Sunday, May 21, 2023

New car for Katey


Katey is making great progress in her career.  The folks she works for are supportive and it is generally a positive work environment.  I cannot tell you how happy this makes me.  All the jobs in the finance and mortgage world lead her up to this.  She yesterday got a new car and had to bring it over to show it off.  It's a jazzier version of the Jetta she add with cool appointments and more safety features.  

I for some reason have little interest in new vehicles unless they are outside the realm of my spending limits.  I am still enamored of the restyled mid engine Chevrolet Corvette.  That would excite me.  I guess the big question is am I flexible enough to slide in and out of the seat at this point.  I guess I will never know.

Andrew made wonderful made from scratch cheese ravioli last evening for a belated mothers day dinner for his mom.  As always, I ate too much.  The pasta was just el dente enough and sausages he served as an accompaniment were roasted in balsamic vinegar, a great idea that added a different taste profile.  Anyway, all really good. 

Feeling old this morning, with extra aches and pains.  Right wrist is painful and I don's know why.  Haven't done anything to injure it.  Maybe it is another new reality.  

Need a haircut badly.  We have a wedding to attend at the end of the week.  Suit pants still fit which is the one positive note.  

Will the politicians in Washington solve the debt ceiling dilemma or will our social security checks soon come up short?  There are a few short days left to solve this.

all for now

stay safe

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