You know when a series of up coming events approaches and you are concerned with the minute by minute sequence needs to be perfect? You wake up early thinking of the things that could go wrong and knock everything askew. That was my yesterday. Kids to school in the morning immediately followed by a trip to a new location in Detroit, thank gawd for the GPS turn by turn assistance.
Katey has started a new government job located in the Federal Building on Michigan Ave downtown. We were invited by her and the organization to attend her orientation. By the way, all the timing worked out well and we got there in plenty of time.
After going thru security that was more extensive than the airport version. We went up in an elevator to her floor. After traveling thru a nondescript labyrinth of cubicles (kind of like the beginning of "The Matrix"), we saw her office with a spectacular view of the city. We were escorted to a large conference room with others to start the process. It was a very impressive room with large leather chairs. Not ever being a boss, I had no chair like this in my working days. The material and the presenters were quite enlightening and very personable. I have worked for many for profit organizations over the course of time but never one thats mission was to protect citizens and employees. I learned what Homeland Security was about and actually felt better about our government. I am very glad I was present for this and thank them as an American and a father.
Took care of my buddy Apollo as well in the afternoon. We needed a few things for the kids from the store and I went to Value Center in Royal Oak. Got milk, some little waters and butter. Checked out and lifted a bag to put into the cart. This action was met by stabbing pain in my left shoulder, another strain on my aging rotator cuff muscle. It was a surprise. And the day was going so good. Ice, Aspercreme, and Aleve provided temporary relief. It's better today.
Eating my oatmeal now for it's another kid day. Hopefully they will be in good moods.
all for now
stay safe
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