Sunday, May 14, 2023

Play Ball!

A big day in Middleville for the start of Tee Ball season. This was the first day of practice and a short game.  The kids learned which way to go on the bases, the basics of catching with a mitt, and to run after you hit the ball off the tee.  It was all hits, all running and maybe a few errors for this outing.  Dad Jon stepped out of his comfort zone and is a coach for the team.  Everyone had a good time and the kids had a positive experience and of course  they had caps and team shirts.  

It has been so long since I attended one of these games I forgot how much fun it is.  Aside from Paxton, I got a kick out of the really little ones with 

the batting helmet way oversized and rattling around.  All these players basically cover the ball on the field with their gloves and do their best to pick it up and throw to first.  It was a great time and the rain held off.

Had a nice visit with the family at their home on the river.  Saw a mama and poppa goose with their 12 goslings walking on the shore and jumping in for a trial swim.  Mama goose led the parade and her offspring followed in a line, all keeping up.  Many bird songs and sounds on the river.  I could easily just sit and listen. 

Well it's Mother's Day today.  We lost Dorothy the year I retired.  There is not a day that I don't think of her.  She absolutely loved her kids.  I always felt loved by her.  She is smiling down on her grandkids and great grandkids.  They all would have liked her. Judy is a wonderful mom as well.  She is someone her kids and grand kids can count on always ready with a smile or an ear to listen.

Hope all the moms out there have a great day.

Gotta little sun to greet the morning.
all for now
stay safe!

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