Friday, May 26, 2023

Wave Cap

All are still asleep.  It's very quiet at the Penitentiary.  Going to do cat duty at Andrew's this morning.  No other animals to service off site.  Miss Sweetums has been doing fine in this environment, snoozing with Judy on the couch.  Grandson Eli has a hairstyle with twisties on the top with the sides shaved short.  Sleeping with this style requires a head covering to maintain it.  He needed some to stash at our house.  They came yesterday from Amazon.  I modeled it to show him the product.  It was approved.  Many had a laugh over this.

Wedding tonight that should be fun even though we will know no one other than the bride and Katey as a bridesmaid.  Getting dressed up for the first time in a while.  As I said before, the pants still fit.

Thats it

all for now

stay safe

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