivers.  Both of these guys are patient and understanding with their charges.  They are a blessing to all the folks there.  The guy on the top is Christopher.  He always has something to say and feels best equipped to be the boss. Next comes Dylan.  He is new and learning to be comfortable in this setting.  His communication skills are limited but when I saw him yesterday, he looked right through me.  David is one of the older residents.  I learned yesterday he is 55.  His blindness has created a routine for him in the house.  He loved the treats yesterday.
Now ladies and gentlemen, they too are American Citizens due all the rights and privileges of the rest of us.  For too long society has tucked them away from view.  They have unique personalities, can give love and accept it.  I love the shot of Anthony chowing down on cupcakes.  In many ways, he is a father figure for Christopher or at least an older brother.  They rag on each other incessantly and some times have their fights.  But things get solved. He is Shannon's best friend in the place.

My girl  seems to fit with this crew.  They get along pretty well.  There are caring female staffers that take care of her needs and try to make her pretty.  

This was a nice party.  

all for now

stay safe

Monday, May 1, 2023

Birthday Girl.

So Shannon's birthday is coming officially tomorrow.  She will be 35 and has been with us since she was 5 months old.  She has lots of pals in the seniors at the towers,  entertaining them with her smile and laughter on most Sundays.  We decided to do something different yesterday to celebrate our girl.  We had a cupcake party with most of her pals.  It went off very well and most importantly, she had a great time.  

This girl brings the needed sunshine to this place.    Her pals light up when they see her.  She still has to ask everyone she meets their first name, no matter where or when.  Judy and friend Lin watched the new Peter Pan on Disney+ at Lin's apartment earlier in the afternoon.  Andrew, Stephanie and Katey came to the event as well.  I am so proud of all my children for so many reasons. Missing  Jon and his crew but plan to see them next Saturday in Middleville for a visit.   

Back to the drudgery of the gym this morning to try to beat off some of the cupcakes and other goodies this morning. Many thanks to my helpers, Debby, Joyce and Julie for setting up, dishing out and cleaning up.  It was a splendid time. Thats is, all for now, Stay safe.

The passage of time

 So I am moving quickly to what I consider the gateway to old age, 75 years.  Wondering what the remainder of my life will be like and remem...