Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Berkley sights on a stroll

Seen around Berkley during walk with Harry,  some more public art on Coolidge 

and a couple of tree shots.  After all the complaining about weather,  we finally seem to have broken through.  I have grown to really enjoy these contemplative journeys around the neighborhood.  This is truly a wonderful place to spend your time viewing your surroundings and listening to the birds with an occasional dog barking at the window to greet passersby.

And now a more sensitive subject, namely Ms. Martha 

Stewart and her cover on Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue. She is 81 years old and still a lovely woman with great accomplishments.  She has been a media mogul, a fashion and lifestyle guru and a cook of some renown.  And yet, she feels the need to pose in tasteful but alluring photos for this magazine.  Her figure is that of a well cared for senior citizen, albeit the best that money can buy.  Is this all about inclusion or whether she still has it?  

Normally teenage and twenty something boys are waiting at the news stand to catch a glimpse of the latest beauties in sun drenched climes with bikinis and with a come hither smile.  Perhaps, not so much with this issue.  They see grandma in a swimsuit on the cover.  The publication is missing their target audience.  

Further,  there too many celebrities removing their clothes for the camera.  We have seen Britney Spears so much, it has become tiring.

She is a pretty woman but no longer the ingenue she once was.  It's another "do I still have it" moment.  How about a new record?  Miley Cyrus is another.  She might as well parade around in heels and a hat and nothing else we have seen so much of her. 

All this exposure has become tiresome.  Women have brains, are eloquent speakers, have many accomplishments and don't need this distraction.

They are magnificent atheletes with passion in their sports and they make scientific discoveries.  They build houses and cars and they are the foundation for families.

Please enough of this

all for now

stay safe

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