Thursday, May 25, 2023

Great Driving

So I'm driving back from taking the kids to their mom's apartment.  All is going well, made the difficult left turn out of the place with much traffic moving along nicely.  Come up to an intersection that has been altered by traffic cones, (which seem to be everywhere).  There is a black, shiny Subaru with left turn signal on. On our right is a 4 foot temporary sign indicating No Left Turn.  I am watching thinking the driver will see the sign and abide by the law.  But No!  he
makes the left turn anyway.  I am pissed and shocked thinking I would never to that.  But this guy just said f*ck it, I'm going.  And yet, life goes on.

Sadly, Tina Turner left us yesterday.  Her volatile singing and incredible dance moves were amazing.  The duets with Mick Jagger just killed me.  This is a performer that endured cruelty from her husband and got back up and reinvented herself, truly a champion and badass.

Harry has a buddy for the week in Miss Sweetums who is also a rat terrier. She is the dog of lovely Stephanie.  They get along famously and cohabitate quite nicely.  Andrew and Stephanie are visiting NOLA, eating their way through this storied town.   

I am vain.  There I have said it.  I never miss a mirror even at my advanced age.  At my most recent haircut, when the cutter turned me around handing me a mirror to see the back,  noticed that playing field getting wider on top.  Again further checking out my decline, took this photo.

Oh well, f*ck it, life goes on.

all for now'

stay safe


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